Friday, May 14, 2010


5 rounds for time:
800m run
30 75#KB swings
30 pull ups

First 3 rounds used 75#db or KB, final 2 rounds scaled down to 54#KB. 4th round of KB swings unbroken. Round times were: 6:46, 9:36, 10:29, 9:27, 9:09. 4th round of KB swings were unbroken, noticed big difference in scaling from 75# to 54#.

Tried to run unbroken but I had a few walk breaks on 3rd round.

WOD totals 4000m run, 150 pull ups, 150 KB swings.

Time: 45:27. About 3 minutes faster than last time, with a heavier weight on KB swings for first 3 rounds...progress!

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