Holy cow this was tough! From the posts I read on the main site, it sounded like it would be hard on the forearms and grip, but I had no idea. There's an awesome video of Dave Castro doing the WOD, check it out. I scaled the WOD (since I didn't have a rope) to:
Five rounds for time of:
9 reps of 115# hang cleans (155# squat cleans Rx)
15 towel pullups (3 ascents on a 15 ft rope Rx...I don't have a rope, but I'll order one soon)
Since I had 73 burpees to do today and they include some squatting, I subbed power cleans for squat cleans. I got the towel pullups done the first round and felt a HUGE difference in my grip on the 2nd round of the cleans. From rounds 2-5, I did as many towel pullups as possible, then dead hang pullups from the bar to failure, then towel pullups, etc., and tried to alternate my grip throughout. Felt pretty good everywhere except the grip! Every set of the cleans were broken.
3 sets of 5 HSPU as a cash out and to get my forearms stretched out...believe it or not, I think it helped them.
During the WOD, I got my 73 burpees in during breaks.
Time 34:12
100 Day challenge - YTD 2807 burpees...getting closer. I think I've realize when I'm doing the burpees, there isn't really much of a difference doing 50, than 60, or 70. I've only got 27 days to go and they won't be any harder than yesterday's, will they?
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