Wednesday, May 26, 2010

l-sits, good mornings, sit ups, back extensions

3 rounds for time:

A 60 seconds L-sits
B 30 good mornings (45# bar)
C 60 sit ups
D 20 25# back extensions

Time 30:58

WOD wasn't done in order...I did A1, B1, C1, D1, A2, B2, C2, A3, B3, D2, C3, D3. Some dude was using the GHD for wrist curls. I stopped and talked to Brandon for about a minute during the WOD.

L-sits - used rings for round 1, rings and stack of plates in round 2, and added parallettes and dip bar for 3rd round. First two rounds were for a minute, last round just did a bunch of attempts trying to hold for 5 seconds each time
G/M - Rx
Sit ups - feet anchored under gatorade machine...soles of feet touching each other (think butterfly stretches for the groin)
Back extensions - Rx

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