Friday, February 27, 2009

Holy Lower Back, Batman!

WOD as Rx
21 back extension
400m run
18 back ext
400m run
15 b.e.
400m run
12 b.e
400m run
9 b.e.
400m run
6 b.e.
400m run
3 b.e
400m run

Not sure what's up with the 400m runs alternating with other exercises, but it is providing some awesome metcon workouts!

Time 23:53. Lower back got very tight during runs, mostly during the middle sets. Hoped to keep a 2:00 pace for each 400m, but back tightness made me do some intermittent walking. Legs are very tired and my quads are still feeling yesterday's 700m worth of lunges.

100 day challenge - 20 burpees done AM, 38 after WOD. YTD burpees = 1809

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