Saturday, January 30, 2010

power snatch, snatch balance, OHS

WOD as Rx was 7 rounds 95#, 7 reps of:

power snatch
snatch balance

I knew I couldn't do 95# on all, at least without breaking form down, so I decided to work on form as much as anything, while still pushing it. Weights as follows for 5 rounds:


time: 16:05

probably could've snatched more...especially for the 65# sets, but once I took the 5# plates off, I didn't want to keep going back and forth. Snatch balances were hard, but I started to get the feel of how a snatch is supposed to be done. I noticed if I didn't get under the bar and get my arms back, the weight, even only 45# would come forward.

warmup before included 2 rounds of 15 burpees for time...first round 37.18, second round 40.21.

cashed out with some weighted pullups 2x25#, 2x35#,1x40#,1x50#

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