Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012...what's up?

Goals for 2012:

100 burpees to finish burpee challenge in less than 7:30

CrossFit total of 825

Handstand walk - 50 ft

Better flexibility for front squats...get to a comfortable squat clean.

Friday, December 30, 2011


Friday WOD: Michael(ish)
3 rounds
run for 4:30
AMRAP Sit ups 2:15
AMRAP back extensions 2:15

Run: .61, .50, .42 = 1.53
Sit ups: 45,42,40=127
Back ext: 42,43,35=120

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Press, push, jerk

Press 1,1,1,1,1. 135,140,145,150f,145f,135
Push press 3,3,3,3,3. 135,155,160,165,170(1)
Jerk 5,5,5,5,5. 140,145,150,160,145

WOD at Depot with Kent and Nathan

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2011 WODstar Christmas Break competition

Ok, so this wasn't really the championship, but this litte write up makes it seem like one:

The 2011 WODstar Christmas Break Champions are Tim Gallion and Nathan Peters. They clipped the runner up team of William Kent Thomas and Jason Sutfin 234-231 in a down-to-the-wire championship event. Gallon and Peters took a commanding 155-144 lead into halftime and held off a late surge by Thomas and Sutfin to hold on for the title.

The event, which consisted of sandbag clean & jerks, prowler pushes, tire flips, sandbag carries, atlas stone carries, and db hang power snatches, was the first of its kind and is sure to become an annual event.

Tim Gallion was voted MVP, while Thomas and Peters were voted to the all-tournament team.

Contact Jason Sutfin for sponsorship information.


2 man team WOD. We partnered up with a member of the opposing team and worked for reps (points) while the opponent dead the heavy work until complete, then we switched places and did it again. 2x Prowler push while the other guy did AMRAP sandbag clean and jerk, 4x sandbag carry while the other guy did tire flips, 2x atlas stone carry while the other guy did db hang power snatch.

We did 4 rounds...we cut the rounds in half for the final two (1x prowler, 2x sandbag, 1x atlas stone). The prowler push was horrible! Overall, a nice WOD.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

AMRAP 15 minutes

Warmed up with overhead only and 95#.

35# dumbbells
7 db burpees
7 squat cleans
7 push press

7 rounds plus 3 burpees

Tim Nathan kent

Monday, December 26, 2011

CF Football

5 minutes hspu.. ...............31
4 minutes ctb pull ups..........41
3 minutes hand release push ups.45
2 minutes supine ring dips......16
1 minute bar dips...............12

AM Wod with Tim at Depot

Thursday, December 22, 2011

12 Days of Christmas

‎12 Days of Christmas - 46:50...

1 20m lunges
2 handstand push up
3 5x squat+30"boxjump
4 ring dips
5 95# push press
6 20m shuttle run (6x down and back)
7 toes to bar
8 40# db thrusters
9 burpees
10 20# wallball shots
11 53# kb swings
12 pull ups

The wallball, burpee, thruster combo was brutal.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wall ball and pull ups

7 rounds for time:
10 wallball shots (20# ball, 10' target)
10 pull ups

time 6:53

all unbroken, one missed wall ball

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

5 tons

complete 3 lifts of CFT (back squat,deadlift,press), one lift at a time until accumulate 10,000 pounds.

1 225 275 120 620 620
2 235 325 140 700 1320
3 255 325 140 720 2040
4 275 325 120 720 2760
5 275 325 150 750 3510
6 255 345 140 740 4250
7 265 345 140 750 5000
8 275 325 140 740 5740
9 255 295 140 690 6430
10 265 325 140 730 7160
11 265 275 150 690 7850
12 245 295 140 680 8530
13 265 315 150 730 9260
14 255 285 120 660 9920
15 195 195 10115

Monday, December 19, 2011

‎Monday's WOD: 2 rounds...AMRAP:
40# DB Thrusters for 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Dynamic Push Ups for 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
75# Snatch for 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Burpee Box Jumps for 1 minute (24" box)
Rest 1 minute

40# db thrusters 20, 15
dynamic push ups onto 25# and 35# bumpers stacked 16,14
75# power snatch 14,14
24" burpee box jumps 10,11

Friday, December 16, 2011

Holy Lower Back, Batman!

3 rounds for time:
100# db farmer carry (20m down, switch hands, 20m back)
30 45# virtual shovel (bumper over 24" box jump)
20 one arm barbell press (empty barbell)
10 135# suitcase lift

I did 1/2 of the reps with each arm each round.

Times at the end of each round (round time):
6:21 (6:21)
16:06 (9:45)
27:14 (11:08)

Excruciating! Tough on lower back during the shoveling and it carried over to the other lifts.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

bear complex


No penalties!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


5 3 minute rounds of:
3 hang cleans
6 push ups
9 squats

1. 4 +6 push ups
2. 4 +6 push ups
3. 4 +3 squats
4. 5 +2 cleans
5. 5

125# round 1.
115# rounds 2-5

WOD totals 77 cleans, 150 push ups, 201 squats

Monday, December 12, 2011


AMRAP 20 minutes:
run 400m
max reps pull ups

Our run ended up being 510m.

5 full rounds plus 510m run, just over 20 minutes.

pull ups: 25,18,16,17,14

WOD totals 3060m 90 pull ups

28f temp outside...5:30am WOD. Ran from east door at Depot down to manhole cover at the intersection of Franklin and Mulberry.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

rowing and push ups

Row 5 minutes
5 minutes hand release push ups
Row 5 minutes (20 strokes/minute)

71 push ups

Friday, December 9, 2011


At Depot with CC WODstars.

5:54 Rx.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


@ Depot with Kent, Nathan, and Zach.

5:23 Rx.

Previous PR = 5:27.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

17 rounds plus 2 pull ups

87 pull ups, 170 push ups, 255 squats

Box jump 37.5"

Monday, December 5, 2011

Tabata...CrossFit Terre Haute style

This was CF TH's WOD one day last week. Used this to get start benchmarking for our group.

warm up 250m for time (resistance 10) 45.3

Push Ups (hand release) 13,9,8,8,7,7,7,7
53# kb swings 10,10,9,9,9,9,9,9
sit ups (unancored, no abmat) 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,9
burpees 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5
50# db snatch (alternate arms each set) 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6

lowest rep score = 35
total reps 293

shouldn't have done 13 push ups first time go for 8 every time
may be able to get another sit up. 10 swings each time...ouch!
burpees and snatch probably at my limit

Friday, December 2, 2011


Again Faster Competition Team WOD7
2 rounds for time:
20 pull ups
25 30" box jumps
30 185# deadlift
35 burpees

round 1 Rx
round 2 got 3 HSPU, then subbed 2:1 pike push ups off box, I did 24 to make up for 12 HSPU

I messed up setting the clock and it stopped at 7 minutes, sometime near the end of round 1. Round 2 was done in 12:35, so I'm guessing 20-21 minutes total.

both sets of pull ups unbroken, everything else pieced together.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

weight carry

2 two-man teams. weights, tires, kettlebells, sandbags, etc. in the middle, run and get weight, steal from the other team. Get as much to your side as you can.

return trips...must lunge, bear crawl, or do 15 push ups and return.

2 7 minute periods. First period used the tractor tire as a blocker...flipping it into the other team's lane, they have to flip it back to move weights.

cashed out with 3 rounds pull ups to failure. strict overhand, strict underhand, kipping.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

4 stations

move from station to station, 11! reps each station, 11 minute time cap:
push ups...sprint to wall ball...bear crawl to sit backwards to squats...lunge to push ups, repeat.

11 minutes expired...I think I was at the sit ups in 7, maybe 6.

cashed out with death by burpees, starting at 5.

Monday, November 28, 2011

burpees and thrusters

Warm up 459m row in 1:30

5 rounds...
5 burpees on the minute, AMRAP thrusters.
Rest 2minutes, repeat.
We rotated weights the second time through.
First round 95# thrusters and bar facing burpees 11,5,5,6,3
Second round..10 @ 95#, 9 @ 65#, 7 @ 45#, 4@ 80#, 3 @ 95#

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sat WODs at Depot with Tim

Two man team WOD:
alterating with Tim
10..1 burpees (He did 10, I did 10, he did 9, I did 1, then immediately went into
5..1 tire flips with hop in and out b/f flips

time 8:04 (new world record!)

great warm up!

then WOD:
10..1 95# ground to overhead
10..1 5yd, 10yd, 5yd shuttle

totals 55 burpees, 15 tires flips, 55 95# ground to overhead, 55 shuttle runs

time 12:34

Friday, November 25, 2011


Three rounds for reps of one minute each:
135# pound Squat cleans
20' Shuttle sprints (20' forward + 20' backwards = 1 rep)
245 pound Deadlifts
135# pound Jerks
Rest 1 minute

Burpees 17,14,16 (47)
sq clean 3,3,2 (8)
shuttle 8,7,8 (23)
deadlift 8,8,9 (25)
push jerk 7,8,6 (21)
total 124

out of 8 squat cleans, 3 were done with bar in rack position, for the other 5, I dropped grip, and held bar with thumbs

jerks were mostly push press. after deadlifts, I didn't seem to have much left in my legs!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Trukey Trot 5k

Ran/walked with 50# sandbag and 20# vest.

Time 39:23

shoulders got tired holding bag up. alternated runs/walks. Good WOD!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


met at the Depot for 445AM WOD.

kettlebell work..3 rounds of: get ups, clean and press, snatch, swings, windmills. Alternated b/t 40# and 53# bell.

Finished up with 3 cycles of keg clean and press, tire flips, box jumps, sled push, & sledge hits.

No time or reps recorded.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Heavy Fran

15,12,9 135# thrusters and 45# pull ups

started each set of thrusters at 135, then dropped 5# each time I rested. Started each set of pull ups at 45, then dropped to 25#, then no weight. Weights, reps, and time was:

15 - thrusters 9 @ 135, 4 @ 130, 2 @ 125; pull ups 3-45,8-25,4-no weight
12 - thrusters 6 @ 135, 6 @ 130: pull ups 3-45,3-25,6-no weight
9 - thrusters 6 @ 135, 3 @ 130; pull ups 2-25#, 7 no weight

time 18:34

felt pretty strong on thrusters, but very weak on pull ups. A little timid with my shoulder on weighted pull ups, plus I haven't been training them.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


3 rounds for time:
run 800m
50 sit ups (abmat on floor)
50 back extensions


spent a lot of time in round 2 finding a treadmill that worked...round times were 7:53, 10:30, 9:11

Cashed out with death by 45# plate...9 full rounds plus 9 reps in 10th round

Friday, November 18, 2011

100 pull ups for time + 21,15,9

Today's a scheduled rest day, but since I took yesterday off, I searched through some CF Football WODs and decided to do a twofer.

WOD #1 - 100 pull ups for time. Decided to do each set to failure, recover as quickly as I could, then get back on the bar. Happy to say I started off with 41 unbroken, my new PR, then struggled hard to get the next 59. Sets and times at the end of each set:
41 1:21
12(53) 2:18
10(63) 3:01
11(74) 3:54
8 (82) 4:35
7 (89) 5:16
4 (93) 5:34
5 (98) 5:56
2(100) 6:08

WOD #2
45# db power cleans

time: 8:40

my grip was fried from the pull ups, making the pc pretty tough. I need to do a lot of work on my metcon...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

800m x3

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
Rest 2 minutes

treadmill at Depot, .5 miles
Times: 3:07, 3:06, 3:23

Last time 3:16, 3:28, 3:34 (distance measured on mapmyrun around neighborhood)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thursters 1-1-1-1-1-1...

Not much of a warm up, other than stretching.

175 (PR)

Monday, November 14, 2011

for time:

Row 500 meters (1:44.5)
20 inch Box jump, 50 reps
Push-ups, 50 reps
Sit-ups, 50 reps
Jumping pull-ups, 50 reps
50 Back extension, 50 reps
Dips, 50 reps (bar dips with 2 small bands for assistance)
2 TGU 40# db (one each arm)
2 TGU 30# db (one each arm)

time: 25:20

jumping pull ups on cable crossover bar with one aerobic step for height.

TGUs very hard on my shoulder...didn't want to push it.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Run one mile w 20# vest
50 pull ups
100 push ups
150 squats
Take off vest and do 50, 100, 150 again.
Put vest back on and run 1 mile.

Time 53:25.

Happy Veterans Day!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

homemade WOD

4,3,2,1 160# stone to shoulder
8,6,4,2 245# deadlift
12,9,6,3 55# kb swings 9:03

.cashed out with 20 pull ups

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2 WODs

Grace...second time in 2 weeks.

Rx 6:16 (October 30 was 4:53).

I've felt a little under the weather past few days and haven't or slept well for the past 4-5 days, probably factored in to the slower time. I thought I could pace myself and get one rep every nine seconds and get a 4:30, but I quickly fell behind and never caugth up.

WOD #2 - make up of Saturday's WOD
Row 300m (1:07.0)
20 115# push press
Row 300m (1:12.3)
15 115# push press
Row 300m (1:11.2)
10 115# push press
Row 300m (1:11.6)
5 115# push press

Time 10:52

Monday, November 7, 2011

balls and snatch

3 rounds for time:
30 wall ball
30 squat 65# snatch (bar begins below the knee)


round 1: 6:03
round 2: 7:54
round 3: 8:05

Brutal. first round wall ball unbroken, round 2 4 sets, round 3 5 sets.
Snatch broken down into 5, 6, and 7 sets, respectively.

Friday, November 4, 2011

2 WODs today

#1 main site:
25 GHD sit ups
1 muscle up
20 GHD sit ups
2 muscle ups
15 GHD sit ups
3 muscle ups
10 GHD sit ups
4 muscle ups
5 GHD sit ups
5 muscle ups

WOD time 7:02

I did bar muscle ups and brought my left arm up over the bar first to protect my right should, which is a little tender today. I failed on final muscle up aftert trying to do all 5 unbroken. So I came off the bar, took a breath, and got back on to get #5. I watched video on main site today and Austin Malleolo talked about leg extension when doing GHDs, so I tried to follow his lead. GHDs seem easier/less taxing that way.

WOD#2 (idea from CrossFit Terre Haute)
AMRAP 20 minutes of 1 burpee, 1 wall ball, 2 burpees, 2 wall ball...

Got round of 15 burpees done and 4 of the wall balls that round.
20 minute total was 120 burpees, 109 wall ball.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

WOD at the Depot

WOD#1: 7 rounds for time and load
35 double unders
1 snatch

time 7:25
snatch total 855# (115,120,120,125,125,125,125)

power snatch on all reps. Had to press on the last 3 reps.

5..1 160# atlas stone shoulders
10 burpee bos jumps (24")

time 16:53

stone got really heavy. Round of 4 was a killer! I realized I needed to bend over backwards a little to allow the stone to roll up my chest to my shoulder.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"Newbie" 2nd time

5 rounds for time:
165# Overhead walk 20 yds down/20yds back
30 20# wall ball shots
95# db carry (each hand) 20 yds down/back

dropped weight on 2nd round of overhead carry. I went out 20yds, dropped bar, removed 30#, to complete round, then finished WOD with 135#.

time: 20:31


Monday, October 31, 2011

scaled today's WOD

Rx was 3 rounds with 95#, I scaled to 2 rounds and 75#. Most concerned with OHS and my right shoulder being able to hold weight, so I scaled back.

15 OHS
15 knees up pull ups (Rx was L pull up)
15 split jerk
15 knees to elbows
15 hang squat clean (did mine from the floor)
15 back extension with 25# plate

round 1 time 8:42
round 2 time 11:11
total 19:53

OHS were unbroken, felt pretty good. Pull ups were long and hard. split jerk was easy. Knees to elbow=grip buster! Hang squat clean took a lot out of me. back extensions are never good.

Birthday Grace

Rx Grace...135# clean and jerk...GTO.

Time: 4:53..PR...first time Rxd.

other Graces

Friday, October 28, 2011

Tabata Something Else

Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Post total reps from all 32 intervals:

Rxd...chin over bar pull ups, hands ups push ups, and GHD sit ups (floor to pad)

Pull ups: 12,11,10,10,9,9,7,7=75
Push ups: 10,9,7,6,5,5,5,5=52
GHD sit ups: 6,7,6,7,7,7,7,6=53
Squats: 14,16,15,17,17,17,18,20=134

felt pretty good during workout...should've pushed squats harder at the beginning, but it seems like it takes a couple sets to get warmed up.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tabata - Fight Gone Bad

FGB, Tabata Style, count lowest rep of each for score. I gamed this one, started at a decent pace and just wanted to maintain that score for each exercise. Finished with:

wallball 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8
SDHP 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7
24" box jump 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7
Push press 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8
row calories 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5
score = 35
total reps 280

rowing was off time a little bit. I used the interval timer on the rower, but the 20 on time doesn't start until you pull, I got got progressively behind the gymboss timer. next time, I'll try to add one rep to each exercise.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

AMRAP stuff!

3 wall climbs
10 up downs
5 parallette pass throughs (front+back=1)
10 grasshoppers (shin contact forearm, L+R=1)

wasn't sure what to expect, but from the main site comments, I knew it would be a challenge.

I got 5 rounds done at 19:39.

Difficulty scale 1-10:
Wall climbs 9..they seem to get exponentially harder each round
up downs 2..good for a breather
pass throughs..6 kept hitting feet on floor going to the front
grasshoppers..7 need to keep focus on technique, otherwise I no-rep

Sunday, October 23, 2011

atlas stones

Saturday morning workout at the depot with Tim. 5 rounds of 400 meter road followed byAMRAP atlas stone to shoulder.
rowing times and stone shoulders were:
1:23.5. 12
1:29.9. 10
1:31.7. 10
1:31.9. 11
1:33.7. 11

used the 110# stone

Friday, October 21, 2011

Double Duty today...

Main site rest day, but I saw 2 WODs I thought looked good, so I did both of them.

WOD#1 - Lipson
21-15-9 165# (185# Rx) back squat & 53# kb swings
Can't use a rack, you must start with the the barbell on the ground and get it to your shoulders. Big incentive to go unbroken!
Got round of 21 unbroken; dropped it once on 15, then failed one attempt at a clean; 9 unbroken

Time 8:24

WOD#2 - You Challenge (modified slightly)
3 rounds of one minute each for reps:
bar dips 20,12,8
135# ground to overhead 5,3,4
95# OHS 3,2,0
55# dumbbell snatch 11,12,16
push ups 18,14,11
total score = 139

made sure of good range of motion on each exercise. Once I got to failure on dips, they were 1-2 at at time. After the dips, the GTO seemed HEAVY on the press so I had to make sure I jerked it and lock out my arms. It was hard to recover from GTO to get the OHS, hard to keep my arms locked out and my shoulders active to keep the weight overhead. Snatches were mental, just had to keep going. I still suck at push ups, especially after the dips and GTO!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

double unders

Started out doing 3 rounds for time of 10 OHS and 50 D/U, but didn't have much time to warm up and quickly found out that OHS aren't an exercise to do without warming up. I was able to get OHS 2 @ 153 and 2 @ 125, then decided to change WOD.

Ended up doing 4 sets of 50 double unders for time, resting about 1 minute b/t sets. I do my double unders with the rope spinning backwards, so I decided to do these frontwards(sp?)...times were:


got better each round, but still have a long way to go!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

5 rounds for time, changed to AMRAP 20

Rx WOD was 5 rounds for time:
Run 200m
7 muscle ups
Run 200m
Run 200m
30 sec L sit
Run 200m
20 pistols

I knew this would take a long time, probably longer than 1 hour, so I scaled to AMRAP 20 minutes:
200m run
5 muscle ups
200m run
5 HSPU (off 15# plates with nothing in between, not all the way to floor)
200m run
20 seconds L sit
200m run
20 pistols (using vertical bar to help with balance at bottom)

Got 2 rounds done in 20:54

Monday, October 17, 2011

5 rounds for time:

Run 200m
20 pull ups
Run 200m
20 push ups
Run 200m
20 sit ups
Run 200m
20 squats

My plan was to do it in 30 minutes (6 minutes per round). I figured I could get each exercise in 90 seconds. I'd probably take longer on sit ups and push ups, but I thought I could rep out pull ups and squats and make up for lost time. My runs were a little longer than 200m (210m exact) especially the runs before and after pull ups (240m) since I had to go from the garage door at the Depot to the pull ups bar(s). First round was 6:56 and I knew 30 was out of reach.

Finished Rx in 41:50. Just a long, grueling, WOD. None of the component were too hard, just long and tedious. This is a WOD where a partner could really help push!

Round times were 6:56, 8:09, 8:56, 9:02, 8:47
WOD totals: +/-4000m run (2.5miles), 100 pull ups, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


8 minute AMRAP:
3 snatch complex 95# (power snatch, hang power snatch, hang squat snatch)
3 wall walks

I got 3 full rounds = 18 reps

Rxd was 125#...too much for me! Squat snatches ended up being power snatch with overhead squat, or, at best, caught in a partial squat, then an OHS.

Tataba double unders...tried to stay consistent. Scores 27,30,22,23,22,21,24,25=194

Death by stone shoulders: 110# stone 7 rounds + 7 = 35 shoulders in 8 minutes. Should've gotten another round, but I stopped to pick up the watch the fell (code for take a break), and ran out of time.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

AMRAP 30 minutes:

400m run
10 L pull ups
15 back extensions with 25# plate
20 sit ups with 25# plate

4 rounds in 30:01

My run ended up being a little over 500m.
Pull ups broken into sets of 4,3,or 2, as needed.
Tried to get back extensions done in 3 sets each round.
Sit ups sucked...did them on the floor with feet anchored under dumbbells

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Front Squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

warmed up pretty good for FS. foam roller, wrists, hips, back, bands, etc. did 25 double unders, 10 pull ups, 10 GHD sit ups. FS warm ups 135x4

WOD totals:

felt pretty strong. All lifts successful. dropped down to 185 for last 3 and did 2 reps on the minute.

cashed out with 1 minute on 1 minute off rowing, five rounds, for meters. Score was 296,287,289,274,284.

Monday, October 10, 2011


21-15-9 of:
225# deadlift

HSPU done with hands on driveway and Abmat b/t arms to guage depth, as soon as I touched abmat, I pressed up. Otherwise, Rx.

Time 8:17 (after each lift...1:08, 2:52, 4:31, 5:53, 6:37, 8:17)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sat AM double duty

Met Tim and Jared at Depot for 6AM WOD.

WOD 1 was tabata. double unders. Score is lowest total on any round, but I decided to go for max total reps. My scores

we're 32, 14,21,25,25,20,16,23.

WOD 2 was October Painstorm. Load a barbell with weight and accumulate as many points as possible using the following scale....deadlift 1, squat clean 3, ground to overhead 4, thruster 5, snatch 10.

I used 130# and wasn't able to snatch so I loaded up on gto. Ended up with 46 so, 9 squat cleans, 48 gto, 3 thrusters for a total of 300 points.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

5 rounds for time:

6 handstand push ups
12 chest to bar pull ups
24 weighted lunges 35# weight in each hand

round times 2:02,2:55,3:21,3:21,3:10 = 14:39

hspu mostly unbroken...came down once in rounds 3 & 4
couldn't seem to keep a rhythm on pull ups, so I broke them up after round 1.
lunges were brutal. I used the 35# bumper plates for weights.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
95 pound Squat clean
185 pound Deadlift
24" Box jump
Begin each round with a 50 meter Bear crawl. started and knew immediately this was a bad one. I suck at squat cleans, but was determined to work on form and stay as strict as I could. After I got round of 18 done, I decided I was going to cap this thing at 30 minutes or finish, whichever came first. On the round of 15, I was doing a power clean, then changing grip to hold the bar with my thumbs and keeping my elbows as high as possible, the doing a front squat.

Deadlifts took a lot out of me.

Box jumps sucked! I did all rebound at bottom. Definite pause and full hip extension at top of all reps.

Bearcrawls sucked, too!!

Double unders weren't bad, all done unbroken.

WOD totals:200m bearcrawls, 59 95# squat cleans, 54 185# deadlift, 54 24" box jumps, 54 double unders

Friday, September 30, 2011

CF Football

skimmed through recent CF Football WODs and picked out a couple I liked:

5 rounds for time:
6 105# power snatch
10 20" step up with 45# db in each hand.

time 12:50

step ups much harder than I thought they'd be. I used hook grip for rounds 2-5. Power snatches were OK, had to press a little bit to lock arms out on most reps.

Death by tire flips. Got 8 rounds plus 8 flips in 9th round. 44 flips in 9 minutes.

Cashed out with 500m row: 1:44.4 damper setting 10. My legs were toast!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

2011 Games WOD

20 calorie row :54
30 20# wall ball 2:50
20 toes to bar 4:11
30 box jumps 6:25
20 SDHP 115# 8:59
30 burpees 12:00
20 135# shoulder to OH 17:02
sled pull tire/yellow rope 24:07

WOD time 24:07

box jumps were done rebound on bottom...pause on the box
STO was press, jerk, split jerk, whatever was needed.
Sled pull distance unknown, just pulled until the rope was too sweaty to hang on to.

Monday, September 26, 2011

deadlift plus one

today's WOD was 3-3-3-3-3 deadlift. after a few sets to warm up, I did:
3-345 (don't think I kept as good of form as I should, so I dropped weight)
3-335 (arched back...dropped weight
1-315 (got one rep, back was tight,dropped to 225 for 2)
pulled few at 135# with straight...pretty tight, so I quit and stretched.

CAshed out with AMARP 15 minutes of:
toes to bar
24" box jump

7 full rounds plus 1 wall ball

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday x2

Yesterday was a 5k, I didn't do it. So, on today's rest day, I decided to make up a 20 minute AMRAP that I thought I could keep moving on to mimic the work of a 5k. I set out to do AMRAP 20 min of:

down and back x2 (east side to west side of Depot)
12 53# kb swings
atlas stone shoulder x4 (2 each shoulder)

after 3rd round my back was pretty tight, so I ended up doing a 5 rounds for time and got done in 9:55.

I rested a few minutes (3-5) then did 5 rounds for time of:

12 135# back squats (bar starts on the rack)
12 GHD sit ups

time 5:17

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rest day

My lats are SOOOOOORE! Almost painfully sore. Tuesday's Lynne put a hurt on me! My shoulder feels pretty good, but I'm not sure I just don't notice it because my lats hurt so bad.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

2011 Games WOD

I altered WOD to accomodate hurting shoulder (no muscle ups) and being inside the Depot (down and back vs. sprints). I did 4 rounds of:
Row 300m
10 245# deadlift
15 GHD sit ups
3 20yd down and back runs

time 21:32

Deadlift was harder than I thought it was going to be. I think the rows took more out of me than I anticipated. I got 5 DL unbroken in the first set, then get 3-4 to start each of the next 3 rounds. Altered grips throughout, ususually starting each round with overhand grip, then changing to mixed.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


wasn't sure if I was physically able to do Lynne today, but really wanted to give it a shot. My right shoulder has been hurting on and off for the past 10 months and hurt really bad last week, but has felt better the past week since I've laid off of heavy upper body work.

I subbed out push ups with a 45# bumper plate on my back, as far up between my shoulder blades as I could keept it, and took off. Round totals for push ups and pull ups were:


My upper body muscular endurance is almost non-existence. I probably came of the bar a little early on the pull ups, but I was afraid a tweaking my shoulder. I noticed my grip giving out, too, maybe because somebody taped the pull up bar at the Depot and it gets sticky/slippery. Nothing a good chalking won't cure!

I some some lifts with the 160# stone. Didn't shoulder it, but got it up to my chest and hyperextended my back - 5 reps.

Rowed 500m to cash out, hoped to get sub 1:30, but quickly realized my legs and back was shot from the other work. Finished in 1:47.8. Hardly stellar.

Monday, September 19, 2011

double duty

Made up a WOD I missed last week, plus yesterday's.

First WOD was 5 rounds of 35 double unders and 200m run. I was inside and did 5 20 yard down and backs and probably too longer than a 200m sprint. My time was 7:58.

Then did split jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Josh Everett's video where he talked about footwrk....keeping a wide base and a long stretch. It helped! My numbers were:

165, 175,185,200f,200f,190,195f,195(PR)

Cashed out with about 7 minutes of handstand hold.....trying to keep my feet off the wall.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Golden Gloves Fight Gone Bad

Today was the national FGB day. My shoulder feels a lot better, but is still a little sore. So, I adjusted fight gone bad to take care of my shoulder and compensate for the fact that I don't have a rower at home. I did 5 3-minute rounds, with each minute being much lighter weight. My rounds consisted of one minute of:
60# barbell push press
step jumps (bottom step in garage +/-10")
6# 10' wallball shots

scores were:
PP 40,41,29,36,34
jumps 54,52,48,52,41
wallball 26 25 23 22 25

score 648

that's a lot of reps. push presses got pretty hard, muscle failure, but felt OK on my shoulder. It was hard to keep going on the jumps...once I got off balance on a jump it was hard to stay going without stopping and resetting my feet. With the light weight ball, the wallballs were like doing air squats, but I had to stay in tempo with the ball.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

2 WODs in one

CFE from a few months ago:
Row 1 minute, rest...repeat. rest periods are (in seconds) 60,50,40,30,20,10,20,30,40,50.


Meters were down by 53 from last time. Need to work on metcon! Last time

WOD 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of:
50# db left hand snatch
GHD sit ups
double unders

time: 14:59

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Shoulder safe WOD

created a WOD from CFE, CF, and WODshop.

Rowed 2000m - 7:56.8

12 rounds of:
2 240 deadlift - dynamic lifts (work on speed)
handstand hold against wall, but tried to stay upright and not use the wall.

I didn't time this, but just went back and forth b/t exercises.

Death by Shuttle Run: 3 cones in a straight line about 5m apart, start in the middle, run 5, 10, 5 turn around & repeat. I got about 2 steps from finishing 7 in 7 minutes. Almost 28 shuttle in 7 minutes. Did some split stretches after the first 2 minutes.

Monday, September 12, 2011


right shoulder still sore, so I'm doing some WODs to avoid moving it's Annie. Times after each exercise/round were:

New PR 8:57 compared to last time

all DUs were unbroken except round of 20 w/3 errors. Sit ups done on the abmat with hopes of eliminating the "bottom burn".

cashed out with some deep squats 135x5,225x3,245x2,225x3,135x5 and 3 handstand holds.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

b2b tabata squats and mile run

b2b squat totals were 14, 14,14,14,14,13,13,13 and mile run in 7:36.

Squats were hard, but not as terrible as I expected. Coming out of the squat after about the 3rd round hurt.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

WOD with a guest

John Davis was in town working at Marathon so we met up for a WOD. This was a homemade WOD that was supposed to shoulder friendly. I did:
500m run with 25# backpack and 64# sandbag then 1:30 work and :30 rest of each of the following..
90# front squat - 23
110# atlas stone shoulder - 8
Double unders - 70
24" box jumps - 25
500m weighted run

WOD time 16:51

Friday, September 2, 2011

power cleans and bar facing burpees

15-12-9-6-3 of:
135# power cleans
bar facing burpees

time: 9:18

I thought the 135# would get pretty heavy and slow me down, but I think the burpees were worse! I dropped the bar after each clean and tried to re-grip and pull as quickly as I could. Good WOD, just very HOT again in the Depot.

Cashed out with 5 - 135# push press, 3 jerks, and 16 tire flips.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Jumping lunges and push press

Eight rounds for max reps of:
75 pound Push press, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds
Jumping alternating lunge, 20 seconds
Rest 10 seconds

Sounded easy and from the comments on video, I didn't think it would be bad. But, lunges were pretty darn tough and it carried over to the push press. Best thing about this was alternating b/t the 2 exercises and the fact that it was only 2 exercises instead of 8 for normal tabata protocol, so 8 minutes and done vs. 16 for normal.

My reps were (push press, jumping lunges)
totals 104,105

I had 4-5 lunges that I didn't count since my knee didn't touch the ground; I did 95% of the work and got no credit!

Cashed out with some deep squats to help stretch out: 5 @ 135, 5 @ 185 pausing at the bottom, 5 @ 135 exploding as soon as I hit bottom

Monday, August 29, 2011

Crossfit Total

Almost took a day off; felt lousy last night and I think I'm trying to fight off a cold.

Warm up: foam roller, band stretching, GHD sit ups, GHD back extensions, and CFT lifts starting with light weights.

Squat: 275, 290F, 285
Press: 145, 135
Deadlift: 365, 390F, 385F
total: 795

score was my second highest ever. I got the 290# squat about halfway and got stuck for 3-4 seconds but it wouldn't budge. Barely got the 145# press and knew I wouldn't get more, so I backed off to 135# just to get another lift in. My last DL warm up was 345# and I debated on whether to go 365 or 385 on my first lift. I felt like I could get the 365 pretty easy, but didn't want to waste energy knowing I'd go for 390+. I decided to get 365 so I'd have a score. My form broke down on the 390 and 385 lift, barely got it off the ground.

Cashed out with some lighter deadlifts as I removed weight from the bar, some foam roller work, and some handstand holds against the wall, focusing on getting my hands as close to the wall as I could

Sunday, August 28, 2011


3 160# cleans
20 burpees
My goal when I started was 10 minutes. Halfway through first round I thought 8 was possible. Once I started second round, I knew 8 was impossible and 10 would be pretty hard.Cleans after the first round were pretty hard. Second round was probably the longest.
WOD time was 11:48

Thursday, August 25, 2011


5 rounds for time, not quite Rx, a little lighter OHS, a little longer run:
500m run
15 90# OHS

Time: 24:34
round times 4:17, 5:15, 4:44, 4:54, 5:24
OHS broken down (by round): 10/5, 10/5, 15, 15, 8/7
500m times (start to finish) 2:35, 2:52, 2:48, 2:54, 2:56

On the 3rd set of OHS, I brought my hands a little closer together which helped me keep my arms more vertical, which in turn, seemed to cause me to use my legs more. Much better lifting form, at least it felt like it.

This wasn't my best time for Nancy, the extra 500m in run had a lot to do with it, but it was probably one of my best OHS, which is a little surprising considering how I felt pre-WOD.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

5 rounds:

15 185# deadlift
15 toes to bar

warmed up with stretching, 15 ghd sit ups, 15 back extension, and a 500m row. Time for the row was 1:41.

Hot and humid in the Depot! I didn't bring chalk and this was a horrible WOD for a slippery grip. Like I say about every WOD, this was tougher than I thought. I hoped to break 10 minutes...

Times @ the end of round:


I tried to do stricted TTB than I had in the past, none of the huge kips to keep moving. Ended up breaking them down into sets of 3-5 to get to the 15. Deadlifts were a pain with a slippery grip.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

5 rounds

40 double unders
30 box jumps 24"
20 53# kb swings

I did box jumps, no step ups.

Time 20:03

Sunday, August 21, 2011

press 5-5-5-5-5

Started to do Rx but went too heavy at 130, so I decided to make it a good press WOD...slightly altered from
Rx. Weights and reps were:
Warm up:
5 - 70
5 - 90

5 110
3 130
5 120
1 140
5 115
5 125
2 115
9 90
10 70

Saturday, August 20, 2011

GOWS at the track

Warmed up with a few 100m run and burpees, followed by 50 yards of broadjump burpees.

For the WOD, we did two 3 rounds of 2 person tire flips followed by sandbag shoulders. Each round was AMRAP 1 minute. We rotated through my three heavier bags (80 64 50). Total of 6 rounds...or two with each bag.

Cashed out with 10..1 of push ups and sit ups, then played on the paralettes.

Friday, August 19, 2011


30 115# snatch for time
Started rd 135 but quickly disoverer it wasan't happening. Time was 8:42

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


10 rounds for time:
10 pull UPS
Run 100m
10 burpees
Rest 30 seconds

I did 7 rounds in 24:32. Runs were a couple good blisters from pull ups...just got through burpees

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Ran using endomondo to track distance. Ran from park down to highsmith and out toward the west. Time was just over 25:00...horrid performace....proof that my lack of running has taken it's toll my my endurance. Not 100%convinced my distance aS right, but it was a good run.

Monday, August 15, 2011

pull ups and HSPU Ladder

With a continuously running clock, do one pull-up and one handstand push-up the first minute, two pull-ups and two handstand push-ups the second minute, three pull-ups and three handstand push-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. When you cannot complete the required number of reps for either exercise, continue only with the other as long as you are able.

I went with chest to bar pull ups and HSPU (no bands) for this WOD.   All rounds done pull ups first followed by HSPU.  I got 7 full rounds plus 4 in round 8 of HSPU.  9 full rounds plus 7 of CTB pull ups.

Total score: 16 (7+9)
Total reps: 52 ctb pull ups, 32 HSPU

Cashed out with 1 round of Gator:  5 185# front squats and 26 ring push ups (feet slightly below parallel to rings) .  Time was 3:05.  Five rounds of this would've been really hard!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

beach running

sprints 20:40

got 8 done before lifeguards sent everyone home due to lightening.  measured distance using endomondo app.  each run was somewhere b/t 70 and 90 meters.  sand was very soft and my legs got tired about halfway through each sprint.  nice short WOD.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

HSPU and burpees

planned on going 10..1 on burpees and 1..10 on HSPU.

I got through 4th ronud complete (7 & 4), then did 6 & 1 and quit.  wasn't feeling the HSPU.  untimed WOD.

Monday, August 8, 2011


50-40-30-20-10 double unders and sit ups

Beach WOD at Santa Rosa Beach, FL.

Double unders are very hard in the sand, even on the hard stuff!

TIME 14:51

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday AM vacation

beach run.

I ran 15 minutes down the beach, stopping every minute (gymboss timer) to do 10 push ups.  Ran back without least for push ups.  All running done in the soft sand...nothing close to the water.

measured distance using the endomondo app on my measured 1.44km down and 1.59km back.  I'll settle for 1.5km or 1500m each way. 

WOD time was just over 26 minutes.  3000m run and 150 push ups.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Final event

20 calorie row
30 20# db thruster
20 toes to bar
30 20" bench jump
20 110# sumo deadlift high pull
30 burpees
20 135# shoulder to overhead
120' 160# cable machine pulls (I used the rope thingy pulled all the way through the bracket and pulled it like I was pulling a rope sled. I counted each pull if I didn't move my feet at 3' and each complete pull where I got the weights all the way to the top of the machine as 10')

time 19:59

hot again in the depot.  burpees sucked.  Good WOD!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Heavy Mowing

Mowed ditches again wearing 80# (weight vest and backpack).  Wet, nasty ditches make this pretty challenging!

Tired legs at night...don't realize it too much at the time, but once I sat down, the were aching.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Walking the dog

rest day...took a one mile (3 laps) walk with the family wearing the 20# weight vest and backpack with 60# for a total of 80#.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

push ups / sit ups

 10..1 push ups / sit ups
even rounds I did clapping push ups
odd round - regular push ups

time 3:58

I did one extra sit up in round of 3 because I forgot to touch my toes : /

Games WOD 3

My version of 2011 Games WOD 3:
6 rope climbs
5 135# ground to overhead
5 climbs
4 145# GTO
4 climbs
3 155# GTO
3 climbs
2 165# GTO (failed 1, 2 good)
2 climbs
1 155# GTO (failed 2x at 175#, dropped to 155#)

time 13:13

In garage, Saturday AM

Friday, July 29, 2011

Games WOD 1

Southern IL version of the 2011 Games Event 1:

swim 5 laps (down and back, lenghth of pool) at QCCC
run 1600m
10 rounds of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats)
run 1470m

time 38:18

I really suck at swimming; I did a lot of backstroke and side stroke after I got tired...about a lap and a half into it. M swim time was around 8 minutes. It took me about a minute more to get the lock put back on the fence.  1600m run time was 8:28.  1470m time was 8:52.

WOD totals:
swim 250m (assuming 25m down)
run 3070m
50 pull ups
100 push ups
150 squats

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Xtreme mowing

Today's WOD was to mow the ditches with some extra weight strapped on my back.  I started out by mowing the ditches on our side of the road with 80# on my back (back pack with a 25# and 35# weight plus my 20# weight vest).  The ditches on the other side are much steeper, so I just wore the 20# weight vest.

My legs were pretty tired after the WOD and I really needed to concenntrate on keeping my core tight or I would start to hunch over and my lower back would get tight.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

800m x3

measured route on and ran around the cirlce then down to north side of unfinished house and back to driveway.

rest 2 min
rest 2 min


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jackie Rxd 9:56

1000m row
50 45# thrusters
30 pull ups

row 3:55
thrusters broken into several sets...should've stretched more pre-WOD.  I wasn't able to get rack position to hold the bar on my shoulders, so the fronts of my shoulders got very tired.

pull ups 12,12,3,3.

Monday, July 25, 2011

weighted ring dips

3 - 50
2 - 60
2 - 60
2 - 70
1 - 75f
1 - 50
1 - 50
1 - 50
1 - 50

I attached my rings to our swing set, put on my weight vest, then added 10# plates to my backpack and put it on to get weight.  Looking back, I maybe could've gone a little heavier on first set, but I struggled with the 3rd rep.  Failed miserably on attempt at 75#.

Right shoulder very tender after the WOD.  It'd been feeling pretty good for the past couple of weeks, so I think I've pinpointed what aggravates it.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


3 rounds:
run 400m
21 53# kb swings
12 pull ups

ran from swingset, straight out to road, then down to Meeks and back.  Pull ups on swing set.

time 10:11

I think this was the first time I did this Rxd when I ran on the road, not a treadmill.  Hoped to go unbroken but did last set of pull ups 7/5.  Running was the weakest part.  Ran 1:42 first 400, then well over 2 on final 2.

Friday, July 22, 2011

wall ball and snatch

my legs are still very sore from the 135# squats a few days ago, so I knew this one would be tough.  Hot day again at lunch...a little cooler in my garage, but still smokin!

Started out to go 30,30,30, but decided midway through first set to go 30,20,10 since I was taking a lot of time to do snatches.

I ended up doing 2 sets 30,20, then quitting. I got a decent blister on my left hand while doing the snatches, which made the last 5 snatch reps even worse.  They turned into power snatch w/overhead squat.

30 20# wall ball 10'
30 70# squat snatch
20 20# wall ball 10'
20 70# squat snatch

Round of 30 -  6:02
Round of 20 -  6:58
WOD time 13:00

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


looked hard. I wasn't dissapointed.  Decided I was gonna do this RX, regardless of how long it took.

7 rounds:
29 135# back squats
400m run

Did this over lunch in garage and around circle.  Heat index 100+. 

Back squats broken each round into 3-4 sets.  Max reps unbroken was 15, but usually get to 10-12, then stop.  runs were mostly walks...too darn hot!  I carried my water jug with me the last 3 400m and tried to stay hydrated.

Time: 51:04

Monday, July 18, 2011

3 rounds:

10 OHS
50 double unders

OHS Rx weight was 135#, but I did:
round 1: 5 @ 135   5 @ 125
round 2: 5 @ 125   5 @ 115
round 3: 10 @ 115

time 9:02.

135 would've been really hard.  125 would've been doable, but dropping to 115 allowed me to keep moving.

felt good on d/u's.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Scheduled rest day

I felt like doing something, but not a lot, so I set the bar on the rack with 130" and got out my 53# kb.  I wasn't timing the WOD, and really didn't go too hard. Mallory helped count my reps:
push press to failure/quit - I think 4 reps (I wasn't warmed up)
30 kb swings
push presses to failure/quit...7
15 L arm swings
15 R arm swings
more push presses, did one set with 150#...I probably did 20 or total in multiple sets

Harold and Jeanne stopped by to drop off some fresh green beans, so I talked to them for a little bit during the last set of push presses. abs are VERY sore from the GHDs on Thursday!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


AMRAP 20 minutes of:

hill runs
10 push ups at the bottom of the hill
10 sit ups at the top of the hill
5 burpees every minute, on the minute

Not sure how many rounds, I had to take Izzy for a potty break about half way through and was out for probably 3 minutes.  The WOD was probably just about the right number of each exercise; we were able to keep moving.  The one minute burpee call seemed to sneak up pretty quickly!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Front Squats


1- 200
10 - 160
1- 220
20 - 150
1 - 230
30 130

Hope to keep the bar in the rack position for all reps, but had to re-adjust on the sets of 20 and 30.  All sets unbroken until I got to the set of 30.  Got 15, set the bar back on the rack, 5 more, then final 10.  The bar was of my shoulder for only 15-20 before I was up and going again.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Joining the wait staff...where's my tip?

3 rounds for time:
100m right arm 50# db waiters walk
30 GHD sit ups
100m left arm 50# db waiters walk
30 back extensions

Time: 17:14
round times: 5:07, 5:54, 6:13

Nice WOD.  I found the waiter's walk to be harder with my right arm than my left.  GHD sit ups touch floor to touch bracket between feet.  I did back extensions done a little further up the machine than usual, had mid-calf on the pad, giving my a bend at my lower waist, rather than the hips...felt like I was using my back a lot more than my glutes and hammies.

I rode my bike to the Depot for this one.  The ride home was not fun...lower back was tiiiiiight!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

HSPU and pull ups

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 of HSPU and strict pull ups

I started doing strict HSPU each round, then after I got to the point of only being able to get a single rep, switched to band assisted.  Ended up doing10,4,4,3,2,1,1 strict HSPU and 11,14,11,9,7,6,3 band assisted.

Pull ups were done until failure, then I'd switch grips and keep going.

Time 24:02

Hot in the Depot!

Monday, July 11, 2011

5 rounds for time:

400m run
20 150# deadlift
20 push ups
10 150# deadlift
10 push ups

did this WOD at lunch...severe heat index...feels like 105...don't go outside...

Rx called for 145# deadlift but 150 is such an easier amount to get on my 40# bar, so I went with it.

Got through 3 rounds and quit...too freakin HOT!  Hoped to get all deadlifts unbroken, but broke up sets of 20 (12,8) in rds 2&3.  I still suck at push ups!

Time 17:34

10..1 165# squats and HSPU

in the garage.  HSPU using 10# plates next to abmat for hand position and depth.


most HSUP after the first set of 10 were broken down into sets of 3,2, or 1.

I used my stands to hold the weight, but had to clean and re-rack the weight in the round of 3 a piece of metal on one of the stands bent and the weight fell.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Vacation run

Wisconsin Dells...ran around the .65 loop by our condo.  was planning on doing 20...1 push ups every minute, but that didn't last long.  I did:


finished the .65 loop and quit.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Carry On, my wayward son.

two teams, a tire, 4 sandbags, 4 dumbbells, 2 tire sleds.

We divided weight and set an even amount on each team's side.  Goal was to get as much weight as you could on your side. 
  • The tire stayed in the middle and if it was flipped onto your side, you couldn't pass it without flipping it back to the other team's side. 
  • only one dumbbell could be carried at a time, but you could carry a sandbag with it
  • Bumper plates had to be dragged in the couldn't carry them.
  • You had to either bear crawl or lunge from your side to the other teams side.

Tough WOD.  Vince and I started off strong, and was able to keep more weight on our side for quite a while.  John and Tim stayed strong and kept moving weight.  They ended up with more on their side...we didn't need to count... it was obvious.  they had more weight, but we all won.  Nice WOD!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sunday morning in the park

met on the hill at Washington Park...4 guys, 3 sandbags, 95# barbell, 53# kb.

One guy takes sandbag from top of hill down the north side of the hill, across the walking path, switches shoulders, and comes back up the hill.  He gets the next sandbag, repeat, next sandbag repeat.

the other 3 guys are doing AMRAP 75# GTO, sandbag burpees, and kb swings.  They rotate to a different exercise as the sandbag carrier changes sandbags.  We each took turns doing the sandbags and counting reps for the other three exercises.  After we each took our turns, there was one rep difference b/t teams.  Great competition!

Then we did a sandbag relay, down and up the hill (same route as above), each teammate did all 3 bags. 

Final relay was barbell farmer carry down and back (about 15 yards down the south side of the hill) with each arm and bear crawl.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


partner WOD with Tim.  All done with 20# med ball.  It could never touch the ground.

400m run (200m w/o ball, 200m with ball)
100 mountain climbers each
50 sit ups each
100 slalom jumps
50 wall ball/teeter totter.. throw the ball back and forth with wall ball shot motion
400m run

I tried to do sit ups with ball, but onl did 15 of first 25 then 10 of next 25 with ball.

No idea how long WOD was, but I liked it!

Friday, July 1, 2011

5 rounds:

225# max reps back squats
7 burpee box jumps 20"

reps, running time
7, 1:31
2, 2:59
2, 4:19
3, 5:52
3, 7:17

did some cleans with a full squat after the catch at 115#, then a couple at 165#, then 115# thrusters.
cashed out with some handstand work...walked side to side on the wall.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Filthy 50 failure!

50 of each of the following, for time:
24" box jumps
jumping pull ups (on bar a depot, a few inches jump to grab bar)
35# kb swings
walking lunges (knee kiss)
knees to elbows
45# push press
back extensions
20# wall ball
double unders

Got through first 7 exercises and 15 wall ball, then quit.    Worn out & back tight from back extensions.

time: 22:48

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

5 tons for time

Rotate through deadlift, back squat, press (the 3 CF total lifts) until you've successfully lifted 10,000.  Below is posted deadlift, back squat, press, round total, cumulative total, time:

315, 245, 125, 685, 685, time?
315, 245, 125, 685, 1370, time?
315, 245, 125, 685, 2055, 3:03
315, 245, 125, 685, 2740, 4:15
305, 245, 125, 675, 3415, 5:50
305, 245, 125, 675, 4090, 6:55
295, 225, 125, 645, 4735, 8:30
295, 225, 125, 645, 5380, 9:20
295, 225, 125, 645, 6025, 10:18
295, 225, 125, 645, 6670, 11:36
295, 225, 125, 645, 7315, 13:12
295, 225, 125, 645, 7960, 14:39
295, 225, 125, 645, 8605, 15:55
225, 225, 125, 575, 9180, 17:27
225, 225, 125, 575, 9755, 18:18
225, 225, 125, 575, 10,330, 19:02

back started to get tight on deadlifts so I figured out how much I needed the last 3 rounds and cut way back.  All deadlifts done with overhand grip.  squats felt good, focused on depth.  Probably could've gone heavier on push press, but I didn't want to be tempted to get any legs into the lift.

I wonder if I would've gamed it and gone lighter weight and kept moving if I could've gone faster...maybe 225 deadlift, 175 squat, 105 push press would've taken 20 rounds, with no weight changing and less rest needed.

Good heavy WOD!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Family WOD

Isabelle gave us the 3..2..1..Go! and we all took off from our driveway, scaled versions of course!

I did:
800m run
30 130# clean and jerk

Time:  15:43

first 800m in 3:33.  I missed count of my c&j 3 times, so depending of if I was off, I either did 30, 31, or 32 reps.  Started second 800 at about 11:38.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


total weight after 8 sets or 20 reps, whichever comes first:

3 x 115
3 x 125
3 x 135
2 x 145
1 x 155
2 x 165
1 x 175
0 x 135

Previous PR was 165, so I'm pretty happy with this.  Lost balance (arms gave out) at bottom of last set.

Cashed out with strict pull ups with 20# vest on:
7, 1 (+25# db), 4, 4 (chin ups)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


4 rounds of 30 on 20 off (reps in parenthesis):

bar dips (12,12,10,11) 45
125# GTO (5,5,5,5) 20
20" box jumps (13,15,17,16) 61
HSPU (8,6,5,4) 23
sit ups (15,16,15,14) 60

we went from exercise to exercise, not 4x bar dips, then 4x GTO...

bar dips were toes to ground on bar at Depot.  I couldn't quite get the 6th rep on GTO, got closer each round (had it racked in 4th round when timer went off).  Box jumps mental...once i got into a rhythm of bouncing at the bottom I went quicker, but it took a lot out of me, so if I stopped, I had to take a quick break.  HSPU...what can I say...when you're done, you're done.  I'm just not quick enough on sit ups to do much more that15.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

CF Football

45# db thrusters
burpee pull ups

this WOD sucked!

Time: 16:17

round times: 5:11, 10:32, 14:50, 16:17

with Jared @ depot 530am

Monday, June 20, 2011

3 rounds for time:

50 double unders
25 2 for 1 wall ball (squat while the ball is in the air)

11:01 (round times 3:33, 3:45, 3:43)

95 degrees over lunch...sun baking...HOT in the driveway.

hard to get a rhythm on the wall ball. much easier to catch on the way down, but the squats have to be fast.  Last round was broken into sets of 5-6 focusing on speed of squats.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Relay for Life WOD

WOD 1: Death by Burpees

do one burpee the first minute, two burpees the second minute...continue until you can't complete the number of burpees needed in the minute

I got 14 rounds plus 13 burpees in minute 15.  118 burpees in 15 minutes

WOD 2:  Fight Gone Bad - One Round
Box Jump 31
High Pull 28
Wall Ball 15
Rowing 12
Push Press 16
Total 102

I was sucking wind pretty bad by the time I got to wall ball and it took a while to get into any type of rhythm.  Just tried to survive rowing, knowing I would get too many points relative to the other exercises.  Hoped to get a lot more reps on push press, but had very little left in the tank.   Did push presses again when next group went and got 28!  One round was challenging.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


5 rounds for time:
400m run
15 OHS

95# in rounds 1,2,3 and first 2 reps of 5.  75# for all others (totals were 47 @ 95# and  28 @ 75#)

time 20:16

rounds 2 & 3 unbroken

difficult WOD!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

CF Football

main site rest day so I did a Football WOD from last week:
4 rounds of one minute AMRAP of each (reps in parenthesis):
150# push press (7,6,6,2 failed on 2 attempts)
24" box jump (17,15,16,17)
150# clean pull (5,7,7,8)
10m bear crawl (4,4,3,2)

I thought about dropping to 135# for push press and clean pulls, but decided to make this as much of a strength WOD as anything.  Bear crawls had a suck factor of 10!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


wore 20# vest and did 15-12-9:

105# thrusters
pull ups

time 6:21

Monday, June 13, 2011

For time

225# deadlift
50 squats (50 each round)
135# push press

mis-added plates on first 2 rounds of deadlift, so I added extra weight for last set..deadlift weights were 21-205, 15-205, 9-245

Otherwise, Rx at 17:21

round times were 5:50, 6:15, 5:16

took a little time to add remove weight, but rest was well needed.  Push press were hardest part!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Great Ooutdoor Workout Series #3

Tennis Courts at Washington Park..

15 minute AMRAP...Baseball style.

run from home to first 10 burpees
run with high knees from 1st to 10 star jumps
bear crawl from 2nd to 10 mountain climbers
skip from 3rd to 10 v-ups

Five full rounds plus back to home plate but didn't get started on the v-ups

WOD totals - 60 burpees, 60 star jumps, 60 mountain climbers, 50 v-ups

Friday, June 10, 2011

Fight Gone Bad - Championship

Five round championship fight gone bad!

20" box jump  21,22,20,18,18
70# kb high pull 20,15,15,15,14
20# 10' wall ball 14,13,12,11,12
row calories 10,10,9,8,8
75# push press 24,19,15,17,19

total score 379 (click here for all Fight Gone Bad scores)

5AM start at the Depot.  I tried to start with a pace I could keep up for five rounds but didn't keep up as well as I hoped.  Box jumps were all step ups.  Transition from wall ball to row took 20 seconds, allowing only 40 for the actual row.  I think the 3 rounds is probably more intense that the 5, although this was pretty grueling!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

2-man Team WOD

alternating with Jared:
10..1 burpees
5..1 tire flip (jump in and out of tire)

Jared did 10 burpees, I did 10, he did 9, I did 9...1.
He did 5 tire flips, I did 5, he did 4, I did 4..1.

WOD time=9:01
burpees 4:38
flips 4:23

I think this turned out to be a good WOD.  short and intense.  With the short rest periods, we were able to keep moving, but it really started to catch up to us towards the end of each exercise.

cashed out with 10 minutes of handstand work, including walking side to side and trying to get hands as close to the wall as we could.  We'd alternate being up on the wall and resting.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


First WOD was scheduled 10..1 of strict pull ups and med ball slams.  I had pain in right shoulder from the beginning and hoped to work it out, but stopped the WOD after the round of 8.  totals were 27 strict pull ups and 27 med ball slams (split b.t 20# and 6kg).

Second WOd was push jerk 2-2-2-2-2-2-2.  I did split jerk of:

Monday, June 6, 2011

2011 Games Regional WOD 6

for time:
row 20 calories
30 burpees
40 45# db ground to overhead
50 toes to bar
100 ft walking lunge with 45# overhead
150 ft sprint

time 18:18

scaled db ground to overhead down...did about half with 45# and half with 40#

Saturday, June 4, 2011

5 rounds for time (main site WOD scaled):

10 pull ups
10 24kg kb swing
10 double unders
10 75# OHS

round times 2:01, 3:52, 3:21, 3:44, 3:36

in 2nd round (3:52) I stopped to tape my wrists.   all pull ups, all swings, all d/u and last set of OHS unbroken. Planned on doing 10 rounds but it was hot & I had enough!

Friday, June 3, 2011

7 rounds for time:

10 left hand 40# db hang split snatch
1 12' rope climb
10 right hand 40# db hand split snatch
1 12' rope climb

time 12:14

round times 1:33, 1:47, 1:50, 1:46, 1:45, 1:48, 1:45

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pull ups and Burpees

for time:
50 pull ups 3:12
10 burpees 4:02
40 pull ups 7:54
20 burpees 9:39
30 pull ups 12:28
30 burpees 15:38
20 pull ups 17:28
40 burpees 22:41
10 pull ups 23:20
50 burpees 29:24

burpees, especially the rounds of 40 & 50, really sucked.  I did alternating grips throughout the pull ups, most traditional, but did quite a few mixed grip and chin grip.

Nice WOD!

Friday, May 27, 2011

20 minute AMRAP

I wanted to do something that I could keep moving on...something that I could probably do all the reps each round, with the challenge being how many times could I circle through the rounds.

So, I came up with AMRAP 20 minutes of:

4 chest to bar pull ups
5 toes to bar

I was able to get 3 HSPU in probably half the rounds, but had to break the rest 2 & 1.  Pull ups done with varying grip, mostly palms down, but I did cycle through 4 different ways a couple times.

Ended up with 15 rounds plus HSPU and pull ups.  Round times were:

:44, :55, 1:13, 1:01, 1:11, 1:28, 1:16, 1:10, 1:12, 1:25, 1:26, 1:28, 1:26, 1:45, 1:25, :45 (partial)

WOD totals = 48 HSPU, 64 ctb pull ups, 75 toes to bar

Cashed out with 3 rounds of 15 ghd sit ups wearing 20# vest, rest b/t rounds = work time:
:47, :55, 1:01

Thursday, May 26, 2011

uneven WOD

AMRAP 15 minutes
4 - 135 Ground to overhead (50# on one side, 40# on the other side, 2 reps then switch sides)
4 - man makers with a 25# and 35# dumbbell

I put some athletic tape on the barbell just outside where my hands grip the bar.  That way I couldn't "cheat" by moving my hands to compensate for the uneven weight.

My version of the man maker is to pick up the dumbbells, then squat and kick back to a push up position, pull one dumbbell to your chest, then the other, jump feet up b/t dumbbells, stand up and squat clean dumbbells, do a thruster, then two lunges with weight over head.  I did 2 reps, then turn around so the heavier weight was on the other arm.

I got 4 full rounds, plus 2 GTO.  Totals = 18 GTO, 16 man makers.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

mis-read the WOD

Here's what I did (Rx in parenthesis):
15 minute AMRAP
15 strict pull ups (chest to bar)
30 second L-sit on rings

I got 3 rounds plus 15 pull ups.

L-sits where really hard. I'd try to stay in a sit for 5 seconds, but after a while even getting 3 seconds was challenging.  I ended up doing the 3rd round as tuck sits (knees up).  Varied pull up grip throughout, changing each time I let go of the bar.  3 of the p/u were assisted by putting my foot on the swingset to help push up to the bar.  A few may not have been chin over bar, but I got as high as I could.

60 strict pull ups plus 90 seconds L sits/tucks

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

swimming and push ups

5 rounds for time:
swim 50m
25 push ups

LTC pool with Jared.  Down and back in pool.  Did first lap freestyle, then broke up next four into freestyle and backstroke/float.  Out of the last 4, I probably didn't get a total of a full lap freestyle...I really suck at swimming. 

Push ups were hard, too!

time 16:42

Monday, May 23, 2011

Mainsite WOD plus gymnastics WOD

Did this in my garage at lunch...very little warming up.  Just a few double unders and some light weight snatches.

7 rounds:
35 double unders
1 snatch

Didn't really have a game plan.  I hoped to stay the same weight on all snatches, maybe increase if I felt good.  Decided to use either power or split snatch...I knew it would be a spur of the moment decision.

I started with a 120# power snatch after the first 35 d/u and quickly realized the d/u were going to take more out of me that I tought.  the power snatch had quite a bit of press in it, but I got it up.  Dropped down to 110# and did a split snatch for the last 6 rounds.  Double unders were quick..I think I got 4, maybe 5 of the rounds unbroken.  I leaned forward more than I usually do, trying to keep my abs tight, and that seemed to help my rhythm.

All snatches were successful, giving me 780# with a time of 7:38.

Took a 2 minute rest, then went in to death by burpees with tuck jump.  I made it through 8 full rounds and got 8 more in the 9th round. 

WOD time = 9:00
tuck jump burpees = 44

Friday, May 20, 2011

twofer...well, almost.

Did the 5/19 WOD first, weighted pull ups 2-2-2-2-2-2-2.  I used the tie down strap around my waist then looped through the bumper plates for weight.  No kip. Weights and style as follows.

35 palms down
45 palms down
55 palms down
60 palms up
70 palms up
75 palms up (1 rep...halfway on #2)
60 palms down..shoulder hurt, switched to alternating grip, got one, reversed grip, failed.

Wilmot (I scaled)
6 rounds:
50 squats
25 ring dips

I always feel bad scaling a Hero WOD, but I had to on this one.  I did 4 rounds doing ring dips (as many dips as possible until I failed 3x), then moved to bar dips (until 3 failures), then moved to bench dips.  I tried to keep moving the best I could, basically "shaking it out" each failure and jumping back on.  I did 4 rounds, with the number of dips in each method separated by commas (ring, bar, bench).

WOD time was 17:47

totals 200 squats, 32 ring dips, 31 bar dips, 37 bench dips

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wednesay evening at the Depot

WOD with John Ireland.

typical warm up...stretching with bands, etc.

tossed wall ball down and back along east wall in baseball room, moving one section of wall each throw, down and back 2x.

Rowed a little on the fish game, the did WOD:

row 500m then 10,8,6,4,2 of
115# ground to over head (power clean and push press/jerk)
bar facing burpees

time was a little under 13:00, then I kept doing alternating GTO and bf burpees until I got 7 more rounds.

cashed out with 2 sled pushes (one push was down and back) about 1/2 the distance of the gym.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

thrusters 2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Started out playing the fish game on the rower.  kind of figured it out as I went along.  I guess it's an easy way to do a 4 mintue warm up.  Stretched a lot, working hard on wrists, shoulders, ankles and hips since today's a thrusters day.

Whenever we do these heavy WODs, I'm never quite sure how to usually I do a few warm up sets, then start counting reps when I get heavy.  Here's EVERYTHING I did with thrusters:

bar x3

170 is my thruster PR!

Monday, May 16, 2011

5 min AMRAP

3 245# DL
7 115# push press

scaled from Rxd 275# deadlift.  I was concerned that I'd spend too much time recovering from 275 to slow down the push press, so I scaled back.  Also a little worried about my back since I was pretty sore for about 2 wks after last heavy DL.

I got 5 full rounds plus 1 DL in round 6.  WOD totals = 16 245# dl and 35 115# push press in 5 minutes.

Round times:  :31, :54, 1:04, :59, 1:25

good combo of exercise that took a lot more out of my legs than I thought it would.  I'm working on my flexibility and trying to get more dip/drive on the push presses...maybe that's why.

stretched with bands (mobility WODs) and foam rolled post WOD.  Did a couple handstand holds really focusing on keeping my shoulders active.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Great Outdoor Workout Series Vol. 1

12 minute AMRAP
10m +/- walking lunges
20 push ups
10m backwards run
20m+ sprint
20 jumping jacks
20m spring
20 squats

4 full rounds + 10 squats

WOD totals=100 push ups, 100 jumping jacks, 90 squats, 50m lunges

...this could be the start of a great thing...

Friday, May 13, 2011

gymnastics WOD

I scrolled throught and found a couple of WODs/warm ups:

100 double unders.  each time you mess up, do 3 burpees or 5 v ups (alternate each mistake).  I never really got a rhythm going ended up doing 3 4 1 8 1 4 1 27 1 1 23 1 16 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 1.  So I did 100 d/u, 30 burpees and 45 v ups in 8:51.

5 rounds for time of:
5 weighted pull ups
10 dumbbell overhead press
5 toes to bar (strict, no kip, legs as straight as possible)

started out with 45# db, then scaled down to 35# and 25# to keep moving.  rounds as follows:
1: p/u 5-45, press 8-45, 2-35
2: p/u 3-45, 2-35; press 5-45, 5-35
3:p/u 3-45,2-35;press 3-45,7-35
4:p/u 3-35, 2-35;press3-45, 7-35
5:p/u 3-35,2-25; press5-35,2-45,3-35

time 14:34

Thursday, May 12, 2011

main site WOD Rx

lunchtime WOD in garage and to and fro 200m mark on street

AMRAP 20 minutes:
400m run
7 muscle ups

4 rounds + 400m & 1 m/u

400m times (from start of run to end): 1:32,1:46, 1:53, 1:55, 2:01
round times: actual clock time at end of 7 m/u=3:18,7:30,12:37,17:15,20:00

felt pretty good on m/u.  rings hanging at #5 on straps, so I was able to easily reset my grip after each m/u (no turnout of wrists b/t each rep...I'm not there yet!)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Group WOD at my house

WOD II today

buy in - 1 minute AMRAP burpees = 26

3 stations:
tire sled pull (no weight) about 60m
box jumps
135# deadlift

3 rounds (each round is 2x through each station) with 1 minute rest b/t rounds

each round consists of each athlete rotating through exercises 2x.  2 guys are doing max reps of box jumps and deadlift, as long as it takes the other guy to pull the sled down and sprint back (or vice versa, depending on the location of the sled when he starts).  No deadlifts can be done until the athlete takes the weight from ground to overhead 1x.

You end up doing each exercise 6 times, my totals were:

deadlift 15,19,17,14,12,11
box jumps 14,15,11,9,18,11

not 100% of scores (we all started writing scores down on the same t-chart, then after a couple rounds I transposed mine over to a new chart) but it's as close as I can get.

I ate a few gnats during the WOD...damn bugs!

Scaled WOD:

Foam roller and stretching to start WOD.  Used the bands to stretch wrists and ankle a la Mobility WOD.    Did a handstand hold and realized active shoulders are the key to not getting tired too soon.  Other days when I've done them, my shoulders and arms wear out too quickly.  When I keep my shoulders active, I'm not using my muscles as much to stay upside down.  Sometime I'll try HS holds and utilize the active shoulder and see what kind of times I can get.  I've got to beat my daughter in a handstand contest this summer...or at least make her work harder!!

Scaled back main site WOD over lunch hour, I did:

5 95# OHS
10 toes to bar
15 40# db squat cleans
20 double unders

started WOD doing 115# OHS, but felt a little tightness in my back, do I immediatley dropped down to 95# and re-started.  Felt good on OHS the rest of the way.  squat cleans took it out of me.  I probably would've been better to drop weight down, maybe even to 25# and keep moving, but it did feel good to get the full squat depth on the cleans.

Ended up doing 2 rounds in 7:19, the rested for about 3 minutes, and finished the 3rd round at the 15:35 mark.  End of WOD.

Monday, May 9, 2011

light day

No WODs since Wednesday.  My back got really sore after the Wednesday night's WOD, so I decided to take another rest.  I think the pain's from a muscle probably just need to rest and slowly work back.

Today I stretched quite a bit..wrists, ankles, hips, shoulders.  Worked on rack position with bands attached to top of rack and under my elbows.  Without a doubt, that was the closest I've ever been to rack position.

Did some sloooow GHD sit ups (10) and back extensions (10).  4-5 sets of double unders with 15-25 in each set.  A few light shoulder presses (95#) and closed out with some unanchored abmat sit ups.

Felt good to be back at it and probably take is slow again tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Three Amigos

okay, corny title, but this was a WOD I created for 3 people to do and Three Amigos was a better choice than Three Stooges...or was it?

warmed up with :30 AMRAP of pull ups, push ups, sit ups, squats...clock running 2 minutes total

WOD was 3 stations...sandbags, 95# push press, and kettlebell swings.

Start with one athlete (A, B & C) at each station.  A does AMRAP push press, B does AMRAP kb swings, and C carries the one sandbag about 20m, drops it and does 5 burpees (jumping over the sandbag on each burpee) then picks it up and returns to starting point and drops it.  The ahtletes rotate stations.  A does swings, B does sandbag, C does push press.  As the rotations continue, each time an athlete picks up a sandbag, he grabs a lighter bag than he used the last time he did sandbags.  In long form, here's what it looks like, round by round:

A 80# sandbag, B push press, C swings
C 80# sandbag, A push press, B swings
B 80# sandbag, C push press, A swings
A 64# sandbag, B push press, C swings
C 64# sandbag, A push press, B swings
B 64# sandbag, C push press, A swings.
A 50# sandbag, B push press, C swings
C 50# sandbag, A push press, B swings
B 50# sandbag, C push press, A swings
A 42# sandbag, B push press, C swings
C 42# sandbag, A push press, B swings
B 42# sandbag, C push press, A swings

Scored by counting reps on push press and swings, which was really a factor of how quickly the other guys were doing the sandbag/burpee part of the WOD.  95# was probably too heavy for push press, 75# would've allowed us to keeping going longer b/t breaks.  Swings were just about right, however keeping going the entire time was tough, not sure it ever happened!

Nice WOD!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


warmed up with 2 minutes work of 30 seconds AMRAP of chin over bar pull ups, hand release push ups, unanchored sit ups, squats.  No breaks, clock running for 2 minutes:  20, 22, 14, 25 total 81 reps.

75# OHS
over the bar burpees

time 9:00

21 OHS unbroken
15 broken down 9,6
9 broken down 1,6,2

struggled through all burpees

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

warmed up...stretching, foam roller, double unders, and a few deadlifts.

stopped after that rep..lower back got tight.

400 is new PR!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tabata Something Else

8 rounds of 20:10
chest to bar pull ups 11,6,4,5,5,3,5,3=42
hand release push ups 11,8,8,6,7,6,5,6=57
sit ups (abmat unanchored) 8,8,8,8,9,8,8,8=65
squats 14,16,17,17,17,18,18,19=136

total 300

chest to bar p/u made a big difference in the numbers.  first time doing hand release push ups tabata style, might've slowed me down a little, but gave me more recovery time.  firs time doing unanchored sit ups. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011


WOD with Tim at the Depot.  5 rounds for time:
12 deadlift
9 hang power clean
6 push press

started with 155# and made it through 4 cleans in the first round and dropped to 135#. Dropped to 115# to start the 2nd round and never looked back

WOD time 10:52

3 rounds of 1 minute AMRAP double unders - 79, 63, 57
2 rounds 45# db snatches (1 round each arm) L = 23  r= 24

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Games WOD 11.6 pre-trial

planning on doing 11.5 tomorrow, so I decided to give 11.6 a try.  thought I'd go a little heavier on the thrusters (115# vs. 100#).  Otherwise, I did the WOD as Rx, which was

AMRAP 7 minutes of:
115# thrusters
chest touch bar pull ups

I only counted pull ups if my chest HIT the bar, close didn't count.  Fortunately, I only had one not count...the very first one.

got 59 reps (12 thrusters and 11 pull ups)

Not sure how much difference the 15# is going to make, but I hope I can get at least a few more reps...maybe through the round of 15? that would be 90 reps!

Group WOD at the Depot

15 minute AMRAP:
20 walking lunges with 45# overhead
15 sit ups
10 24" box jumps

6 rounds + 20 lunges

lunges = brutal
sit ups = bearable,
box jumps = timid

Lunges were downright awful.  Sit ups seemed like more of a recovery period, mostly unbroken, a few deep breaths here and there.  Box jumps were a little scary...legs were fried from lunges.

Nice WOD Seeley!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

snatch and OHS

WOD was snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

I did some warm up stretching, OHS, and some "lighter" snatching.  Started WOD at 135# using split snatch.

135 F

Did one rep OHS @ 135#, then dropped and did AMRAP at 3 weights:

95 - 8
105 - 6
115 - 5

Nice WOD!  Vince is going to sunny FL...bastard!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

3 rounds for time:

run 100m
50 push ups
run 100m
50 sit ups
run 100m
50 squats
run 100m
50 115# straight leg deadlift

As Rx:37:10

times @ the end of each round = 8:54, 21:45, 37:10

brutal WOD.  nothing fun about it, except maybe the first 100m!

Friday, April 15, 2011

GTO tire

3  rounds for time"
pulled tire sled 100m down and back with 25# bumpers in back.
5x 130# ground to overhead (power clean and push press)

time 11:21

I was able to run pulling the tire for about 75m, then settled for a "fast" walk for the rest of the pulls.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Games WOD wod 11.4

10 minutes:
60 bar facing burpees
30 120# OHS
10 muscle ups

I got burpees and 14 OHS.

Gonnna do this one again.  I took about 1:15 transitioning from burpees to OHS (chahging shoes) and should've used that time doing OHS.  Goal next time is 25 OHS...we'll see!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


10..1   135# front squats and toes to bar

bar was racked and front squats done with elbows up, holding bar with thumbs.

Time 8:41

Round times:58,109,118,107,102,55,45,38,31,18

then did 3 minutes of 50 53# KB swings and AMRAP double unders...I got 62

Friday, April 8, 2011

Games WOD11.3 2nd try

AMRAP 5 minutes 165# squat clean and jerk (Open Games Rules)

different approach today.  Did split cleans, then released hands and did front squat with thumbs holding the bar.  Dropped weight, did another split clean, then a split jerk.  I was able to keep my legs longer and do a much better jerk than last time.

I got 6 rounds plus a clean, for 13 points.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


ring dips
push ups

21 - Rx'd.  Felt pretty strong on HSPU.  Used ABMAT to touch head to.  Got 8 unbroken, then pieced together the rest.  Ring dips about the same.  Once I got tired, they got real hard.
15 - HPSU and ring dips done on rings with bands for assistance.  Still hard, but was able to keep moving.
9 - same as 15, but with a little more assistance.

time was about 21minutes.  I originally set the timer for a 20 minute countdown and was going to just do a Rx 20 min AMRAP, but once my muscles got tired, that idea went out the window

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Games WOD 11.3

AMRAP 5 minutes:
165# squat clean
165# jerk/press

according to the rules, the squat clean could actually be a power clean/front squat, which is what I did.  I then had to drop the weight, re-clean it, and push press it over head.

Ended up with 5 full rounds plus one squat clean for a score of 11.  If I could get the bar back into position to press after my front squat, I could probably add 4-5 rounds.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


run 800m
50 115# straight leg deadlift
50 sit ups (abmat unanchored)

time 28:25

ran 800m course to McGahey's mailbox and back.  Deadlift and sit ups done in garage.

WOD with Jared.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Homemade WOD

Jared came over to do an outdoor WOD, and this is what we came up with:

9,7,5,3,1 of:

205# deadlift
slosh pipe front squat
80# sandbag clean and press
15+/- down and back

time: 12:38

didn't stay with same pattern since Jared and I was using the same equipment, but I did finish each round before moving on to the next.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Games WOD 2 - for submission

Did WOD2 again with Jared at the Depot with camera ready. 

15 minute AMRAP: 9 155# deadlift, 12 push ups, 15 24" box jumps

Got 7 full rounds plus 9DL and 9 push ups = 270. 

A little disappointed, hoped to get 300, or at least more than the 280 I got on 3/30.

Much more disappointed when I realized AFTER the WOD that the camera wasn't recording %#$&*%!
Doin' it again...3rd time's a charm!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Games WOD 2

15 minute AMRAP:
9 155# deadlift
12 hand release push ups
15 24" box jumps

7 full rounds plus 9 dl, 12 push ups, 7 box jumps

Score = 280

Goal for WOD will be 300+.  That's one rep every 3 seconds.  Felt strong on deadlift. Box jumps OK.  Push ups...weak!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

thrusters 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

warmed up...stretching, double unders, light thrusters, etc.

165 - 1
165 - 1
comapared to last time

Finished up with max height box jump... 40.75"

Monday, March 28, 2011

Main site WOD as Rx:

75 squats
50 pull ups
20 ring dips
50 squats
35 pull ups
15 ring dips
25 squats
20 pull ups
10 ring dips

Rx time = 20:22

Got 35 pull ups unbroken in first set. I think I got 6 rings dips unbroken, then had mostly singles with a few doubles. Vince held my feet on the last 2 of final set and gave me a "little" assistance...still probably the most difficult ring dips of the WOD.

My chest is very tight and sore..I'm guessing tomorrow and the next day aren't gonna be fun!!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


10..1 (12:39)
165# back squat
24" burpee box jump

then (13:08)
225# deadlift
24" box jump

then (17:32)
45# OHS (Rx 95#, but it wasn't happening, so I scaled)
burpee pull ups

WOD time 43:19

I took almost 4 minutes to change weights to begin the 3rd set, then had to drop the 25# plates when I figured out I needed to scale back to 45#. Lower back got pretty tight during deadlifts. Most of the box jumps during the DL round were step ups.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Games WOD 1.....Again!

third times a charm?

Got 5 full rounds plus 22 double unders...247!

Started doing today's WOD...
225# deadlift
135# OHS

I knew the OHS would be tough, so I decided to go to failure, then drop weight...10# per failure until I got the reps done.

I got the 21 DL, then did 3 OHS @ 135, 2 @ 125, 0 @ 115 (off balance), and 5 @ 95 and was done for the day.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

med ball action

5 rounds for time:
15 20# med ball cleans
15 20# wall ball

Focused on form: For the clean...started each rep with ball on the floor, "stand" up, shrug, drop, catch, stand up, drop ball...etc. For the wall ball - full squat, ball must hit wall on throw.

I knew this would be a leg killer, and it was.

Round times: 1:40, 1:55, 2:23, 2:22, 2:07 = total 10:27

I'm sure I could've gone faster, but I seemed to chase the ball a little bit after each drop. For the last set, I tried to keep my hands on the ball so it wouldn't get away.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Amanda sdrawkcab...

for time:

70 burpees (5:36)
60 sit ups (8:51)
50 53# kb swings (10:54)
40 pull ups (13:49)
30 hspu (20:24)

Rx except HSPU...did 23 band assisted and 7 pike off the bench. kb swings unbroken. Pull ups 12,10,10,8

time 20.24

Monday, March 21, 2011

10k? Not today!

Main site WOD was a 10k, but Jared and I opted for a self-programmed WOD:

Intended on 5 rounds, but ended up doing a 30 minute AMRAP/hybrid and ended up going 32:43 and did:

Three rounds of:
30 - 53# KB swings
30 - 35# one arm KB swings (15 each arm)
30 - 70# push press

with 140m sandbag runs between each round. Total sandbad runs for the WOD was:
3 @ 80#
3 @ 64#
3 @ 50#
3 @ 42#

each sandbag run started in my driveway, down to the sign in Crampton's yard and back. The sandbag had to be dropped at the starting point, so it had to be picked up and re-shouldered before "running" again.

Tough WOD on the lower back. Maybe a 10k wouldn't have been such a bad idea!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

front squats and rope climb

10..1 135# front squats
2 rope climbs (in garage) between sets

cleaned weight from ground each set, with all squats done with crossed arms or thumbs holding the bar.

time: 9:52

much tougher WOD than I thought it was going to be. felt liking puking!

Friday, March 18, 2011


4 rounds for time:
10 L pull ups
15 push ups
15 CTB pull ups
15 push ups
20 pull ups
15 push ups

After round 1, this turned in to a 15 minute AMRAP...tough WOD and L pull ups weren't happening in rounds 2+.

Round 1: Rx
Round 2: with no L pull ups, more knee tuck (as good as I could)
Round 3 : 3 tuck pull ups

Thursday, March 17, 2011

CF Games WOD1 - official

This was taped and submitted...

10 minutes AMRAP:
30 double unders
15 75# snatch

power snatched most, with an occasional clean and jerk.

5 full rounds plus 15 double unders....score 240.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

CF Games WOD1

10 minutes AMRAP:

30 double unders
15 75# snatch

with Jared at the Depot. Started off with power snatches, then switched to clean and jerks, with an occasional snatch.

Got 4 rounds plus 30 d/u and 8 snatches...score = 218

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

behind the neck jerk

new one, felt very weak today!



Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wallball and Pull ups

7 rounds:
10 wall ball, 10 pull ups

time: 7:22

:51, 1:00, :59, 1:04, 1:06, 1:11, 1:11

Monday, March 7, 2011

CrossFit at the Arnold

What a great weekend!

Started off by doing Fran, then we were put into teams based on our times. My PR before this was 5:27 and I hoped to beat that time, with my ultimate goal of a sub 5. I got through 21 thrusters unbroken, but was worn down more than I thought I would be. Second and third round of thrusters consisted of several breaks. Time = 6:47. Turns out our 95# thrusters at the depot were probably more like 90# since the bumpers are light...BIG DIFFERENCE!

Team events were next. I had the middle section of the 2010 Games finals WOD which was 7 minutes of 30 toes to bar and 15 95# GTO. I got 90 reps (2 full rounds). Pretty happy with that one.

Second event was team Grace - 90 reps of 135# GTO. The other 2 guys on the team were much stronger and decided they'd go all out and I'd just jump in when they got tired. I ended up doing 10 unbroken, then got 8 more during their breaks.

Third event was to pick up a 100# slam balls, carry it to the wall, "toss" it over, climb the wall, pick the ball up, and run back to the line. Not sure how many reps I got, but it was fun.

After that, my team was tied with Tim's so we had a final event. 6 60# balls had to be carried by our team from a line, down aroud the wall on the other end, and brought back. I showed off my blazing speed and strength, and got last, so our team was done...or so we thought.

We were added to the next event, which was 10 minutes of 225# axle deadlift, while the other 2 guys were running laps. Since I couldn't lift the axle, I was the designated runner. I just ran laps while the other guys did their thing. We didn't make the cut. Game over!

Monday, February 28, 2011


5 rounds of 3 minutes per round, one minute rest:
3 115# hang power clean
6 push ups (hand release)
9 squats

4 rounds + 8 squats
5 rounds
5 rounds
4 rounds + 5 squats
4 rounds + 2 cleans

totals = 74 cleans, 144 push ups, 211 squats

Death by 115# overhead - 8 full rounds + 5 reps = 41 reps

Saturday, February 26, 2011

CF Football

15 rounds for time:
1 deadlift (75% 1RM) - 305 (79% of 385)
40 yd (20 down, 2o back) 90# db carry

time 20:48

I think I did 12 carries unbroken. DL got heavy...real heavy on the last couple.

round times (in seconds): 42, 59, 74, 79, 78, 78, 72, 87, 75, 105, 73, 121, 94, 129, 78

Friday, February 25, 2011

2 WODs today...

...trying to get ready for the Arnold:

on the minute for 12 minutes do 2 squats using 80% of 1RM. I used 230#. Then do 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of chin ups, push ups. We did palms up chin ups and hand release push ups. I did strict chin ups for the 10,9, & 8 rounds, then started kipping.

Time(not counting squats) 6:14

For time:
Row 1000m
50 reps 40# db snatch
Row 750m
35 reps 40# db snatch
Row 500m
20 reps 40# db snatch

time 16:56

This is a brutal WOD!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

CF Football WOD

3 rounds for time:

1 37" box jump (95% max)
1 45# pull up (50% max)
1 37" box jump
3 45# pull ups
1 37" box jump
5 45# pull ups

Time 6:37 (round times 1:23, 2:27, 2:47)

pull ups got harder on rounds of 5 than I expected. I went a little heavier than Rx, my max is 80#.

cashed out with some 95# power snatches and OHS.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

deadlift 3-3-3-3-3

warmed up with 135x5 and 225x5


felt strong today!

cashed out with CF Football WOD was three rounds of :
6 x 25 yd shuttle (down and back = 1)
rest 5 minutes

1:04, 1:04, 1:05

Monday, February 21, 2011

Fight Gone Bad x2

Fundraiser @ Depot for NMS, RHS, and LTC

first time done Rx with 20# vest: 264

second time heavy...26.5" box jump, 125 SDHP, 11" wall ball, 125# push press: 176

missed 2 wall ball throws, got high enough, just didn't arc it toward the wall...that hurts!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

various stuff

rowed 10 30:60 intervals. first 5 on "10", next 3 on "1" last 2 on "2"

then alternated with Jared the following exercises while the other guy was doing double unders.
10 towel pull ups
10 95# overhead
10 95# OHS
20 toes to bar

death by 10m 45# carry 12 rounds +10

death by pull ups 15 +15 = 135 in 16 minutes

Friday, February 18, 2011

Kelly Rx

5 rounds for time:

400m run
30 wall ball 20#
30 24" box jump

time=28:39 (4:46, 5:48, 5:45, 6:17, 6:03)

rounds 1 & 5 did wall ball then box jump
rounds 2,3,4 did box jumps then wall ball

with Jared in my driveway..great day!

did some rope climbs afterward to prep for the Arnold!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


50-40-30-20-10 double unders and sit ups
I had one miss in the 50 & 40 rounds, unbroken on 30, and two misses on the 20 & 10 round of d/u. Sit ups done with feet unanchored...surprisingly, this was a much quicker way for me to do sit ups. Doing anchored sit ups, my hip flexors get real tired causing me to take breaks. I think my pace may have been slightly slower, but was able to keep moving pretty well.

Times after each exercise were:

time = 9:05 new PR!!!


CF Football WOD:
7 rounds: 1 5-10-5 shuttle, 10 clapping push ups, 1- 9' touches (tape hanging from ceiling)
Started out and seemed to be easy, but the push ups and touches got pretty hard in the 3rd round, as my times indicate!

Total time=10:56 round times=:58, 1:09, 1:34, 2:03, 1:48, 1:41, 1:43

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lotsa freakin' OHS

Decided to tackle OHS today. Looking at the WOD in Columbus, I'm a little concerned with the OHS we're greasin' the groove!
Warmed up on rower with :30/:20 interval with strokes per interval of 10,11,12,13,14,15,14,13,12,11,10

Max reps until failure at each weight, added 10# each failure:

then dropped back down to 95# and did rounds of 21,15,9 for time:
21 - 1:43 got 19 unbroken, the dropped weight and had to shake out pain in wrists before final 2
15 - 37.7 unbroken
9 - 24.8 (snatched weight overhead, didn't get deep enough on first rep)

Felt good to go as long as I did unbroken.

Monday, February 14, 2011


5 rounds with dumbells, increase weight each round:

5 deadlift
5 cleans
5 squats
5 push press


I got 1 press and 2 fails @ 60#, then had to set them down. Got 3, set them down, and finished final rep. Got cleans at 65#, had to rest, got 3 presses, then 1 press, then 2 @45#.

5 rounds
1 press 125#
1 strict pull up
1 press 125#
3 strict pull ups
1 press 125#
5 strict pull ups

started out doing shoulder press, ended up with "slight" push press
Round times: 1:04, 1:30, 1:31, 1:37, 1:40 = total 7:22
CFF totals 45 strict pull ups & 15 125# presses

Saturday, February 12, 2011

CF Football

21-15-9 of
45# db thrusters
28kg KB swings

time 9:02 (2:50, 3:43, 2:29)

Then 3 rounds of: one minute work, one minute rest:
strict pull ups 17,12,10=39
double unders 74, 64, 61=199
30" box jumps 17, 17, 18=52
GHD sit ups 19,18,17=54

WOD with Tim @ Depot

Friday, February 11, 2011

CF Football

Row 5 minutes, 20 strokes/minute, no more than 100 strokes in 5 minutes, then
do as many push ups (hand release/full ext) as you can in 5 minutes, then
row 5 minutes, 20 strokes/minute, no more than 100 strokes in 5 minutes.

Row 1 = 1270m
63 push ups
Row 2 = 1186m

Strength WOD:
8x2 squats = 255# (85% 1 RM) - squat down to dynamax ball

8x3 press = 115# (80% 1 RM)

Thursday, February 10, 2011


7 rounds of:
15 1.5 pood (53#) kb swings
15 95# power cleans
15 24" box jumps

I did four rounds of:
15 28kg (61.6#) kb swings
15 box jumps/step ups
15 95#power cleans

time 16:00 (round times = 2:00, 3:41, 4:29, 5:50)

lower back got very tired/sore. Had to quit after 4 rds.

cashed out with 2 sets of 5 95# OHS.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ledesma (scaled)

Our WOD today was five rounds of:

:30 band assisted parallette HSPU
:30 toes through rings
:30 28kg KB swings

rest b/t rounds was about 3 minutes (just enough time for Jared to get bands on and inverted for HSPU and do his round)

HSPU 7,5,7,5,5,
toes through rings 8,9,9,10,8
kb swings 12,13,13,13,14

cashed out with 2 rounds of 120 double unders in 2 minutes (1 burpee penalty for each d/u under 120) Round 1 = 120 Round 2 = 131 (PR)

Monday, February 7, 2011

Shuttle and over head anyway...weight vest!

put on a 20# weight vest and do:
10..1 10m shuttle run (run 5m, turn round run 10m, turn around run 5 m)
1..10 95# overhead anyway

time: 17:37
round times = 2:11, 1:54, 2:00, 2:03, 1:48, 1:34, 1:29, 1:35, 1:31, 1:32

followed by 1 minute max reps of:
28kg kettlebell swings = 28
double unders = 64
rowing meters (resistance @ 10) = 320m

Sunday, February 6, 2011


100 20# wall ball at Depot

Alternated with Jared...15 at a time, until 90, then rounds of 20, 22, 18.

Time 12:12

Rowed a fairly easy 1000m 4:06

2 minuted double unders 130

Picked up some atlas stones Mike Richart brought up to the stuff!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

100 burpee pull ups

as Rx = 16:24

Almost 2 minutes slower than last time.

Cashed out with 2 minutes max double unders = 128

Friday, February 4, 2011

CF Football

Today's CFF WOD as RX (plus a 20# vest)
10 rounds:
3 pull ups
3 29" box jumps
10m sprint
rest 40 seconds

work time was 27,27,28,24,25,23,24,23,22,22= 10:05

Then did CF mainsite WOD:
Snatch balance 3-3-3-3-3

95, 95, 115, 95, 115 (2)

Didn't do much of a drop and catch, I still do a press/drop then OHS. I don't have any conifdence to drop and catch the bar, but am pretty comfortable bailing out if I'm losing it.

Finished up with a 500m row for time...1:39.2. New PR (beat old PR of 1:39.4)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

OHS 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

lots of stretching and a 35 double unders for warm up

5 @ 45#
2 @ 95#


failed first attempt at 165, right arm started to bend, so I dumped it.

I'm pretty sure I was deep enough on the two makes, even with a video to review, it was hard to tell due to the camera angles, but I think i got both of them.

New PR!! Prior was 125#