Tuesday, October 14, 2008

2 days

Monday 10/13/2008
deadlift - ramped up weight a little each set until I got all the weight I have on the bar...ended up doing 5-3 with that weight after about 25 total reps as warmup.

did 10 dead hang pullups (palms up) and some negative muscle ups with some ring dips. Finished with some pushups on the parallettes with Mallory and Macy on my back for added weight.

Tuesday 10/14/2008
50, 40 situps (under chair)
10 squat cleans 95#
30 situps (on bench)
8 squat cleans 95#
20 situps
6 squat cleans 95#
10 situps
4 squat cleans 95#
10 situps
5 squat cleans 95#

cleans felt very good. As Rx workout should've been timed, but since I did the first 2 sets of situps upstairs with Izzy in the room, I decided to just do it with out rest once I got downstairs. Did a couple of squat cleans with just bar to get a feel for it. Wrists had pretty good flexibility, but my left wrist is still a little touchy if I try to bend it back too far.

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