Two years of CrossFit! There aren't many things I've done for 2 years in my life by choice, let alone been as passionate about after so long...definitely nothing that has to do with "fitness". Here's my post from a year ago...on my first anniversary.
Year 2 wasn't nearly as exciting as year one...but that's a good thing, considering most of the things that made year one excited were medical related. This year, I haven't had any major injuries. Maybe some sore muscles and a bruised foot (still working on that one). For the most part, it was a great year.
Started off with the 100 Day Burpee Challenge. I thought it was going to be tough, but never envision how mentally challenging it was. It seemed like I was always looking for an opportunity to a burpee to add to the daily total.
Towards the end of the Burpee Challenge, I begin a 30 lockdown from sugar and processed carbs and started throwing in some CrossFit Endurance workouts to get ready for the 500 Festival Mini-Marathon. I was in the best shape I've ever been in an ran the fast 13.1 I've ever done, with less LSD running than I've done.
Brenda did some CF workouts and really seemed to be getting a lot out of them. She received a lot of compliments about her arms during swimsuit season and I think that kept her going! Hopefully she'll start doing some more before too long. It's really cool to have her in the trenches with me!
I also started doing more workouts with some other guys. Tim Gallion has been a regular and his performance keeps pushing me. We've been doing some small group workouts for the past couple weeks and I never thought I'd look forward to a 6:30AM WOD, but I do! I think Vince Mickey is really starting to get into it. Maybe we can put together another fundraiser this year.
Still working on shoulder flexibility. I've been able to do some OHS WODs without numbness. I've got my double-unders, muscle ups, and "almost" front squats.
This year I'd like to work more on the olympic lifts. I think I can get much better at cleans, maybe even get the squat cleans...but I've got to keep my wrists loose!
The kool-aid is still flowing!
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