Monday, November 30, 2009

front squats

warmed up with 10 pullups, 6 deep hold dips, some jump ropes, 15 sit ups, some stretching, and 3 front squats at 135#

WOD - front squats 3-3-3-3-3

tried to stretch enough to do traditional grip, but still way too much strain on my wrists, but a LOT closer than a few months to keep stretching. Instead, I did the crossed arm version.

3- 195 failed miserably
3 - 135
3 - 155
3 - 165
3 - 175
3 - 185

using the mirror helped with the depth. I focused on getting very deep on each squat - definitely below parallel! Even though weight wasn't as heavy as last time, it was a good short workout.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Joshie - scaled

my version was 3 rounds, power snatches the same every round, pull ups as indicated:

15 40# left arm dumbbell snatch
(1) 15 knees up pull ups, (2) 15 kipping p/u, (3) 15 kipping p/u
15 40# right arm snatch
(1) 15 dead hang, (2) 15 kipping p/u, (3) 15 kipping p/u

time 18:46

cashed out with some double unders, a lot of stretching, and 2 handstand holds of :38 and :27

legs are almost feeling normal. today my back was a little sore after Linda yesterday and I could really feel it in the snatches

Saturday, November 28, 2009



250# deadlift (1.5x bodyweight)
bench press 165# (bodyweight)
clean #125 (.75x bodyweight)

scaled bench press to 125# and did 1.33x reps (14-12-10-9-8-7-5-4-3-1)

time 29:33

Friday, November 27, 2009

rest day

my legs are sore...very sore!

glutes are a little tender, but my quads are probably as bad as they've ever's not an injury pain, it's more of a "lunges suck" pain.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Trot for Tots 5k


ran/walked wearing fire-fighter was hard.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

400m lunges

did about 40 lunges to start, then tried to get 15-20 continuous before small breaks. sets of 10-15 for the last 150m or so.

did these in front of the house. went about 15' past the marker on the street. I couldn't remember if I measured it to be 100yds or 100m.

time 15:20...about 415 total lunges

looking ahead.

Legs still sore from body weight squats.

400m lunges for time today.

5K tomorrow.

Wheelchair Friday.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

presses and jerks

press 1-1-1-1-1
push press 3-3-3-3-3
push jerk 5-5-5-5-5

warmed up stretching, pullups, dips, jump rope.
2 press @115#

Press: 135,145,145,140,135
Push press: 140, 145, 150, 155 (2), 145
Jerk (split): 120, 140, 145 (4), 135, 135

cashed out with weighted pullups 3 @ 50#, 2 @ 65#, 4 @ 50# (alternating grips), a couple of handstand holds, and 4 HSPU

Sunday, November 22, 2009

burpees and bodyweigh squats

AMRAP 20 minutes:
25 burpees
15 bodyweight (165#) squats

4 rounds + 9 burpees...Round times: 3:26, 4:49, 5:26, 5:27

worked on getting deep on the squats.

cashed out with weighted pull ups 2@ 40, 1 @ 60, 1 @ 75, 1 @ 60, 5 bodyweight dead hang

Saturday, November 21, 2009


2 rounds for time:
12 115# left hand suitcase deadlift
12 right hand 45# barbell press
30 45# virtual shovels (15 each hand)
100yd 54#kb carry
200m run
12 115# right hand suitcase deadlift
12 left hand 45# barbell press
200 yd 45# slosh pipe carry
10 tire flips
200m run

time 23:41

@ RHS track...Saturday AM

Friday, November 20, 2009

deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

buy-in: cleans, samson stretch, 12 GHD situps, 10 back extensions, jump rope, OHS PVC

deadlifts: 6 @ 135, 5 @ 225

total of makes 2375# (2340# on 10/26/09)

cashed out with 4 @ 225#, 2 handstand holds, 6 HSPU

Thursday, November 19, 2009



135# power clean
ring dips

Tuesday, November 17, 2009



21 unbroken
15 thruster 5,6,4
15 pullups (2 sets)
9 thrusters 5,2,2
9 pullups unbroken

new PR!

Monday, November 16, 2009


for time:
100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats

instead of doing 100 of each before moving on, I did max reps of one then, moved to the next for max reps, etc. After I got through all 4 I began the next round with the next exercise (round 2 push ups, rd 3 sit ups, etc.) until I got to 100 of an exercise, then continued with the remaining.

reps as follows:
Pull ups: 40,17,12,10,11,10
Push ups: 27,26,13,10,8,8,8
Sit ups: 19,20,10,10,11,10,11,9
Squats: 50,25,25

Could've kept going on squat sets, but quit to use remaining as rest b/t other exsercises. Sit ups done off bowflex bench. 40 is a new pull up PR!

time: 19:52

Saturday, November 14, 2009

slosh pipes and tire flips

3 rounds of:

200 yards with 20# 3"slosh pipe overhead
7 tire flips
200 yards carrying 45# 4"slosh pipe
time = just under 16 minutes

Did this one on the track/football field. Carried the 45# pipe in front for most of the first 2 rounds then on my shoulders for the remaining distance. My shoulders are very tired from overhead carry.

Left shoulder tweaked a little bit, I think from yesterday's KB swings.

Nice workout!

Friday, November 13, 2009


5 rounds for time of:
800m run
30 kb swings (54#)
30 pull ups

brutal...but fun. @ Depot, running on the treadmill. did a lot of walking on the 800m.

time: 48:22

Thursday, November 12, 2009

clean & jerk


warmed up with pull ups, dips, stretching, OHS, samson stretches.

5 @ 95, 135, 135.

this time (last time)
155 (145)
165 (155)
160 (165)
135 (155)
160 (155)
150 (155)
155 (155)

total was 5# less than last time's makes, but I dropped down to 135 for a set to practice form. My makes still seem to be more of a clean and press than a jerk. Not a lot of confidence jumping under the bar!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


tried a little different strategy today. Instead of going all out as long as I could, I just tried to keep a pace of 1 round per minute. Focused on thighs, chest, and nose (almost) hitting the ground on each push up, and chin above bar on pull ups. I was able to get about a round up, I think I had 9 rounds in 8 minutes, then started slowing down. Ended up setting a PR with 18 full rounds plus 5 pull ups and 10 push ups in round 19. Had about 3 seconds to do squats, but stopped. I guess I should've finished squats and kept time...

New PR! ! ! ! 18 2/3 rounds.

totals 95 pull ups, 190 pushups, 270 squats.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Filthy 50 as Rx

first time as Rx...35:35.

20# ball was tough. Double unders mostly done one at a time...arms were toast by then!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

deadlift, pullups, and dips

Do one of each, then two, then three for twenty minutes.

225# deadlift
pull ups
ring dips

1 ring dips shy of 10 full rounds.

totals: 55 deadlift, 55 pullups, 54 ring dips in 20 minutes

Nice WOD. ring dips were the killer...could only get 2 (maybe 3) at the beginning of the last couple rounds, then singles from there.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Pull up Ladder

one pull up first minute, two the second minute...until failure.

15 full rounds plus 13 in round 16.

I felt real good through round 13, then just hit the wall in 14. 133 pullups in 16 minutes

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

CrossFit total

felt good going into the workout. Legs felt very tired yesterday, but ready to go today.

Slow gym, headphones on, perfect atmosphere. Warmed up with pullups, dips, OHS, & stretching, then moved on to lifts...maxed warmups out at 225 backsquat, 135 press, 315 deadlift.

backsquat 250,280,290PR
Press 145,155F,155F
Deadlift 345,355F,355
Total= 790PR

did some double unders and weighted pull ups 1 @ 50#, 1 @ 75#, 2 @ 50# (underhand), then 2 handstand holds (feet against the wall, as usual)...1:07 and :51. Felt great to break the 1' barrier!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

rowing and OHS

3 snatches
row 500m

WOD at Tim's. I began with a 500m row, then he rowed while I did 3 snatches and as many OHS as I could until he finished 500m. Started snatches/OHS with 95# for first round, then dropped to 65# for las 4 sets.

I'd max out my weighted OHS until failure, then repped out with PVC. After first round, tried to get 7-10 with weight, then 10-15 with PVC to work form. Overall pretty happy with OHS. Had a little numbness in right arm, but nothing like I used to.

Tried to keep a 2:00 pace for rows...that thing is brutal!

Total WOD took ove 23:00...time was 21:30 as I was finishing last row with OHS left to do.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

800m X4

run as needed...x4
@RHS track low 60s, sunny day
