Tuesday, February 23, 2010


warmed up with daily burpees...9 on the minute for 6 minutes. Short and sweet!

warm up lifts: squats 3x225, press 1x135, deadlift 2x225,1x295

Squat: 275, 300f, 295f
Press: 140, 150f,145f
Deadlift 325,345,370f

I got the 295 squat up a little but hit a sticking point. Probably should've nailed a 285 or 290 on second set, but I got greedy.

Both press failure stuck at the same point...again should've done 145 first.

The 345 deadlift felt real good, so I jumped up to 370, which would've been a PR. Got the bar to mid thigh but was losing grip and let it down...so close!!

CFT today = 760 (275+140+345) no PR, but I tried!

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