Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A new one...30 minutes of heaven!

WOD as Rx:

Do the maximum number of rounds in 30 minutes as you can of:

5 pullups
5 ring dips
15 situps

Total - 12 rounds (I may have done 13...after a set of pullups I couldn't remember if I had written the prior round down). All situps were GHD situps..not really sure if that's the way the should've been done, but I didn't feel like having my tailbone rubbed raw on the floor.

Actually, this was a pretty cool workout. All pullup sets unbroken. A had to break quite a few of the dip sets apart (mostly 3/2, but the last couple were 3/1/1). Situps took most of the time from the 5th or 6th set on. I'm guessing I'll have a pretty sore midsection tomorrow and Friday. 180 GHD situps is the most I've ever done!

20 burpees after workout...50 to go tonight!

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