Sunday, March 1, 2009


Saturday (yesterday) was a rest day. I thought about not doing burpees, then making them up today, but came up with a better plan...

so, at 12:00am, Saturday morning, I did 20 burpees, rested all day, then at 11:56pm I started again, knocking out the 39 needed before the clock struck midnight...this insanity has to stop!

Today's WOD was Helen, 3 rounds for time of 400m run, 21 reps 55# dumbbell swing, 12 pullups. I couldn't find the 55# so I subbed a 50#.

Time 12:34

The treadmills were full when it was time for the last run, so I did 1:45 on the stair climber - had be have been close to running a 400.

100 day challenge - Day 60 YTD burpees 1928

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