Sunday, May 2, 2010

snatch and pull ups 21-15-9

95# snatch (Rx was squat, I did power snatch)
chest to bar pull ups

time: 9:54

snatches in the garage, pull ups on swingset. Debated whether to do Rx weight and power snatches -or- lower weight and do power snatches with an overhead squat. Decided to keep weight the same. First 9 pull ups were chest to bar, then I just focused on getting enough height on the pull so my chin was well above the bar.

21 snatch 2:12
21 pull upa 4:06
15 snatch 6:16
15 pull ups 7:35
9 snatch 9:02
9 pull ups 9:59

I had a 20 second walk to get from garage to pull up bar

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