Wednesday, November 4, 2009

CrossFit total

felt good going into the workout. Legs felt very tired yesterday, but ready to go today.

Slow gym, headphones on, perfect atmosphere. Warmed up with pullups, dips, OHS, & stretching, then moved on to lifts...maxed warmups out at 225 backsquat, 135 press, 315 deadlift.

backsquat 250,280,290PR
Press 145,155F,155F
Deadlift 345,355F,355
Total= 790PR

did some double unders and weighted pull ups 1 @ 50#, 1 @ 75#, 2 @ 50# (underhand), then 2 handstand holds (feet against the wall, as usual)...1:07 and :51. Felt great to break the 1' barrier!!

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