Friday, January 29, 2010

New one...this is fun!

10 minutes HSPU
5 minutes squats
2 minutes pull ups
1 minute push ups

I kept track of each by the minute (one of those mental games):

HSPU 10,3,3,6,4,3,3,2,2,4 (40)
squats 41,38,36,35,32 (182)
pull ups 25,16 (41)
push ups 25 (25)
total 288

HSPU got very difficult. My goal of 50 went out the window quickly I was a little cautious of turning upside down after about the 6th set...wasn't sure a couple times if I could hold myself up, let alone do a push up.

Squats were tough, as much mental as anything. Tried to do sets of 15-20 b/t a few seconds of rest.

Pull ups were the easiest part, but since I was sucking wind from the start, I couldn't hang on the bar as long as I though I could.

Push ups were my weak point, as usual.

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