Here's something we should do. 3 member teams compete as follows in 2 WODs:
WOD #1 - (12 Minute Time Limit)
3 Rep Max Thruster
Max Set Double Unders
Each team will have 1 squat rack a 45# bar and one full set of weights. Each team member will have 3 attempts to reach a 3 rep max thruster, and 3 attempts at a max set of double unders. The thrusters must be OBVIOUSLY below parallel and must show control at the top with the ear FULLY visible in front of the arm when viewed directly from the side. Athletes will hold the weight overhead until they are fully locked out and still with their feet on the same plane. The judge will say "good lift," then and only then can the athlete lower the weight to proceed to the next rep. If a rep is missed, it may be repeated as long as the bar does not drop below shoulder level.Only one athlete may perform double unders at a time. We have many jump ropes on hand here that you may use, but you are encouraged to bring your favorite rope and any type of jump rope is allowed. Double unders must be all in one set with the rope in continuous motion, when the rope stops moving the attempt is over. Singles unders between doubles are allowed to continue the set, but do not count towards the Rx score. If a jump rope breaks in the middle of an attempt, the athlete may take the score attained prior to the rope breaking, or they may repeat the attempt. Double under score per athlete will max out at 100 reps. The team score will be the total of all athletes best 3 rep max weight on thruster plus all athletes best set of double unders. All team members must perform at least one successful set of 3 legitimate thrusters and at least one successful double under to qualify as Rx for the event. If any team member fails to do a double under or fails to have a successful set of 3 thrusters their team will be disqualified from placing in the Rx division.Remember, you have only one lifting set-up and only one person at a time may perform double unders, so you must work together and work quickly to get all your attempts in 12 minutes. Athletes are not required to perform 3 attempts each, but are limited to only 3 attempts at each exercise.Scaled version- No scaling is available for the thruster, just lift as much as you can correctly. For the jump rope, single unders will be scaled with a max score of 100 reps.
WOD #2 - 3 Rounds For Max Reps:
:45 sec GHD Sit Ups
:15 sec Rest
:45 sec Clean & Jerk 135/83
:15 sec Rest:45 sec Burpee Vertical Leap Touching Target 104in/96in
:15 sec Rest
:45 sec Chest to Bar Pull Ups
:15 sec Rest
Each team will have a GHD, a men's and women's pre-loaded barbell, an area to do burpees with male and female standardized height target to touch, and a designated pull up bar. The WOD will be performed with a shotgun start meaning that an athlete will be at each station and when all athletes have completed 3 total rounds the WOD is over. Teams may decide which athletes start at which station in any order, but must rotate in the order that the exercises are listed. GHD Sit Up standards will be that one hand must touch the floor and one hand must touch the post between the foot rollers. If an athlete misses touching the floor or the post, that rep will not be counted. Athletes will need to adjust the length of the GHD to get a proper fit, but only that adjustment will be available. You may not adjust the height of the leg rollers. Adjustment will need to be made during the 15 second rest period to avoid losing precious workout time.Clean and Jerks are two hands any way. So the weight must start from a dead stop on the floor, no Murski bounces allowed, and must end in a full lock out overhead with the ear fully visible in front of the arm when viewed from the side. Shoulder press, push press and push jerk are all allowed. Hips, knees, shoulders and elbows must be fully extended. If you miss hip, knee or elbow extension the rep will not count. You do not have to hold the weight overhead and show control, but it must be fully extended, DO NOT DITCH OUT EARLY!Burpee Vertical Leap will be sternum to the floor and touch target overhead. If you miss the hand touch on the target you may re-jump to get the rep as opposed to having to perform the hole burpee again.Chest to bar pull ups will count as long as the athlete has fully extended elbows at the bottom of the rep and touches any part of the chest below the clavicle (collar bone) to the bar at the top.There will be a chimer with 3 second warnings and a big digital timer letting athletes and judges know when work intervals and rest intervals begin and end. Any reps completed after a work interval ends will not be counted.
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