Sunday, May 30, 2010


Played Hooverball at Vince and Alicia's Memorial Day party...FUN!

OK, now I gotta make a Hooverball's what I found:

Court sixe 66x30. Each side is divided into a front and back court. Ball is served from the back line. If you catch a ball in your front court, you have to return it to your opponents back court. That's something we didn't do today and a bunch of those young bucks did a lot of spiking today...not much of a defense for that!

The Seven

scaled this one to 4 rounds as follows:
7 120# thrusters (115# rd 3, 105# rd 4)
7 KTE (rope)
7 deadlift 235#
7 burpees
7 53# kb swings
7 pull ups (rope)

round times: 3:46, 10:20, 17:17, 23:52

WOD in the garage, very muggy!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Arnie "light"

I'd never done TGUs before, so I practiced with a 25# db and 35# kb. Did 15-20 with each arm...broken into 2 sets. Did 25 53# kb swings after each set. Not a timed WOD.

TGUs are interesting. Probably need a lot of work...I felt it in my shoulders!

Friday, May 28, 2010


Here's my version:
15 250# deadlift
25 box jumps 30"(13) & 24"(12)
50 pull ups
100 wall ball 20# dynamax (13), 20#slamball(14), 12#(73)
200 double unders
400m 45# plate carry

time 33:53

Finished HSPU and deadlift at 1:40, box jumps at 4:00, pull ups at 7:17, wallball at 14:45, and double unders at 30:01.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

l-sits, good mornings, sit ups, back extensions

3 rounds for time:

A 60 seconds L-sits
B 30 good mornings (45# bar)
C 60 sit ups
D 20 25# back extensions

Time 30:58

WOD wasn't done in order...I did A1, B1, C1, D1, A2, B2, C2, A3, B3, D2, C3, D3. Some dude was using the GHD for wrist curls. I stopped and talked to Brandon for about a minute during the WOD.

L-sits - used rings for round 1, rings and stack of plates in round 2, and added parallettes and dip bar for 3rd round. First two rounds were for a minute, last round just did a bunch of attempts trying to hold for 5 seconds each time
G/M - Rx
Sit ups - feet anchored under gatorade machine...soles of feet touching each other (think butterfly stretches for the groin)
Back extensions - Rx

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


6am at the Depot with Vince, Gunther, and Tim.

21 thrusters unbroken (not setting the bar down)...first time I've ever done that. Felt pretty good, throughout. Humid day in the gym.

time 5:59

No PR. Probably too many small breaks, but felt like I needed them.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Back Squats 5x5

warmed up w/ stretching, OHS PVC, front squats w/db, a few pull ups, and a few d/u

260x2 f3

cashed out with 8 @135

handstands and a few fingetip pull ups

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Scaled this one on the fly. Rappelling and bouldering yesterday in S. Illinois, considered using that as my WOd and taking today as a rest day, but couldn't pass up a hero WOD.

21 - all exercises strict, multiples sets to finish
15 - used 2 small bands for HSPU
9 - used 2 small bands up high and thick band around shoulders for HSPU, negatives on ring dips

TIME 23:05

took a lot of time right before 15 HSPU to get bands out of bag and set up on swing set. No PR but a good days work...I was spent! 80 and humid on this Sunday AM WOD.

Friday, May 21, 2010

400m and 50 squats - 4 rounds

On the track with Seeley and Rawlings.

11:54 - PR

400m times were 1:31, 1:45, 1:58, 1:58. Tried to stay pretty steady on the squats (lost count somewhere b/t 20 and 30 on first round when I started counting my breaths instead of squats...doh!).

Thursday, May 20, 2010

135# overhead - any way and burpees

40 burpees
135# OH 20 times

any order, partition as needed.

I started with 145# but after 3 reps, realized it was too much and dropped to 135# for the rest. Burpees were done jumping over parallettes with clap over head - with the exception of the first 3 burpees...I forgot to clap. Burpees took some coordination, jumping sideways over a 12" obstacle while clapping overhead is not in my DNA.

to get the weight overhead, I did a combination of push press, push jerk, and split jerk.

Time 6:01

cashed out with one minute of L-sits on parallettes (6 reps) and 4 rounds of tabata squats (rest at bottom) 17, 16, 14, 13...planned to do all 8 rounds, then I got "hit in the mouth".

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


50-40-30-20-10 double unders and sit ups

time 14:25 PR

got a string of 11 d/u right off the bat, seemed to have a good rhythm. Sit ups took longer, can't get more than 25 to start before I start taking breaks...time to grease the goose!

times at the end of each exercise:
2:01, 4:14
5:37, 7:55
9:31, 11:15
12:11, 13:26
13:52, 14:25

cashed out with a few muscle ups, skin the cat x3, some 40# weighted pull ups, and two handstand holds (57 and 30 seconds).

Monday, May 17, 2010

115# thrusters and rope climb

WOD with Vince in garage. WOD as Rx was 21 thrusters, 15 climbs, 15 thrusters, 12 climbs, 9 thrusters, 9 climbs. We changed it so while one was his set of thrusters, the other was climbing rope AMRAP. I started on thrusters and ended up with (running time in parenthesis):

21 thrusters (2:10)
13 rope climb (5:43)
15 thrusters (9:03)
8 rope climb (12:21)
9 thrusters (14:37)
5 rope climb (16:24)

WOD totals 16:24 - 45 115# thrusters - 26 rope climbs

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Clean & Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

warmed up with some OHS (PVC) a few pull ups, GHD situps, dips, and some stretching to loosen up my "cleaning" muscles.

C&J 95 and 135 as part of warm up

180 ( no committment, clean and press, but I'll take it!)

heavier weights than last time. Keep working on flexibility on cleans (I still do power cleans) and dropping under the bar on the jerk.

Friday, May 14, 2010


5 rounds for time:
800m run
30 75#KB swings
30 pull ups

First 3 rounds used 75#db or KB, final 2 rounds scaled down to 54#KB. 4th round of KB swings unbroken. Round times were: 6:46, 9:36, 10:29, 9:27, 9:09. 4th round of KB swings were unbroken, noticed big difference in scaling from 75# to 54#.

Tried to run unbroken but I had a few walk breaks on 3rd round.

WOD totals 4000m run, 150 pull ups, 150 KB swings.

Time: 45:27. About 3 minutes faster than last time, with a heavier weight on KB swings for first 3 rounds...progress!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rx Karen

goal was to do 15 per minute and finish in 10 or less. Felt strong after 15 so kept going, then just tried to hang on. Time was 10:01

reps and times
39 1:30
55 2:23
75 3:50
85 4:30
93 5:07
100 5:43
110 6:28
124 7:38
135 8:31
140 9:11
150 10:01

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

5 rounds for time:

5 muscle ups
10 135# power cleans (from the floor)
200m run (3 times around the interior of Depot baseball area)

as Rx 17:08

first set of M/U unbroken w/o letting go of the rings...about 25 seconds!

Monday, May 10, 2010

HSPU, cleans and L pull ups

I scaled WOD to 4 rounds for time:
10 40# db hang squat cleans
10 L pull ups

Round 1: Rxd
Round 2: 6 HSPU & 8 band assisted HSPU
Round 3: 4 HSPU & 12 band assisted HSPU
Round 4: 11 band assisted HSPU; squat cleans were from the floor

time: 21:36

8 HSPU in first round were unbroken and strong. I felt fresh after 5 days rest (upper body).

2010 Mini Marathon

time 1:57:06.

OK, so this was a test to see what I could do using only the CrossFit WODs as my training. No running except what was in the daily fact, just over 17 total miles run since March 2, 2010.

How did it go? Cold and windy...winds were blowing 25mph at the start of the race...right into our faces. I had a faster pace for 5 miles than I did in 2009 (including 9:11 for the first mile), then started to slow down. I was seeded in a faster corral and probably started too fast. I was gunning for 1:45, but hoping to just break 1:50. After mile 8 or so, my right leg started to ache and I walked during a water break. It was too easy after that to walk again, but I'm not sure I had much choice...the leg really ached!

I guess I'm pretty happy with my time, but a little dissapointed I walked. For 2011, I'll stick with the CF WODs, but will also add in the CFE WODs for 90 days leading up to the mini.

For 2011, I'm breaking 1:50!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

dumbbell complex

Five rounds of:
5 Dumbbell deadlifts
5 Dumbbell hang cleans
5 Dumbbell push presses
5 Dumbbell squats

Increase the load each round. Rest as necessary between rounds.

55# (reset after 1st press)
60# (reset after 1st, 3rd, and 4th press)

Reset=set the weight down. The presses were hard to get up. With the 60# on the third press, I was only able to lock out my left arm, so I concentrated more on my right arm on the next press and only got my right arm.

35# was easy. 45# was manageable, but I knew adding weight each time would be a challenge. Maybe I should've dropped down weight after "failing" on the 55#, but I wanted to get it done, even if it meant breaking it up.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


running time at the end of each round (work time for that round, 1/2/10 time, 5/26/09 time):

1. 4:16 (4:16, 4:25, 4:46)
2 12:13 (4:57, 5:36, 5:27)
3 20:49 (5:36, 6:47, 7:31)
4 30:05 (6:16, 6:54, 7:07))
5 39:54 (6:49, 7:52, 8:16)

all pull ups unbroken...push ups broken down, lots of singles and doubles in 4 &5...sit ups sucked!...squats unbroken and steady

Comparing times to past total 10/4/08 time was quicker with my highest time on that day being 6:03. I can't imagine that I was truly quicker and in better shape, so I'm guessing I wasn't as strict then on rest times...probably allowing more than 3 minutes. Most likely I started, stopped, and reset the watch, instead of letting it go and just starting as soon as 3 minutes had elapsed from the end of the previous round.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

snatch and pull ups 21-15-9

95# snatch (Rx was squat, I did power snatch)
chest to bar pull ups

time: 9:54

snatches in the garage, pull ups on swingset. Debated whether to do Rx weight and power snatches -or- lower weight and do power snatches with an overhead squat. Decided to keep weight the same. First 9 pull ups were chest to bar, then I just focused on getting enough height on the pull so my chin was well above the bar.

21 snatch 2:12
21 pull upa 4:06
15 snatch 6:16
15 pull ups 7:35
9 snatch 9:02
9 pull ups 9:59

I had a 20 second walk to get from garage to pull up bar

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Mapped the run on and took off. According to the site, I should've finished the run at the corner in front of Rice's house, but ran out of gas at the speed limit sign in front of Vaughn's house and stopped...time to that point was 22:50.

I got in the van and measured the the sign was exactly 3.1 miles!

New PR 22:50!