Thursday, December 31, 2009


No resolutions, just plans:
  1. Complete 100 Day Burpee challenge and, shatter, my 2009 time for Day 100 burpees
  2. Beat 2009 Indianapolis Mini Marathon time (1:50:01) doing ONLY CrossFit main site WODs, 100 Day Challenge, and six weeks of workouts.
  3. Work hard to improve shoulder & wrist flexibility for better OHS, snatches, and REAL front squats.
  4. CrossFit Total over 825lbs.


warm up: light stretching, 12 GHD situps, 12 back extensions, 3 45# OHS, a few pull ups

WOD as Rx:
100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats

25 pull ups to start, then 12 sets to get remaining 75
20 push ups to start, then 12 sets to get remaining 80

Time PR! (last time done as Rx was 4/19/09 in about 33 minutes)

630AM WOD at the Depot

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

triple ladder

buy in 50m lunges

115# overhead ladder (7 rounds +7 = 35)
burpee ladder (12 rounds +10 = 88)
pull up ladder (14 rounds +13 = 118)

workout time: 36 minutes

cash out 50 m lunges

Monday, December 28, 2009


not very good at it, but I think I'm getting better. Light warm up...did a few pull ups, some PVC stretching, and some overhead squats.

did a few warm ups with the bar, then 4 @ 65#, 3 @ 95#:

115 (with bent arms)
115 (bent arms, not as much)
95 - wider grip, with 2 OHS
65 - with 5 OHS, narrower than normal OHS squat grip

Sunday, December 27, 2009

5k rowing

subbed out 45# SDHP and burpees for rows...1 row = 10m and 1 burpee = 20 meters.

ended up doing 100 burpees (2000m) and 300 SDHP (3000m) in just under 26 minutes.

Heartrate was 176 at end.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

piddle day

took a rest day yesterday (Christmas) so I decided today would be an active rest day...

went to the depot, 10 dead hang pull ups, 2X15 GHD situps, 2X15 back extensions, 45 sec handstand hold, 6 HSPU, 30 second handstand hold, 10 dead hang pullups, 5 40# pull ups, 1 70# pull up...and a few double unders.

did a few 40# db cleans and snatches with each arm.

stretched out pretty good and called it a day!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

deadlift 1-10-2-20-3-30

warmed up with some pull ups, stretching, & 10 @ 132, 5 @ 225.

1 - 340
10 - 275
2 - 325
20 - 200
3 - 300
30 - 165

1605 total weight.

probably could've gone heavier on the 165, but I noticed I wasn't keeping my back straight on the last few reps. Nice workout. I'll be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow after yesterday's front squats and today's deadlift. Probably have some sore legs.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

front squat heaven

new WOD...not sure how to approach it. Did as Rx, sets of:

1 - 185#
10 - 145#
2 - 195#
20 - 135#
3 - 205#
30 125#

could've gone heavier. 3 @ 205 was tough, but I should've started heavier on the lower reps and maybe tried the set of 10 at 155 or 165. All sets unbroken (never set the bar down)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


a little off schedule this week. took yesterday as a rest day and did a WOD on today's scheduled rest day. First time at the Depot with Dan, Vince, Jay, and Ryan. We did Cindy.

AMRAP 20 minutes:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

16 rounds plus 5 pullups and 4 push ups

Sunday, December 20, 2009

climbs, dips, squats

3 rounds for time:

5 rope climbs
15 ring dips
50 squats

time 19:23

last set of dips was assisted...used weights to step on.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


20 seconds on, 10 seconds off...8 rounds for each of the following with one minute rest b/t exercise. AMRAP during each 20 seconds:

Pull ups 11,11,10,9,8,7,7,8 (71)
Push Ups 17,11,7,6,7,5,5,5 (63)
Squats 16,17,17,16,16,17,17,17 (133)
Row (C2 calories) 5,5,5,5,5,4,4,5 (38)
Sit Ups 11,10,8,8,6,6,6,7 (62)

min: 38
total: 367

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

pull ups and HSPU

Pull ups (strict) and HSPU:


84 pull ups...84 HSPUs.

pull ups strict - no kipping, until set of 6, then kipped all of those. Used band for assistance when needed (partially in sets of 18,15,&12) to keep moving.

HSPU done on paralletes with band assistance...tried for full range of motion, it's amazing how hard even the band assisted HSPUs got very quickly. I did a few against the wall, without bands, and the last 3 sets with bands but no paralletes.

Time 33:01

I think my shoulders and back will be sore tomorrow. I'm waiting to hear from Doc about my foot. Think I either have a deep stone bruise or stress fracture from last weeks 5k...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Back squats 3-3-3-3-3

warm up 5 @ 135, stretching, 10 pull ups, 10 dips, 15 ghd situps, 10 back ext, a few OHS w/PVC, 5 @ 135#, 1 @ 225.

squats as follows:

videod all sets to make sure deep enough...past parallel. May post online to get feedback

Saturday, December 12, 2009


AMRAP 20 minutes:

2 muscle ups
8 54# kb swing

first five rounds as Rx.

Round 6 did 6 ring pull ups and ring dips instead of 2 muscle ups
Round 7 same as rd 6 plus used band assistance on HSPU
Round 8 got ring pull ups and ring dips...end of time

total 7 full rounds plus muscle up subs

Friday, December 11, 2009

another new one...sounded easy. Big surprise!

Complete five rounds of:

  • On the rings, lower from an inverted hang, slowly, with straight body and arms, 7 reps
  • 15 Ring Push-ups...rings about 8" off the ground.
Move SLOWLY and methodically attempting perfect execution

For the first 3 rounds I lowered as slowly as I could, far from keeping a straight body. My body was more and more bent, and I fell faster and faster with each rep. I subbed out 7 skin the cats for the final 2 rounds...trying to stay slow and controlled.

The ring push ups were a challenge and I tried to maintain good range of motion on all reps

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

5k...not today.

went to the depot with plans of PRing a 5k on the treadmill. Warmed up with pull ups, jump rope, some ghd situps and stretching. Got on the treadmill and walked/jogged about 1/4 mile. Reset treadmill and took off.

I made it a little over .6 mile and my toes started hurting from my FiveFingers. So I stopped the treadmill, put on my shoes and got back on. Ran about another 1/4 mile then began alternating b/t running on a 2 - 5 degree incline and walking up a steep incline, beginning at 15 degrees and reducing gradually from there. Ended up going 20 minutes (including shoe changing time)...just didn't have it mentally to run today.

Did a few pull ups, 2 bar muscle ups, some stretching, a 50+ second handstand hold, and 5 HSPUs.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

new one

run 800m
30 hip/back extensions
30 ghd situps
30 hip extensions
30 knees to elbows
30 back extensions
30 sit ups

time 19:48

800m (actually .5 mile) time was 3:07...could've pushed harder but started off a little slower than I finished.

had to take a few breaks during sets of back lower back gets tight!

Monday, December 7, 2009

clean and split jerk


warmed up with set of 10 pullups, 10 ring dips, 5 ring dips, 5 OHS squats, stretching, jump rope, and 3 muscle ups.

145, 155, 155, 160, 150, 165, 155

all lifts good. the 165 ended up being more of a clean and press, so I dropped weight to 155 and went for better form. I did 5 reps of split jerks from the rack position, concentrating on getting under the bar.

cashed out with some weighted ring dips...5 @ 20#, 4 @ 30#.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Lumberjack 20

scaled to the following:
20 275# deadlift
run .25 miles
20 54# KB swings
run .25 miles
20 OHS (8 @ 95#, 12 @ 75#)
run .25 miles
20 burpees
run .25 miles
20 18" box jumps
run .25
20 40# db cleans (partial squat, partial power with a squat)
run .25 miles

time 36:01

deadlift broken 5 or 6 to start, then 2, 3, or 4 at a time
kb swing unbroken
OHS (6 - 95, 2-95, 6 - 75, 4 -75, 2 - 75)
pullups unbroken

Friday, December 4, 2009

short & sweet

Rx was
1000m row
21-15-9 GHD situps and back extensions

I subbed a .25 mile treadmill run and 50 45# high pulls for the row, then did situps and back extensions as Rx.

Time: 7:36

Thursday, December 3, 2009

3 rounds for time:

800m run
21 135# cleans

total time: 24:49

round times 8:00, 8:12, 8:37

ran first 800m in 3:45 then last two a little over 4:00

warmup included a few pullups, ghd situps, back extensions, dips, jump rope, & stretching

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

one arm Fran?

55# db left arm thruster
55# db right arm thruster
uneven pull ups left arm high
uneven pull ups right arm high


pull ups done on cage with bar that angles down on outsides. put left arm on high horizontal bar and right arm on angled piece, then switched after Rx number. all pull ups done kipping