Monday, November 30, 2009

front squats

warmed up with 10 pullups, 6 deep hold dips, some jump ropes, 15 sit ups, some stretching, and 3 front squats at 135#

WOD - front squats 3-3-3-3-3

tried to stretch enough to do traditional grip, but still way too much strain on my wrists, but a LOT closer than a few months to keep stretching. Instead, I did the crossed arm version.

3- 195 failed miserably
3 - 135
3 - 155
3 - 165
3 - 175
3 - 185

using the mirror helped with the depth. I focused on getting very deep on each squat - definitely below parallel! Even though weight wasn't as heavy as last time, it was a good short workout.

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