Friday, September 14, 2012

Lumberjack 20

20 275# deadlift - 1:34

run 300m - 3:14
20kb 53# swings - 4:12
run 300m - 6:07
20 overhead squats (6 @ 115, 7 @ 95, 7 @ 75) - 13:15
run 300m -15:25
20 burpees - 17:02
run 300m - 19:15
20 chest to bar pull ups - 20:53
run 300m - 23:08
20 24" box jumps 24:43
run 300m - 26:52
20 45# db squat cleans -30:28
run 300m - 32:33

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

deadlift and WOD

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3= 325 each set

row 3 mintues (calories)

rest 1 minute
AMRAP 6 minutes:
5 pull ups
7 24" box jumps
9 53# kb swings
rest 1 minute
row 3 minutes (calories)

row 54
5 rounds (5x21=105)
row 52
score 211

Monday, August 27, 2012

front squat, bench, then WOD

Monday WOD
5x3 front squat
5x3 bench press

10m shuttle
1..8 db front squat/ push press
Post db weight and time

FS: 185,205,215,225,245x1,225
bench:185,205x2,185,205x2,200x2 (set with x2 I needed help on 3rd rep)

shuttle run/db WOD: 30# db time 3:50

Friday, July 20, 2012

farmer carry...95,120,120,120,95

waiters walk...
sit ups
push ups
pull ups (strict)
total 294

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


50 pull ups
run 400m
21 95# thrusters
run 800m
21 95# thrusters
run 400m
50 pull ups

Rx: 19:55

Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday AM WOD

Back squat 3x5 (add 5# to last time)

Death by 165# front squats
Death by strict pull ups


Back squat 245

Front squats 8 rounds (36 reps...8 minutes)
Strict pull ups 9 rounds +8 reps (53 reps 10 minutes)

Monday, June 18, 2012



Five 3-minute rounds with 1 minute rest between rounds of AMRAP:
5 135# hang power cleans
6 push ups
9 squats

rounds and partials completed were:
5 +1 clean
4 + 3 cleans and 4 push ups
Totals: 73cleans, 142 push ups, 207 squats

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

OHS 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

varied a little from Rx:
4 @ 95
4 @ 115
3 @ 135
2 @ 155
1 @ 175
1 @ 185
1 @ 135

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Burpees and Thrusters

Do 100 burpees for time. Along the way, do 5 thrusters, on the minute, every minute. Start at 75# and add 5# (total) every round. Can you finish? Post burpees/round.

thruster weight / # of burpees:
75 / 18
80 / 8
85 / 6
90 / 3
95 / 4
100 / 3
I quit!

Took a 5 minute rest, then re-started with same scheme, but used 75# for every round of thrusters:
75 / 16
75 / 5
75 - 1 rep / 0 burpees
then went to burpees only to finish 100:

This WOD sucked.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

GTO, chest to bar, Russian twists, burpees

warm up 25 burpees

WOD: 14 minute AMRAP
3 135# ground to overhead
6 chest to bar pull ups
9 Russian twists w/25# plate (each time plate touches ground = 1 rep)
Along the way, do 5 burpees every minute on the minute*

*Don't stop a set on each minute to do burpees. If you have completed 1 rep of an exercise, finish all reps of that exercise before doing burpees.

‎6 rounds plus 3 gto and 6 pull ups

burpees really snuck up quickly

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

main site WOD...lunges and burpees

Tuesday WOD ...straight from the main site...

Five rounds for time of:
45# barbell Overhead walking lunges, 50 feet
21 Burpees

Let trailing knee gently kiss the ground on each lunge.

watch stopped at 3:44...not sure of time, but WOD sucked!

Monday, April 2, 2012

thrusters, burpees, and burpees pull ups

5 rounds one minute each exercise:

135# thrusters 5,4,3,2,1 (one minute to complete # of reps...remainging time is rest)
AMRAP burpees
AMRAP burpee pull ups

burpees 20,13,14,15,14=76

burpee pull ups 7,5,6,6,6=30

Friday, March 30, 2012

rowing and burpees

Friday's WOD:

15 burpees
row 500m
15 burpees
row 400m
15 burpees
row 300m
15 burpees
row 200m
15 burpees
row 100m
15 burpees
WOD untimed...just go fast!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

TGUs and burpees

10 rounds of 4 turkish get ups (2 each arm) and 9 burpees.
TGUs are NOT for time...slow and steady!
Burpees...go hard!

TGU weight...35,40,45,40,35,30,25,35,45,45

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Tuesdays WOD...Tabata style:
6" touch burpees
115# push press (start from floor)
jumping lunges (knee must touch ground)

burpees 9,7,8,7,7,6,7,7= 58

push press 8,7,8,7,5,6,6,6=53
jumping lunges 15,16,14,14,14,13,12,12=110
rest 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1=8

Friday, March 16, 2012


1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1 mile run
w/ 20# vest

Time...around 50 minutes...timer issues!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Open WOD 12.4

12 minutes AMRAP:
150 wall ball
90 double unders
30 muscle ups

I got through 82 double unders...232

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

back squats, burpees, GHD

Part 1: 20 back squats with 75% 1RM for time
Part 2: 1..12 burpees 12..1 GHD sit ups
Then, for fun: HSPUs on paralettes; practice handstands

‎20 backsquats 225# 5:52 (5,4,3,3,3,2)

1..12 burpees 12..1 GHD 10:54

Monday, March 12, 2012

Ten round consists of the following:

One Arm DB Power Clean Right
One Arm DB Front Squat Right
One Arm DB Push Press Right
One Arm DB Front Squat Right
One Arm DB Push Press Right
then switch hands....
One Arm DB Power Clean Left
One Arm DB Front Squat Left
One Arm DB Push Press Left
One Arm DB Front Squat Left
One Arm DB Push Press Left
*Do not drop the weight.
*Do not set it down.
*If weight is dropped, count number of drops and perform an equal amount of burpees as a penalty.

55# 3:37.9 (no penalties)...should go heavier next time. Try and make this a 6-7 minute WOD.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Open WOD 12.3

18 minutes:
15 24" box jumps
12 115# push press
9 toes to bar

total reps = 255

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


buy in: 11 sets alternating burpees and toes to bar (7 first set, 6 for next 10).  Untimed but just kept moving and rotated through with Kent Thomas.

OHS 2,2,2,2,2,2,2

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mash up!

10 minute mash up:

4 minutes strict pull ups
3 minutes handstand push ups
2 minutes hand release push ups
1 minute double unders

‎35 pull ups, 18 hspu, 33 push ups, 23 double unders

50 burpees...20, 15,10,5 rotate with Kent & Nathan ...5:06

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Part 1: four movements make up one rep...
1)Deadlift from floor to knees,return bar to floor
2)deadlift from floor to hip, return bar to knee height
3)high pull from knee height to full extension, return bar to floor
4)power clean
Perform 3 reps per set

Work up to heaviest set of 3 reps possible

Part 2:
7 minutes of AMRAP double burpees (2 squats, 2 kickbacks, 2push ups, 2 tucks, 2 jumps)
Did WOD at lunch...did Part 2 first to serve as warm up. I got 10 of the double burpees done, then scrapped that part of the WOD. They were very slow going and I had a few re-dos after I'd start out doing a regular burpee, then have to re-start to ...get the double squat in. Not sure if I just wasn't mentally with it or if the movement should just be thrown out of the arsenal. Other WODstars, what say ye?

Part 1: 95,125,145,165 (failed on final power clean at 165, then reset and got it)

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

db thrusters, burpees, weighted pull ups

Tuesday's WOD: 10 rounds
5 50#/45# db thrusters (alternated weights each round)
sprint 10 yds down and back
rest 15-20 seconds
6 burpees
sprint 10 yds down and back
rest 15-20 seconds

weren't strict on rest times, just picked a time to restart each new round and went with it...usually 15-20 from round finish

time:  17:05

Cashed out with 2 sets of 25# weighted pull ups.. 8 overhand 6 underhand grip

Monday, February 27, 2012

tire flips, front squats

4,3,2,1 tire flips (rotate b/t Kent and Nathan)

work up to 1 RM front squat =  255

117 burpees to catch up for yesterday (travel) and today

Friday, February 24, 2012

2012 Games 12.1

7 minutes AMRAP burpees (must touch 6" mark)

done @ CrossFit Balboa

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2009 Games WOD

5 rounds for time:
5 275# deadlift
10 bar facing burpees


Monday, February 20, 2012


For time, do:
100 pull ups
100 sit ups
100 burpees

Exercises can be partitioned or broken up into any number of sets until completed.
I did sets of 10 each...17:07

Double unders amrap 2 minutes 30 seconds rest x3....38,29,57 (normal d/u)

Friday, February 17, 2012

front squats and deadlift

Buy in:   48 burpees (first 24 w/vest)...untimed

10..1 135# deadlift and front squats
time:  11:11
I sucked a lot of wind...probably took more time than I needed but felt like my legs were shot from the front squats

Rowing: 60:90 x5 for meters 293,284,283,280,270

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Buy out!

Buy in, for time:

10 burpees
11 rolling burpees
12 25# dumbbell burpees
13 burpees

Complete 5 rounds:
1 Push Press (135#)...1 Strict Chin Up
3 Push Presses (135#)...3 Strict Chin Ups
Max Reps of Push Press (135#)...Max Reps of Strict Chin Ups
(rest while your partner does one round, then switch)
Push Press/Pull Up max rep totals:  8/8, 3/5,3/5, 5/4, 4/4
Time:14:40 (43 push press, 46 pull ups)

Cash out:   Rowing
15 s/m (30 max total) 458m 1:41
20 s/m (40 max total) 500m 1:51
500m for times 1:49.3

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Two rounds:
One minute AMRAP burpees
One minute rest

Then immediately do 4 rounds
30 seconds work, followed by 1:00 rest
push ups (clapping, dynamic, hand release, choose)
sit ups (GHD, regular, choose)
squats (full depth!!)
Burpees 28,20

Push ups 11 dynamic, 23 regular, 12 on 4kd med ball, 15 hand release
Sit ups 16, 11ghd, 15, 15
Squats 28,29,31,27

Monday, February 13, 2012

Quarter Gone Bad

Quarter Gone Bad:

5 rounds AMRAP:
15 seconds work, 45 seconds rest
135# thrusters
weighted strict pull ups

Alternate pull up grip each round ...palm up, palm down, alternating, use no weight if needed, but do strict pull ups.
thrusters 5,6,5,6,6
pull ups 3 @ 50#, 4 @ 45#, 4, 4, 4 @ 35#
burpees 8,8,7,8,8

In most sets, I was in the middle of a rep when the timer sounded...I counted them! This was a lunch time WOD after oversleeping this AM = penalty: I did my 44 burpees when I woke up.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

CF Football...Beat the Coach 1.2

‎20 burpees for time :41

Rest one minute
20 burpees for time :46

WOD:  One power clean, one hang clean, one push jerk every 30 seconds for 10 minutes.

Started with 155# and got 3 minutes (6 reps) then failed next attempt. Dropped to 145 for one rep, failed on second, then dropped to 135 for remaining. I was able to get 135 when I failed in 145, so the only time I didn't get a rep in was on the 155 failure.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

snatch, ring dips, burpee pull ups

For time, do:
‎8..1 75# snatch
1..8 ring dips

then 39 burpee pull ups

time 12:12

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

burpees, wallball and back squats

‎10..1 burpees
1..10 wall ball w/weight vest
8:58 (suck factor of this WOD=9.7/10)

3-3-3-3-3 back squats

Monday, February 6, 2012


8 sets or 20 reps, whichever comes first for total weight

last time (6/23/11):
3 x 115
3 x 125
3 x 135
2 x 145
1 x 155
2 x 165
1 x 175
0 x 135

Friday, February 3, 2012

AMRAP 12 minutes

3 140# push press
5 33.5" box jumps

14 rounds + 3 push press and 2 box jumps

WOD totals: 45 push press, 72 box jumps

35' down and back...carry 45# bumper one way, drop it run back.  Each time you retrun to starting side, do burpees...2,4,6,8,10,8,6,4,2.  Total 10 round trips.  Time 4:51

Thursday, February 2, 2012

315 (315)
345 (345)
330 (335)
330 (315x1)
330 (no attempt)

3 man rotation
4..1 tire flips with hop in/out
3..1 110# stone shoulder

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thrusters 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

175 (got 2 plus a front squat)
170 (got 2 plus 3/4 of no. 3)

Good WOD!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

burpees and pull ups

do 3 burpees then AMRAP pull ups.  Every 30 seconds, do 3 burpees.  Continue until you've done 100 pull ups.

I scaled to 11 rounds, which was enough to get today's burpees done.

Pull ups/round: 13,10,10,5,5,6,6,6,4,6,6=77

33 burpees. Time: 5:30

Saturday, January 28, 2012

CF Terre Haute Winter Challenge

WOD 1:
3 rounds for time of:
10 135# front squats
10 pull ups
Time 2:45

WOD 2:
40 135# dead lift
40 wall ball
10 135# power clean
30 135# dead lift
30 wall ball
10 135# power cleans
20 135# dead lift
20 wall ball
4 135# power cleans

15 minutes expired

WOD 3:
40 70# KB swings
30 double unders
20 toes to bar
30 double unders
40 70# KB swings

28 untimed burpees for 100 Days of burpees

Friday, January 27, 2012

burpees and double unders

4 rds for time:

10 burpees
20 double unders

Time: 4:05

turned out to be very intenste...first round wasn't bad, but it got hard to keep going on the d/u, even though it was only 20 at a time.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Five rounds A M R A P:

One minute G H D wall ball (6#ball, 10' target)
One minute wall walk
One minute 45#overhead walking lunges
One minute rest

6# 10' wall ball: 14,12,11,11,8=56

Wall walk: 4,3,3,3,3=16
45# lunges: 19,15,16,16,18=84

Missed one shot on last rd of wall ball and dropped ball...took time to reset.  Not sure it was a bad thing though, I was toast!

Monday, January 23, 2012

‎2 minutes of work to get 30 total reps.  First minute minute do only 24" box jumps, second minute do only pull ups (first five each set must be strict).  Continue, without rest, until you can't get 30 reps.

My score jumps/strict-kip:
25/5-0, 24/5-1, 22/5-3, 20/5-5, 19/5-6, 17/5-8, 13/5-8

Upon failure, rest one minute, then work 2 minutes to get 20 total reps.  First minute do only 95# thrusters, secon dminute, do only burpees.
95# thrusters/burpees:

Legs were jello during thrusters...broke them down into 3 sets of 2, then didn't have enough in the tank to get the burpees done.

Friday, January 20, 2012

deadlift and farmer carry

15 rounds for time:

90# farmer carry (180# total)

Time: 16:18

round times (:37,:48,:52,:53,1:10,1:07,1:05,1:05,1:15,1:25,:58,1:15,1:32,1:18,:58)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday's WOD: 3 guys, a deck of cards, and some equipment.

Draw a card and do that number of reps of the given exercise based on the chart: stone=110# Atlas stone ground to shoulder; press = 95# shoulder press; GHD sit up = touch ground and pad; box jumps = 24" box jump; Jack=10 wall ball shots 20# 10', Q=30 second treadmill run 7mph @ max grade; K=10 53# kb swings, A=10 burpees. Final card drawn is an all play to make the exercises equal (18 each)

The WOD took us about 23 minutes to complete with one guy working at a time.  I ended up doing 20 stones, 29 presses, 19 GHD sit ups, 9 box jumps 20 wall ball, 10 kb swings, and 2 turns on the treadmill.  Cashed out with my 19 burpees for the day.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Thrusters and Burpees

For 5 minutes do:

Do AMRAP 135# thrusters. Along the way, do 5 burpees on the minute every minute.
Rest 2 minutes.
Repeat with 95# thrusters.

Reps @ 135#: 5,4,2,1,2

Reps @ 95#: 8,3,4,4,5

Time seemed to go faster each round...not much of a chance to recover....had a Franish feel to it!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


5 rounds for time:
5 burpees
15 Dumbbell split cleans
Max reps weighted pull ups (40#,30,25,20,strict) - follow each round with max reps strict pull ups

‎40# split cleans
Pull ups
Rd 1..2x40#,5 strict
Rd 2..1x40, 3 strict
Rd 3..2x25, 3 strict
Rd 4..1x20, 3 strict
Rd 5..2 strict, 2 strict
Weighted Pull ups w db b/t feet to failure, jettison weight and do strict until failure.

Time 13:10

Monday, January 16, 2012

clean and jerk, tabata

Pt 1: pick a moderate as many clean and jerks in 1 minute as you can. Add 10#, do as many c&j as you can in one minute, add 10# and continue until you cant do one rep in a minute.

Pt 2. Tabata:
Tabata Row
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pull-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up

c&j...135x5, 145x4, 155x2, 165x1,175f

Tabata (count low score for each)
Row 7,7,7,7,6,6,6,6=6
Chest touch bar pull ups=5,5,5,4,5,4,4,4=4
Hand release push ups=7,7,7,7,7,7,6,6=6
Sit ups=8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8=8

Friday, January 13, 2012

Squats 5-5-5-5-5



Wednesday, January 11, 2012

deadlift and push press

For time, do 21-15-9
225# dead lift
50 squats
135# push press

time 17:56

Last time 17:21, but a little different deadlift weight.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

diet Lynne

5 rounds, AMRAP 80% bodyweight bench press, pull ups. Rest as needed b/t sets.

bench/pull ups
totals 67/138

Monday, January 9, 2012

Squat Ladder

Buy in:
burpees 12,8,9
wall ball 12,12,8
HSPU 2, holds, holds

WOD 45# squat ladder:
rounds 1-10 OHS
rounds 11-20 front squats
rounds 21+ back squats

19 rounds + 19 reps in 20th round
hoped to, and should have, done all rounds of front squats in rack position, but I ended up doing most of them them with crossed arms

cash out: 5 minutes standing handstand work

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fight Gone Bad

Did a group WOD at the Depot...2 heats, 12 people...good times!

my scores were:
24" box jumps 27,21,21
75# push press 35,24,22
rowing calories 13,11,10
20# 10' wall ball 15,10,12
... 75# high pulls 18,15,15
total = 269

PR is 283 with 20" box jumps, hoped to get 300, but I'm happy with this one.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Famous last words..."Today's going to be an easy one"...HA!

Part 1: Finished 16 minutes on Death by 10m (carpet seam to carpet seam @ the depot), hand touching the ground on each turn, as time expired.

Part 2: 16 minutes done..down and back on the minute for 16 minutes. We went from seam to as far west into hitting cage as we could go. Mixed up the "sprints" using various methods: sprint down and back, backwards/forward, backwards/backwards, karaoke, broad jump down and back, bear crawl, burpee broad jumps.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012


Great way to start off 2012....Rx 6:12

Cashed out with death by 45# plate carry...10 rounds+