Monday, March 2, 2009


WOD 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Warmed up with some stretching and deadlifts 135x6, 225x3,225x3

pulled 295,315,335,315,325,315,315

very happy with weights. Total for the 7 reps was 2215# vs. 2110 last time. I think learning the lift and getting some heavy weights helps confidence a lot. The 335 was my max and it was a very slow pull but I felt pretty strong. Since I'm not using bumpers, I'm also lowering the weight slowly, as opposed to dropping it, so that has to make 'em a little harder.

Did some weighted pullups 25#, 35# & 50# and almost got a muscle up on the bar...I've got to get my rings somewhere and see how that works!

100 day challenge - 40 when I woke up, 21 after deadlifts. YTD burpees 1989

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