Thursday, December 31, 2009


No resolutions, just plans:
  1. Complete 100 Day Burpee challenge and, shatter, my 2009 time for Day 100 burpees
  2. Beat 2009 Indianapolis Mini Marathon time (1:50:01) doing ONLY CrossFit main site WODs, 100 Day Challenge, and six weeks of workouts.
  3. Work hard to improve shoulder & wrist flexibility for better OHS, snatches, and REAL front squats.
  4. CrossFit Total over 825lbs.


warm up: light stretching, 12 GHD situps, 12 back extensions, 3 45# OHS, a few pull ups

WOD as Rx:
100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats

25 pull ups to start, then 12 sets to get remaining 75
20 push ups to start, then 12 sets to get remaining 80

Time PR! (last time done as Rx was 4/19/09 in about 33 minutes)

630AM WOD at the Depot

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

triple ladder

buy in 50m lunges

115# overhead ladder (7 rounds +7 = 35)
burpee ladder (12 rounds +10 = 88)
pull up ladder (14 rounds +13 = 118)

workout time: 36 minutes

cash out 50 m lunges

Monday, December 28, 2009


not very good at it, but I think I'm getting better. Light warm up...did a few pull ups, some PVC stretching, and some overhead squats.

did a few warm ups with the bar, then 4 @ 65#, 3 @ 95#:

115 (with bent arms)
115 (bent arms, not as much)
95 - wider grip, with 2 OHS
65 - with 5 OHS, narrower than normal OHS squat grip

Sunday, December 27, 2009

5k rowing

subbed out 45# SDHP and burpees for rows...1 row = 10m and 1 burpee = 20 meters.

ended up doing 100 burpees (2000m) and 300 SDHP (3000m) in just under 26 minutes.

Heartrate was 176 at end.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

piddle day

took a rest day yesterday (Christmas) so I decided today would be an active rest day...

went to the depot, 10 dead hang pull ups, 2X15 GHD situps, 2X15 back extensions, 45 sec handstand hold, 6 HSPU, 30 second handstand hold, 10 dead hang pullups, 5 40# pull ups, 1 70# pull up...and a few double unders.

did a few 40# db cleans and snatches with each arm.

stretched out pretty good and called it a day!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

deadlift 1-10-2-20-3-30

warmed up with some pull ups, stretching, & 10 @ 132, 5 @ 225.

1 - 340
10 - 275
2 - 325
20 - 200
3 - 300
30 - 165

1605 total weight.

probably could've gone heavier on the 165, but I noticed I wasn't keeping my back straight on the last few reps. Nice workout. I'll be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow after yesterday's front squats and today's deadlift. Probably have some sore legs.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

front squat heaven

new WOD...not sure how to approach it. Did as Rx, sets of:

1 - 185#
10 - 145#
2 - 195#
20 - 135#
3 - 205#
30 125#

could've gone heavier. 3 @ 205 was tough, but I should've started heavier on the lower reps and maybe tried the set of 10 at 155 or 165. All sets unbroken (never set the bar down)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


a little off schedule this week. took yesterday as a rest day and did a WOD on today's scheduled rest day. First time at the Depot with Dan, Vince, Jay, and Ryan. We did Cindy.

AMRAP 20 minutes:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

16 rounds plus 5 pullups and 4 push ups

Sunday, December 20, 2009

climbs, dips, squats

3 rounds for time:

5 rope climbs
15 ring dips
50 squats

time 19:23

last set of dips was assisted...used weights to step on.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


20 seconds on, 10 seconds off...8 rounds for each of the following with one minute rest b/t exercise. AMRAP during each 20 seconds:

Pull ups 11,11,10,9,8,7,7,8 (71)
Push Ups 17,11,7,6,7,5,5,5 (63)
Squats 16,17,17,16,16,17,17,17 (133)
Row (C2 calories) 5,5,5,5,5,4,4,5 (38)
Sit Ups 11,10,8,8,6,6,6,7 (62)

min: 38
total: 367

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

pull ups and HSPU

Pull ups (strict) and HSPU:


84 pull ups...84 HSPUs.

pull ups strict - no kipping, until set of 6, then kipped all of those. Used band for assistance when needed (partially in sets of 18,15,&12) to keep moving.

HSPU done on paralletes with band assistance...tried for full range of motion, it's amazing how hard even the band assisted HSPUs got very quickly. I did a few against the wall, without bands, and the last 3 sets with bands but no paralletes.

Time 33:01

I think my shoulders and back will be sore tomorrow. I'm waiting to hear from Doc about my foot. Think I either have a deep stone bruise or stress fracture from last weeks 5k...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Back squats 3-3-3-3-3

warm up 5 @ 135, stretching, 10 pull ups, 10 dips, 15 ghd situps, 10 back ext, a few OHS w/PVC, 5 @ 135#, 1 @ 225.

squats as follows:

videod all sets to make sure deep enough...past parallel. May post online to get feedback

Saturday, December 12, 2009


AMRAP 20 minutes:

2 muscle ups
8 54# kb swing

first five rounds as Rx.

Round 6 did 6 ring pull ups and ring dips instead of 2 muscle ups
Round 7 same as rd 6 plus used band assistance on HSPU
Round 8 got ring pull ups and ring dips...end of time

total 7 full rounds plus muscle up subs

Friday, December 11, 2009

another new one...sounded easy. Big surprise!

Complete five rounds of:

  • On the rings, lower from an inverted hang, slowly, with straight body and arms, 7 reps
  • 15 Ring Push-ups...rings about 8" off the ground.
Move SLOWLY and methodically attempting perfect execution

For the first 3 rounds I lowered as slowly as I could, far from keeping a straight body. My body was more and more bent, and I fell faster and faster with each rep. I subbed out 7 skin the cats for the final 2 rounds...trying to stay slow and controlled.

The ring push ups were a challenge and I tried to maintain good range of motion on all reps

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

5k...not today.

went to the depot with plans of PRing a 5k on the treadmill. Warmed up with pull ups, jump rope, some ghd situps and stretching. Got on the treadmill and walked/jogged about 1/4 mile. Reset treadmill and took off.

I made it a little over .6 mile and my toes started hurting from my FiveFingers. So I stopped the treadmill, put on my shoes and got back on. Ran about another 1/4 mile then began alternating b/t running on a 2 - 5 degree incline and walking up a steep incline, beginning at 15 degrees and reducing gradually from there. Ended up going 20 minutes (including shoe changing time)...just didn't have it mentally to run today.

Did a few pull ups, 2 bar muscle ups, some stretching, a 50+ second handstand hold, and 5 HSPUs.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

new one

run 800m
30 hip/back extensions
30 ghd situps
30 hip extensions
30 knees to elbows
30 back extensions
30 sit ups

time 19:48

800m (actually .5 mile) time was 3:07...could've pushed harder but started off a little slower than I finished.

had to take a few breaks during sets of back lower back gets tight!

Monday, December 7, 2009

clean and split jerk


warmed up with set of 10 pullups, 10 ring dips, 5 ring dips, 5 OHS squats, stretching, jump rope, and 3 muscle ups.

145, 155, 155, 160, 150, 165, 155

all lifts good. the 165 ended up being more of a clean and press, so I dropped weight to 155 and went for better form. I did 5 reps of split jerks from the rack position, concentrating on getting under the bar.

cashed out with some weighted ring dips...5 @ 20#, 4 @ 30#.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Lumberjack 20

scaled to the following:
20 275# deadlift
run .25 miles
20 54# KB swings
run .25 miles
20 OHS (8 @ 95#, 12 @ 75#)
run .25 miles
20 burpees
run .25 miles
20 18" box jumps
run .25
20 40# db cleans (partial squat, partial power with a squat)
run .25 miles

time 36:01

deadlift broken 5 or 6 to start, then 2, 3, or 4 at a time
kb swing unbroken
OHS (6 - 95, 2-95, 6 - 75, 4 -75, 2 - 75)
pullups unbroken

Friday, December 4, 2009

short & sweet

Rx was
1000m row
21-15-9 GHD situps and back extensions

I subbed a .25 mile treadmill run and 50 45# high pulls for the row, then did situps and back extensions as Rx.

Time: 7:36

Thursday, December 3, 2009

3 rounds for time:

800m run
21 135# cleans

total time: 24:49

round times 8:00, 8:12, 8:37

ran first 800m in 3:45 then last two a little over 4:00

warmup included a few pullups, ghd situps, back extensions, dips, jump rope, & stretching

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

one arm Fran?

55# db left arm thruster
55# db right arm thruster
uneven pull ups left arm high
uneven pull ups right arm high


pull ups done on cage with bar that angles down on outsides. put left arm on high horizontal bar and right arm on angled piece, then switched after Rx number. all pull ups done kipping

Monday, November 30, 2009

front squats

warmed up with 10 pullups, 6 deep hold dips, some jump ropes, 15 sit ups, some stretching, and 3 front squats at 135#

WOD - front squats 3-3-3-3-3

tried to stretch enough to do traditional grip, but still way too much strain on my wrists, but a LOT closer than a few months to keep stretching. Instead, I did the crossed arm version.

3- 195 failed miserably
3 - 135
3 - 155
3 - 165
3 - 175
3 - 185

using the mirror helped with the depth. I focused on getting very deep on each squat - definitely below parallel! Even though weight wasn't as heavy as last time, it was a good short workout.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Joshie - scaled

my version was 3 rounds, power snatches the same every round, pull ups as indicated:

15 40# left arm dumbbell snatch
(1) 15 knees up pull ups, (2) 15 kipping p/u, (3) 15 kipping p/u
15 40# right arm snatch
(1) 15 dead hang, (2) 15 kipping p/u, (3) 15 kipping p/u

time 18:46

cashed out with some double unders, a lot of stretching, and 2 handstand holds of :38 and :27

legs are almost feeling normal. today my back was a little sore after Linda yesterday and I could really feel it in the snatches

Saturday, November 28, 2009



250# deadlift (1.5x bodyweight)
bench press 165# (bodyweight)
clean #125 (.75x bodyweight)

scaled bench press to 125# and did 1.33x reps (14-12-10-9-8-7-5-4-3-1)

time 29:33

Friday, November 27, 2009

rest day

my legs are sore...very sore!

glutes are a little tender, but my quads are probably as bad as they've ever's not an injury pain, it's more of a "lunges suck" pain.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Trot for Tots 5k


ran/walked wearing fire-fighter was hard.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

400m lunges

did about 40 lunges to start, then tried to get 15-20 continuous before small breaks. sets of 10-15 for the last 150m or so.

did these in front of the house. went about 15' past the marker on the street. I couldn't remember if I measured it to be 100yds or 100m.

time 15:20...about 415 total lunges

looking ahead.

Legs still sore from body weight squats.

400m lunges for time today.

5K tomorrow.

Wheelchair Friday.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

presses and jerks

press 1-1-1-1-1
push press 3-3-3-3-3
push jerk 5-5-5-5-5

warmed up stretching, pullups, dips, jump rope.
2 press @115#

Press: 135,145,145,140,135
Push press: 140, 145, 150, 155 (2), 145
Jerk (split): 120, 140, 145 (4), 135, 135

cashed out with weighted pullups 3 @ 50#, 2 @ 65#, 4 @ 50# (alternating grips), a couple of handstand holds, and 4 HSPU

Sunday, November 22, 2009

burpees and bodyweigh squats

AMRAP 20 minutes:
25 burpees
15 bodyweight (165#) squats

4 rounds + 9 burpees...Round times: 3:26, 4:49, 5:26, 5:27

worked on getting deep on the squats.

cashed out with weighted pull ups 2@ 40, 1 @ 60, 1 @ 75, 1 @ 60, 5 bodyweight dead hang

Saturday, November 21, 2009


2 rounds for time:
12 115# left hand suitcase deadlift
12 right hand 45# barbell press
30 45# virtual shovels (15 each hand)
100yd 54#kb carry
200m run
12 115# right hand suitcase deadlift
12 left hand 45# barbell press
200 yd 45# slosh pipe carry
10 tire flips
200m run

time 23:41

@ RHS track...Saturday AM

Friday, November 20, 2009

deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

buy-in: cleans, samson stretch, 12 GHD situps, 10 back extensions, jump rope, OHS PVC

deadlifts: 6 @ 135, 5 @ 225

total of makes 2375# (2340# on 10/26/09)

cashed out with 4 @ 225#, 2 handstand holds, 6 HSPU

Thursday, November 19, 2009



135# power clean
ring dips

Tuesday, November 17, 2009



21 unbroken
15 thruster 5,6,4
15 pullups (2 sets)
9 thrusters 5,2,2
9 pullups unbroken

new PR!

Monday, November 16, 2009


for time:
100 pull ups
100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats

instead of doing 100 of each before moving on, I did max reps of one then, moved to the next for max reps, etc. After I got through all 4 I began the next round with the next exercise (round 2 push ups, rd 3 sit ups, etc.) until I got to 100 of an exercise, then continued with the remaining.

reps as follows:
Pull ups: 40,17,12,10,11,10
Push ups: 27,26,13,10,8,8,8
Sit ups: 19,20,10,10,11,10,11,9
Squats: 50,25,25

Could've kept going on squat sets, but quit to use remaining as rest b/t other exsercises. Sit ups done off bowflex bench. 40 is a new pull up PR!

time: 19:52

Saturday, November 14, 2009

slosh pipes and tire flips

3 rounds of:

200 yards with 20# 3"slosh pipe overhead
7 tire flips
200 yards carrying 45# 4"slosh pipe
time = just under 16 minutes

Did this one on the track/football field. Carried the 45# pipe in front for most of the first 2 rounds then on my shoulders for the remaining distance. My shoulders are very tired from overhead carry.

Left shoulder tweaked a little bit, I think from yesterday's KB swings.

Nice workout!

Friday, November 13, 2009


5 rounds for time of:
800m run
30 kb swings (54#)
30 pull ups

brutal...but fun. @ Depot, running on the treadmill. did a lot of walking on the 800m.

time: 48:22

Thursday, November 12, 2009

clean & jerk


warmed up with pull ups, dips, stretching, OHS, samson stretches.

5 @ 95, 135, 135.

this time (last time)
155 (145)
165 (155)
160 (165)
135 (155)
160 (155)
150 (155)
155 (155)

total was 5# less than last time's makes, but I dropped down to 135 for a set to practice form. My makes still seem to be more of a clean and press than a jerk. Not a lot of confidence jumping under the bar!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


tried a little different strategy today. Instead of going all out as long as I could, I just tried to keep a pace of 1 round per minute. Focused on thighs, chest, and nose (almost) hitting the ground on each push up, and chin above bar on pull ups. I was able to get about a round up, I think I had 9 rounds in 8 minutes, then started slowing down. Ended up setting a PR with 18 full rounds plus 5 pull ups and 10 push ups in round 19. Had about 3 seconds to do squats, but stopped. I guess I should've finished squats and kept time...

New PR! ! ! ! 18 2/3 rounds.

totals 95 pull ups, 190 pushups, 270 squats.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Filthy 50 as Rx

first time as Rx...35:35.

20# ball was tough. Double unders mostly done one at a time...arms were toast by then!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

deadlift, pullups, and dips

Do one of each, then two, then three for twenty minutes.

225# deadlift
pull ups
ring dips

1 ring dips shy of 10 full rounds.

totals: 55 deadlift, 55 pullups, 54 ring dips in 20 minutes

Nice WOD. ring dips were the killer...could only get 2 (maybe 3) at the beginning of the last couple rounds, then singles from there.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Pull up Ladder

one pull up first minute, two the second minute...until failure.

15 full rounds plus 13 in round 16.

I felt real good through round 13, then just hit the wall in 14. 133 pullups in 16 minutes

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

CrossFit total

felt good going into the workout. Legs felt very tired yesterday, but ready to go today.

Slow gym, headphones on, perfect atmosphere. Warmed up with pullups, dips, OHS, & stretching, then moved on to lifts...maxed warmups out at 225 backsquat, 135 press, 315 deadlift.

backsquat 250,280,290PR
Press 145,155F,155F
Deadlift 345,355F,355
Total= 790PR

did some double unders and weighted pull ups 1 @ 50#, 1 @ 75#, 2 @ 50# (underhand), then 2 handstand holds (feet against the wall, as usual)...1:07 and :51. Felt great to break the 1' barrier!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

rowing and OHS

3 snatches
row 500m

WOD at Tim's. I began with a 500m row, then he rowed while I did 3 snatches and as many OHS as I could until he finished 500m. Started snatches/OHS with 95# for first round, then dropped to 65# for las 4 sets.

I'd max out my weighted OHS until failure, then repped out with PVC. After first round, tried to get 7-10 with weight, then 10-15 with PVC to work form. Overall pretty happy with OHS. Had a little numbness in right arm, but nothing like I used to.

Tried to keep a 2:00 pace for rows...that thing is brutal!

Total WOD took ove 23:00...time was 21:30 as I was finishing last row with OHS left to do.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

800m X4

run as needed...x4
@RHS track low 60s, sunny day


Saturday, October 31, 2009


Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
135 pound Power cleans, 3 reps
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1 minute.

Repeat for a total of 5 cycles

5 +1 clean
4 +2 cleans
4 +1 clean
3 +3 cleans & 6 pushups

totals 67 cleans, 126 pushups, 180 squats

Thursday, October 29, 2009


50-40-30-20-10 double unders and sit ups

time: 18:40

getting better at d/u. most done in groups of 3-4. Last time I did Annie I only counted double unders that I got two complete passes on. Today, if I missed the second time around, I counted it. It helped keep my heart rate up. situps done on floor with feet anchored under 30# db.

cashed out with 3 handstand holds: 56, 43, & 38 seconds

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

back squats 5-5-5-5-5

warmed up with a set of pullups, dips, a few PVC OHS, and some double unders. Warmed up with 5 @ 135# squats.

230 (225)
230 (225)
235 (215)
240 (205)
245 (205 -2 failed on 3)

set the bar a little lower on my back...felt a little uncomfortable, but helped the weights!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


AMRAP 20 minutes: 2 muscle ups, 4 handstand pushups, 8 70# db swings

10 full rounds + 2 muscle ups

times at the end of each round were: :50, 2:11,3:47,5:26,7:00,9:23,11:09,14:00,16:32,19:05

Monday, October 26, 2009

deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

warmed up with a few pullups, dips, double unders, and PVC OHS.

deadlifts 5 @135, 5 @ 225

320, 345, 355, 370f, 355f, 345f, 335, 335, 335, 315

total weight of makes = 2340

went heavy sooner than previous DL days. Did more total weight (45#) than last time. May have taken too big of of jump going form 355 to 370, but I thought I'd try.


3 rds for time:
run 800m
50 situps
50 back extensions

at the depot. Ran on the treadmill then did situps and back extensions on GHD machine, alternating to failure. Last 800m was painful on lower back. Mostly walked, was able to run about .1 mile.

Time 35:00

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Garage WOD

with John and Tim. 4 rounds for time:
50' walking lunge holding 45# barbell overhead
21 situps
time 6:12

followed by 5k# overhead. get 5,000lbs from ground overhead. took a rest (maybe 10 minutes), got bar loaded and did
50 reps of 100# time 6:17

Friday, October 23, 2009

skill work?

legs still sore from the Tabata a couple days ago and with a nice workout planned for Saturday AM, I didn't dare do the WOD as Rx so I just did:

  • towel pullups...15-20 with each arm up high (30-40 total)
  • double unders...most done "backwards", but it did try a few the other way. they actually seem easier than backwards, I just need to keep practicing. I was able to get 4-5 in a row a couple times
  • handstand holds - did five as long as I could...times were 46, 30, 51,46,57. I lost balance on the 30 and REALLY thought I was over a minute on the last one...maybe next time!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


thought about trying a little strategy this time. Instead of all out and lasting as long as I could, I tried to stay consistent and ahead of last time's numbers. It probably hurt the pushup numbers (I ended up a total of 5 less, all of which were from the first round).

I'm always amazed how only 20 seconds of work can sneak up on you. I usually get through 4 rounds OK then struggle for the next 4.

Numbers for this time were:
pullups 12,12,11,10,9,9,7,6 - 76
pushups 9,10,8,8,7,6,4,5 - 58
situps 7,7,7,7,7,6,6,6 - 53
squats 16,18,18,17,19,17,18,17 - 140
low round score: 6+4+6+16=32
total score = 327

Monday, October 19, 2009

weighted pullups

warmup - samson stretches, OHS 45# bar, 15 pullups, 8 dips, double unders, 15 GHD situps, 15 back extensions

weighted pullups:
75 (nose above bar)
70f (1/2 way)
50x2 palm up
2 dead hang palm up

cashed out with some double unders and a handstand hold

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday Group

Washington Park Tennis Courts

4 rounds, one minute max reps of each of the following:
135# deadlift
side to side on tennis court (down & back = 2)
20# wallball (off top of tennis ball wall)

reps/round (total in 19 minutes):
deadlift 35,26,22,23 (106)
pushups 34,22,21,18 (95)
side to side 12,12,11,12 (47)
wall ball 16,15,8,11 (50)

noticeable difference in wallball with Tim's 20# Dynamax...much heavier and hard to hold. I'd been using a 12# rubber ball.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Homemade WOD

3 rounds for time:
run 400m
25 GHD situps
15 back extensions
25 double unders
50 squats

time 29:17

first round in just over 7 minutes, then my lower back got very tight after 2nd round of situps and back extensions. Double unders were mostly singles (got a few doubles first round) and took quite a while for the 3rd round. Had to lay on the floor for about a minute or so after 3rd round of back extensions. Originally planned on a 4 round WOD, but that wasn't happening.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

CF Total

warm ups included - samson stretching, jump rope, handstand holds, cleans (45# bar), light presses (up to 135#), 2 @ 225# squats, and 5 @ 225# and 1 @ 315# dead lifts.

Back squat 250, 260f, 255
press 135, 145, 150f
deadlift 335, 350, 360f

total 750

Monday, October 12, 2009


21-15-9 of 135# power cleans and ring dips

left shoulder a little sore, almost took a rest day but decided to give it a try.

time was 14:27

did ring dips (12, 7, &4) each round to failure, then jumping ring dips with negatives for the remainder of the set.

shoulder still pretty sore. I think tomorrow is a rest day.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fran as Rx

21-15-9 95# thrusters & pullups

first time done as Rx - 8:26

tried to reduce number of breaths taken during breaks and did 3 for a couple. once i got gassed I took quite a few to give muscles time to recover. 21 pullups & 9 pullups unbroken.

Not sure how much of an effect, good or bad, all the recent thruster work has had on Fran. Went heavy 3 days ago (new PR @ 165#) and 95# in a great metcon workout yesterday.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

AMRAP 20 minutes of 95# thrusters, 53#kb swings, & hill runs

9 thrusters, 21 swings, run the hill...5 rounds plus 9 thrusters in 20 minutes.

totals= 54 thrusters, 105 swings, 5 hill runs...20 minutes.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

AMRAP 20 minutes of burpees, high pulls, and pullups

12 burpees
21 95# highpulls
15 pullups

4 full rounds, plus 12 burpees and 5 high pulls.

first round took about 2:30, then hit the wall!

WOD totals for 20": 60 burpees, 89 high pulls, 60 pullups

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

thrusters 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

warmed up with 10 pullups, 6 dips, some double unders, 15 situps, 3 OHS with bar, samson stretchs.

3 thrusters @ 115#


weight of 5 heaviest lifts = 755 (last time 725 on 05/28/09)

The 155 felt strong so I jumped up to 165 but knew I didn't get enough legs into so I had to try again...NAILED IT!

cashed out with some double unders (starting to get the hang of these things) and 5-35# pullups, 5 dead hangs, 3-50# pullups, 1 50# with palms up

Monday, October 5, 2009

30 muscle ups for time

got 20 in 15:02, then scaled the next five to 3:1 ring pullups and ring dips, then the next 5 to 2:1 ring pullups and ring dips.

total time for workout 23.39.

Cooled down with some double unders, stretching, and handstand holds.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

power cleans, situps, and back extension


95# power cleans
back extensions

time 13:37

done in basement. situps with feet strapped to bench, leaned back to parallel. back extensions done as good mornings with 25# plate held against chest.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


3 rounds for time:
Run 400m
21 55# db swings
12 pullups

time 12:54

WOD as Rx done at CRUNCH in Chicago. Last day gym was open and they let me workout for free!

walked a little on the third 400. had hoped to keep time under 12 minutes.

Monday, September 28, 2009

thrusters, cleans, and high pulls

AMRAP 20 minutes, load the bar with 95# and do:
5 thrusters
7 hang cleans
10 high pulls

got 6 rounds in 17:37 and threw in the towel. round times were 1:14, 3:28, 6:02, 9:16, 12:51, 17:37.

may have needed another rest day

Saturday, September 26, 2009

triple ladder

115# clean and jerk - 8 rounds +6 = 42 (9 minutes)
10m shuttle runs - 7 rounds + 7 = 35 (8 minutes)
burpees - 11 rounds + 8 = 74 (12 minutes)

29 minute workout

Friday, September 25, 2009

squat cleans & ghd situps

10 135# squat cleans
50 ghd situps
8 cleans
40 situps...6..30...4...20...2...10


not good at squat cleans, so I did more of a power clean with a front squat. all done with good depth.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

five rounds max reps of:

135# bench press 19,11,12*,10*,8** (60)
Pullups 26,21,22,18,22 (109)
165# squats 20,15,13,11,12 (71)

scaled down bench press from body weight since last time I did body weight wiht a lot of rep I ended up with a sore left shoulder.
*subbed 25# plate on my back and 2 plates on floor to get more depth
**subbed 35# plate on my back and 2 plates on floor to get more depth

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

warm ups:


weight of makes 2295 (2240 l/t)

Monday, September 21, 2009

shoulder work

press 1-1-1-1-1
push press 3-3-3-3-3
push jerk 5-5-5-5-5

Push Press*.140
Push Jerk 115,135,135**,125,130

*got 150 up all 3 but the bar was in front of me on the third, locked but couldn't hold it
**split jer

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hate this one...

5 rounds for time:
30 GHD situps
25 back extensions

As Rx

end of round times: 2:52, 6:54, 11:47, 17:36, 22:24
times by round: 2:52, 3:02, 4:53, 5:49, 4:48

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Daniel - a hero WOD

50 pullups
run 400m
21 95# thrusters
run 800m
21 95# thrusters
run 400m
50 pullups


got 35 straight pullups to start. runs were harder than I expected (pullups and thrusters got the cardio going). Very good workout! I see a Fran coming in the near future...maybe a PR with all these Fran-ish WODs (pullups and thrusters).

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Front Squats


warm up 2 x (3 OHS, 10 pullups, 10 dips, 15/12 GHD situps and back ext.)


I was able to get the bar resting more on my chest than on my shoulders like I've had to do before. I'm still not able to do them with the normal grip (I'm crossing my arms), but the fact that I didn't have to reduce weight because my shoulders hurt was HUGE!

Monday, September 14, 2009


Double unders & situps:

Done at Rx
time 30:01

double unders took a looong time. was able to get 4 in a row a few times, but most were 2 at a time with many many misses

Sunday, September 13, 2009


225# deadlift

time 10:40

I looked at watch at 9:59 with 3 HSPU left and accidentally cleared watch when trying to stop it...time was estimated.

Friday, September 11, 2009


5 rounds for time, rest 3 min. b/t rounds:
20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 squats

times: 4:50, 6:56, 7:18, 7:10, 7:16

3rd round - altenated situps and squats
4th and 5th rounds - alternated pullups and pushups, alternated situp and squats

totals= 100 pullups, 150 pushups, 200 situps, 250 squats

Thursday, September 10, 2009

push jerk


warmed up with bar OHS, 10/7 pullups, 2x 15 situps and back extensions

6 @ 95# push jerk
5 @ 115

did some double unders and handstand holds

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

not quite done

4 rounds for time of:
100 ft lunges with 30# db in each arm
30 box jumps
20 30# pullups

first round got 11 30# pullups, 5 20#, and 4 dead hang
second and third round went to failure on 30#, 20#, 10#, dead hang and kipping
no pullups in fourth round

time 28:53

Monday, September 7, 2009


back squat
225 2x form



total = 725

weak today. felt the form slip on the squats so I did 2x 225 for form.

cashed out with 10 HSPU and 5 25# pull ups

Sunday, September 6, 2009

six rounds - 400m and 25 burpees


no burpees to speak of since 100 day challenge ended on April 10...150 today!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

clean & jerk

4 @ 95#
2 @135#


Wednesday, September 2, 2009


115# squat cleans
ring dips


cleans in the garage, dips in the basement...took a little transition time.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fran on 'roids?

Run 1 mile
21 95# thrusters
21 pullups
Run 1/2 mile
15 95# thrusters
15 pullups
Run 1/4 mile
9 95# thrusters
9 pullups

time 25:16

had to walk some on the 1/2 and 1/4 mile runs. 15 pullups, 9 thrusters, and 9 pullups all unbroken.

wow! tough one!

Child Cancer Awareness Month

30 day lockdown to remember the kids:
  • strict zone - no sugar, no processed carbs
  • only Christian music on the Zune

To get my head and body in sync and see what happens

Sunday, August 30, 2009

weighted pullups

warmed up with a few pullups, some dips, 15 situps, and a couple samson stretches.

65-nose to bar
60-nose above bar
50-2 (palms facing each other)
40-4 (palms up)
25-5 palms up & palms down

Saturday, August 29, 2009

5 rounds for time:

15 - 75# power snatch
run 400m

time 17:44

As Rx was 95# but I scaled. Power snatches in garage.

Heart rate after was 168

Friday, August 28, 2009

OHS 3-3-3-3-3

warmup = 15 situps, 10 pullups, samson, 10 OHS w.pvc

OHS in garage with bumpers

3-75 got 2, lost 3rd on the way up

first time with OHS doing more than the bar with no numbness...booyah!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


AMRAP 2o minutes:

2 muscle ups
4 handstand pushups
8 70# db swings

10 rounds in 20:06

heart rate after w/o = 170bpm

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

20 minutes with 95#

5 thrusters
7 hang cleans
10 high pulls

7 rounds in 19:44

first Rx workout in the past week. did this one in the garage mid 80s & humid. could've pushed harder, but I was gassed!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

my legs are very sore!

dang lunges

Friday, August 21, 2009

lunges, pullups, situps

21-18-15-12-9-6 pullups & situps
then 100ft lunges

ended up doing 56 lunges (probably over 150ft) since I didn't measure. major miscalculation. in the basement I'd do 8-9 down and back two times (32 lunges) and ended up doing 14 down and back this time.

time was 22:10

pullups broken after first set...I think the lunges zapped me!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


150 wallballs 12# @ 10' target

tabata style 20 on 10 off...I threw in a double for the 6th round 20 on 10 on 20 on and did the final 14 without stopping for the beep


Monday, August 17, 2009

ask and ye shall receive...

shoulder's still a little sore...yesterday I did some box jump/burpees in the basement (instead of jumping straight up, I jumped up to the box) then did some jumps with the bumper plates on top of the box...31" as I measured.

Was hoping for a shoulder free workout and today I got it. Done as Rx:

2 minutes - situps, double unders
1.5 minutes...situps, double unders, then 1 minute, then 30 seconds.

scored as follows:
double unders 11,9,11,9
situps 36,23,16,9

seemed to get the hang of the double unders the further I went. next time I'll do a few minutes of d/u as a warmup BEFORE starting. Pretty good 10' workout!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


my traps have been very sore since Linda on Wednesday and my shoulder has been hurting. From what I can tell, it's the acromioclavicular joint. Very tender on the outer part of the clavicle. I think a couple more days of rest and maybe some ice will help.

Maybe a running workout on the hill would be a good idea?

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of:

250# deadlift (1.5x bodyweight)
165# bench press (bodyweight)
125# hang power clean (.75x bodyweight)

time: 35:22

done as Rx at RHS with Scott and Scott.

The bench press on this messed up my shoulder. Next time, I need to drop the weight to maybe 125# or 135# or do pushups instead?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

800m x 4

run 800m four as needed b/t runs


I feel out of shape. Haven't eaten well, little sleep last night, and have had a few light days after I thought I bruised my lung at Bogey's.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

tabata something else

pullups 11,10,9,9,8,8,6,7=68(6)
pushups 14,12,8,7,6,5,5,5=62(5)
situps 6,7,6,6,5,5,5,5=45(5)
squats 16,17,17,18,18,17,16,19=138(16)


situps done off bowflex bench with feet strapped with belt

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

sdhp, burpees, 400m

3 rounds for time:
50 45# sdhp
21 burpees

time 18:12

been fighting a cold (sore throat, coughing, runny nose) for a few days, plus I think I hurt my back doing the bungee thing at Bogey's last Friday. Overall, pretty happy with my time. Humid day...had to walk some on the last 400m

Sunday, August 2, 2009


ring dips

Outside WOD. HSPU done as strict as possible with last set and a half being done off slanted playground piece.

Time: 23:59

Saturday, August 1, 2009

back squats 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

warmed up with 5 @ 135# and 2 @ 225#

270 (deep enough)
250 (bar on bar)

6 @ 135 (as deep as I could go with pause at the bottom)

10 box (bench) squats with 135#

Friday, July 31, 2009

death by clean and jerk x3

with a continuously running clock do 1 clean and jerk the first minute, 2 the second, minute...

upon failure remove 20# and start again...

upon failure remove 20# and start again...

began with 135 - 5 full rounds plus 4 (19 @ 135# total)
115 6 full rounds plus4 (25 @ 115# total)
95# 7 full rounds plus 6 (35@ 95# total)

Monday, July 27, 2009


5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

17 rounds 20:02

Sunday, July 26, 2009

2 for 1

Lynne: 5 rounds, max number of pushups with 25# weight on back and pullups
Push ups: 27, 15, 13, 9, 11
Pull ups: 33, 22, 17, 18, 18

totals: pushups 75, pullups 108

AMRAP in 20 minutes: 10 ghd situps, 10 back extensions, 10 wallballs 12#

7 rounds in 17:13...quit.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


5 rounds for time of
12 155# deadlift
9 115# hang power cleans
6 115# push press/jerk

time 14:15

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

warmup 10 pullups, 10 dips, 5 OHS w/bar, samson stretch & a few pushups
w/u 5 x 135
w/u 5 x 225
350f (90% of the way, grip was slipping)
340f (grip slipped)

2240 = weight of makes

did some weighted pullups (overhand,underhand):
80# f, 1/4 lift
70# f, forehead to bar
60# 1/4, 95%
50# 2,1

Monday, July 20, 2009


around circle - lunch workout - low 80s

time 23:55

didn't feel like running. legs may have been tired from yesterday's F50 and I haven't been doing as much metcon as I did last time (I was doing CFE WODs, too). Almost puked 3 or 4 times in the last 30 yds. Not a fun run!

Sunday, July 19, 2009


50 of each of the following for time:
bench jumps approx. 20"
jumping pullups
55# db swings
walking lunges
knees to elbows
push press 45#
good mornings 45# bar
25# dumbbell thrusters (one db)
jump ropes 15o singles

time: 33:35

didn't have much energy today. mulitple breaks and my hammy is still a litte iffy...not really sore, just feels tight.

Friday, July 17, 2009

30 muslce ups for time

OK, before today, I've probably done 30 muscle ups in my life. Decided to try for one every 30 seconds. Soon adjusted plans to one per minute.

WOD as Rx = 23:41

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hang Power Cleans 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

today's weights (weights from 1/5/09)
135 (135)
145 (155f)
150 (135)
155 (135)
160f (145f)
155f (145)
135 (145)
x (150)

w/u 10 pullups, 10 dips, samson stretch

cool down - handstand work, 1 60# pullup, stretching

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

400m & OHS

Nancy! not looking forward to this one. OHS are my nemsis. As Rx, should do 5 rounds of 400m and 15 95# OHS. Scaled to 45#...trying to avoid arm and hand numbness, while working on flexibility.

Ended up doing 3 1/2 rounds...4 400m runs, and 3 sets of 15 OHS. Midway through final set of squats I started to feel some numbness. Time was 14:54.

Even though I did 45#, they were very taxing on my box. OHS done in front of mirror at depot to make sure I was getting deep enough.

I had sore abs and hamstrings (from the GHD WOD 2 days ago).

Monday, July 13, 2009

2 for 1

two WODs today to make up for a skipped day. Rest day tomorrow!

WOD 1 - Thrusters 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

WOD 2 - 5 rounds of 30 GHD situps and 25 back extensions
ended up doing 150 situps and 125 back extensions, alternating as I got tired.
TIME: 19:39

very tight lower back and quads are weak.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


max rounds in 20 minutes of:
3 45# pullups (Macy held on to my legs..she weighs 44#)
5 strict pullups
7 kipping pullups

4 full rounds in 14 minutes (arms were toast)

12 times on the bar. added 5 strict and a kip to finish it off after I stopped timing.
totals: 12 45# pullups, 25 strict pullups, 29 kipping pullups

adjust grips throughout the workout.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

400m & squats

4 rds for time: 400m & 5o squats

time:12:30 (last 2 times doing this WOD was 12:31 & 12:36)

it was all I had! sunny, mid 80s, hit warm pockets of air the last couple of rounds...very heavy breathing.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Nate = AMRAP 20 minutes

2 muscle ups
8 60# db swings

9 full rounds + 2 muscle ups

WO totals 20 muscle ups, 36 HSPU, 72 swings

muscle ups done from jsut above sitting position on the floor, did muscle up, then dropped to lower dip positions, let go and repositioned for next one.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


115# front squat
GHD situps

time 15:53

humid day inside the depot.

warmed up with 10 pullups, 10 dips, samson stretch, 2 45# OHS, wrist stretching.

I thought about doing the front squats with a rack grip, but one rep was very painful. Need to keep working on flexibility.

Monday, July 6, 2009



185# deadlift, 200# bench (bowflex weight), 100# cleans

time 14:48

Sunday, July 5, 2009

shoulder work

Press 1-1-1-1-1
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5

warmed up with 12 strict pullups, 10 dips, 15 ghd situps, 12 back extensions, and samson stretch

Press 135, 140, 140f, 135f, 135f
Push Press 135, 145, 155f, 145, 150
Push Jerk 95, 115, 135, 125, 125

couldn't get one HSPU after, but did work on handstands a little

Friday, July 3, 2009


75 75# snatches for time

time: 5:59

new one...a little different

5 rounds. each round is timed, rest after each round same amount of time it took to do the round:

shuttle run - 5 yds down and back, 10 yds down and back
5 chest to bar pullups
7 25# one arm snatches (both arms - 14 total)
5 chest slap pushups
5 30" box jumps

times 1:25, 1:35, 1:25, 1:17, 1:20

Monday, June 29, 2009

CrossFit total

busy day at the gym...didn't warm up very well. tough to get into a rhythm.

dead no deadlift warmups...

Back Squat 255, 280, 265
Press 135, 150f, 145
Deadlift - 335, 375f, 365f

760 total

finished with 5 40# pullups, 5 strict, 54 40# pullups, 4 strict, 10 hspu, 4 hspu, 8 deep dips, and a little handstand work.

15 ghd situps, 15 back extension, 15 ghd situps

Saturday, June 27, 2009

not too much fun!

since the WOD was a new one with exercises I hadn't seen before, I thought it would be fun. No so much!

Two rounds of:
Right arm 38#duffel bag press 12 reps
115# Left arm deadlift 12 reps
Run 800 meters
Left arm 38# duffel bag press 12 reps
115# Right arm deadlift 12 reps
Run 800 meter

time 24:28

very hot & humid morning...expected this time of year!

Friday, June 26, 2009


AMRAP 2o minutes:
run 400m
max reps pullups

7 rounds +200m
3000m total
18,10,11,8,8,9,9=73 pullups

humid the mid 90s. Temp in the mid to upper 80s for WOD. Done about 8pm after golfing in the afternoon and a girl's softball game at 6pm.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

20 minutes with 95#

5 thrusters
7 hang cleans

8 rounds in just over 19 minutes

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

front squats

6 @115
should've done another set, but had a softball game to go to. Mallory and Macy were at the depot with me!

10 pullups, 3 50#pullups, 3 strict 10 dips, 12 siutps, 10 back extensions, 3 HSPU stretching and 2 HSPU

Monday, June 22, 2009

3 rds in the heat

3 rounds of:

run 400m
33 35# plate swings

time: 17:32

92 degrees and humid!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Fighting for Ben


Score 265

First time doing FGB as Rx...using Concept2 rower! Great FGB with lots of friends.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

mixin it up

last 2 days have been at the Hyatt in Minneapolis.

I've done a lot of pullups, dips, handstands, C2 rowing (one minute on, one minute off), and practice snatching (not very well). Got some good work in, but nothing to compare to at a later date.

Monday, June 15, 2009

5k...not today

At the Hyatt in Minneapolis...saw a C2...long time listener, first time caller!

started with some stretching and a few pullups, then rowed on the C2. Did 500m, then got on the treadmill. Ran/walked 1.75 miles (walked on steep inclines) in 16:00. Finished with a 2500m row that took about 12:00.

Finished with some shoulder stretches, handstands, weighted pullups, & dips.

Nasty Girls

scaled today's WOD to:

3 rounds:
50 squats
pullups & ring dips
10 135# cleans

I thought I could pull a couple muscle ups (nasty girls rx is 7 m/u per round) but when I failed on the first, I realized i was in trouble. Ended up doing some pullups and ring dips each round (maybe 10 of each) just to keep moving. All else done as Rx.

time: about 16 minutes...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

outside WOD

repeats of 100ft walking lunges, then pullups and situps in sets of 21-18-15-12-9-6.

WOD done outside with pullups on the rings and support beam of swingset. All pullup sets were broken with modified kips, I can't get the rhythm on the rings. Tried to get at least half of each set before dropping off. Time 16:46.

humid morning but I beat the heat on this one!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


20 minutes of
15 95# squat cleans
12 ring dips
21 situps

all reps strict

4 sets in 20:58

finished with some skin the cats on the rings and a little handstand work

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

back squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

245, 255, 265, 255, 270, 245, 245

all lifts successful, but I'm not sure I got deep enought on the 270, so I dropped weight and focused on depth for the 245s. My legs were still pretty tired after yesterday's one leg squats.

did some chest to bar strict pullups, deep dips, and some handstand work.

My handstands are getting much better. today, accidentally, i went over backwards and landed on my feet first (not a forward roll), then lowered down to my back. it's nice to know I can do that and not kill myself. I had one stand for probably 5 seconds...which seems like forever!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


AMRAP in 20 minutes:

10 1 leg squats
15 pullups

got 6 full rounds plus HSPU and squats done in round 7.

totals 35 HSPU, 70 one leg squats, 90 pullups

Sunday, June 7, 2009

thrusters and tuck jumps

5 rounds for time:
21 75# thrusters
21 tuck jumps

time 14:43

very hard workout! Rx was double unders (I really need to work on those) so I subbed tuck jumps. Legs still very tired from FGB yesterday, but I guess that's CrossFit!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Fight Gone Bad "test run"

5 guys, 5 mission...

Fight Gone Bad using 18lb ball, 18" box, 75# push press, 75# high pulls, & burpees

Score 273.

two weeks until the real deal!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

what was the name of that bus that hit me?

This WOD was HARD!

For time:
Run 800m
40 L pull-ups
Run 800m
40 Strict pull-ups
Run 800m
40 Kipping pull-ups

L pullups and most of first part of stricts done on rings on playset outside. I got 13 strict pullups done and hit the wall, so I ran my 3rd 800m then went back to strict pullups and did 20 strict off the bar in the basement. Did final 7 of strict set using wide band for assistance.

I got through kipping set pretty strong and realized I use a lot of energy to "catch" myself on the way down if I don't push away from the bar.

time 34:20.

WOD totals 40 L pullups, 33 strict pullups, 7 band assisted pullups, 40 kipping pullups, ran 1.5 miles


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


WOD as Rx was OHS 5-5-5-5-5. I spent time stretching shoulders using PVC bar and did some reps of OHS using PVC. Seemed to get lower with less discomfort than ever and no numbness in hands or fingers...good thing, right?

Also spent some time upside down, practicing handstands. I still don't have the confidence to "roll" out of a bad situation and that keeps me from staying up as long as I probably could. I used the wall to help balance to get used to being on my hands.

Monday, June 1, 2009


5 rounds for time:

15 25#db split cleans
21 pullups

time 15:36

Saturday, May 30, 2009


5 rounds for time:
30 24" box jumps
30 wall balls 12# ball

time: 32:38

great day...low 80s & sunny. Just got back from Indy celebrating annivesary. Did first 3 rounds in about 16:00, then took about the same amount of time to get last 2 sets!

Thursday, May 28, 2009



warmed up with 2 sets CFWU (ring dips were 8 &5 and pullups were 10 & 6)


tried to do max on every least a weight I thought I'd have a chance to fail on, or push real hard and get it.

finished with a round of 8 25# pullups, 6 ring dips, & 6 HSPU

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


5 rounds of:
20 pullups, 30 push ups, 40 situps, 50 squats

rest 3 minutes b/t rounds


total work 33:07. this time I completed each exercise before moving on to the next.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Other workouts

  • With an empty 45# bar (25# females), squat 1 squat on the minute for the first minute, 2 the second…until you reach 30 minutes.
  • 50 burpee clean and jerks 95/65
  • 21-15-9 Dumbbell overhead lunges Dumbbell box jumps Dumbbell push ups 25/15

Sunday, May 24, 2009

CrossFit Total

much needed rest day yesterday...spent most of the day putting mulch in the landscaping, so not much of a rest!

CrossFit total today:
Back Squat 245, 275(PR), 280f
Shoulder Press 135, 145(PR), no third attempt
Deadlift 335, 355, 365 (PR)

TOTAL 785 (PR)

great time to have PRs on all 3 lifts. Not sure if that means I've been working hard and eating right -or- I just wasn't trying hard enough of past attempts at CFT. I'd like to think I've been working hard!!

finished up with:

8 chest to bar pullups, 5 30# pullups, 3 strict, 2 30#, and 2 kip
10 HSPU (rest) 4 HSPU

Friday, May 22, 2009


3 rounds:
50 back ext
50 situps

situps and back ext (good morning with 45# bar) done in living room. Warm day, WOD after work 4:45pm Friday afternoon, low80s.


Thursday, May 21, 2009


two rounds:
75 SDHP 45#

two rounds:
20 L pullups
20 95# front squats
20 95# push press

time 38:06

Rx was 20 115# thrusters but I couldn't get the weight up so I subbed front squats and push press

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

400m & 50 squats

four rounds of:
run 400m
50 squats

very nice sunny day - low 80s - done over lunch.

time 12:31 (last time 11/8/08 12:36)

Monday, May 18, 2009

rowing & bench press

fot time:

50 SDHP (rowing subs)
30 135# bench press
100 SDHP
20 135# bench press
200 SDHP
10 135# bench press

I subbed some running on the last 2 sets of SDHP...I counted one row for every .01 mile I ran. Ended up running .95 miles

time 27:16.

last set of bench unbroken... got stock on set of 20 had bar on chest and couldn't get the rep, had to rest for about 5 seconds and try it up!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

another new one!

4 round for time:
100 ft walking lunges holding 25# dumbbells
30 24" box jumps
20 pullups (25#, 15#, strict, or kipping)

as Rx...I started pullups with 25# db between feet and got a few reps, then dropped to 15# hanging from waist, then did strict, then kipping. I altered grips from palms up, down, & toward each other. The last 2 sets were done without any weight and the final set was all kipping.

Time 26:26

Saturday, May 16, 2009


21-15-9 of 225# deadlift and handstand pushups

Round of 21 HSPU were strict (feet against wall, straight up and down) but broken sets. For the round of 15, I did 7 in a semi-pike position with feet against the wall, and 8 in a pike with my feet on a bench. All in the round of nine was done off the bench, too.

I felt fairly strong on the deadlift, although I struggled with the bar getting wet with sweat and my grip starting to fail.

Time 16:17

Thursday, May 14, 2009

s/u & b/e

WOD as Rx was 5 rounds for time:

30 situps
25 back extensions (both exercise done on GHD)

I did 4 rounds, with sets of 6 burpees any time I rested for more than a couple of breaths or got of the rack to switch b/t situps and back extensions. Looking back, I'm a little disappointed I didn't finish the 5th set, but I was beat and running a little late getting back to work. I guess the burpees made up for skipping the 5th, right?

My legs were very tired from yesterday's one legged squats...both the situps AND back extensions were very hard on them. Burpees probably weren't the best idea for tired legs, but it kept me motivated to keep moving!! My lower back was pretty tight on the ride home.

Time 23:42...Totals 120 situps, 100 back extensions, 78 burpees

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mary, Mary, you're on my mind!

long time listener, first time caller...

Mary as Rx:
10 one legged squats (alternating legs)
15 pullups

7 rounds - 19:49

Workout totals: 35 HSPU, 70 one leg squats (35 each leg), 105 pullups

Wore my Five Fingers...these things are SWWEET! I really need to get a pair that I could wear with Dockers to work...just kidding.

This ended up being a great workout. I had always done Cindy before, but was ready to give this a try. All HSPU sets were unbroken, but I did need to rest a little b/t reps on the last 2 sets. Squats were done off the edge of the wooden box at the depot. Tried to stay flat footed, but most of them were done off the balls of my feet. First 5 pullup sets unbroken.

Best way to get more done is to improve time on squats (had a couple of balance issues) and try to get all pullup sets unbroken...I had to break up 6 & 7.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

warmed up with some OHS arm stretches with PVC. 18 kipping pullups, 12 situps off bowflex holding 8# med ball, and some leg stretching (samson style).

4 @ 95#
1 @ 115#

145, 165, 185F, 165, 170, 175, 180.

the 185 I failed felt sooo confidence on the 2nd pull. When I got to 180 on the final, I probably could've gotten 185. Need to start a little heavier next time and move up 5# at a time.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

back squats

cfwu x2

205 (2) failed on 3

10 HSPU to finish


WOD as Rx on 5/9, done on 5/10: 800m x4 - rest as needed b/t sets (last time):

2:55 (2:52)
3:03 (3:17)
3:09 (3:17)
3:13 (3:22)

This is a HARD friggin' lungs were burning!

total time - 12:20 (12:48)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Clean & Jerk - Grace

Rx was 30 135# C & J for time. I sacled to:

15 @ 135#
15 @ 125#

time 9:20

Power cleans and very little squatting on the jerk, more of a press. First WOD using vibrams. They gripped the rubber floor at the depot a little more than my running shoes did. I little different feel, but I liked it!

started with warmup 2x - 10 pullups, 10 bar dips, some arm stretching, 12 GHD situps and 12 back extensions.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

push jerk


2x CFWU with 10-12 reps of everything, dips were ring dips.

not very good at push jerk, so I did a lot of stretching and some reps with the bar. Added weight and did more reps and 95#...finally got to where I was doing it right on the last few reps.

Did a few weighted pullups (dropped weight and finished with strict pullups) and a set of HSPU.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Rx WOD was 10 rounds of:

3 - 25# pullups
5 - strict pullups
7 - kipping pullups

I got 4 full rounds done, then wasn't able to any weighted (could've, just didn't want to wait until my muscles recoved) and finished with 3 strict and 7 kipping. Time for what I did was: 13:54.

total pullups done:
12 - 25# weighted
23 - strict
35 - kipping

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Half Marathon

ran in Indy yesterday...time 1:50:01. first mile was very slow...took about 9:40 (lots of people and a pee break), but from then on I tried to keep an 8:20 pace to break 1:50. Got close!

I felt good most of the race. My right calf hurt a little bit at about mile 7-8, but never cramped up. No knee pain, no foot pain.

Past marathon results and training methods:

May 2006 - 2:04:59 - all running, no crossfit. used a basic Hal Higdon training plan and had some long Saturday runs to get ready.

November 2008 - 1:53:14 - CrossFit, a little CrossFit endurance, and a 4 runs that weren't part of the WOD or CFE (times were 34, 46, 59, 1:01).

May 2009 - 1:50:01 - All CrossFit, with some CFE. The longest run (as part of CFE) was 35 minutes. I did the 100 day burpee challenge (ended April 10)...this made a huge difference!

Thursday, April 30, 2009


scaled down to 95# and did power cleans (very little knee bend) to rest legs for the mini. Ring dips as Rx. Didn't plan on working out tonight at all, but couldn't pass it up!


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

last one before half-marathon

CFE Rx 9 minute run...Hal Higdon Rx 2 mile run...I split the difference.

I ran/walked 1/3 mile, then ran one mile for time (6:41 new PR) then 1/3 mile run/walk. Legs felt tired. I think the next 2 days of rest will be good and my body will be ready on Saturday.

Toe was a little sore, but I don't think it hurt my running.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

shoulder press


5 reps 95#
2 reps 115#
4 reps 115#


sounded easy enough...3 rounds (running or biking) of:

5 seconds on, 10 seconds off,
20 on, 10 off,
10 on, 10 off,
30 on, 10 off,
15 on, 10 off,
25 on, 10 off.

Since I stubbed my toe, I wanted to rest it and opted for biking. I rode the stationary bike at the depot set on level 12 and took off.

For something that was less than nine minutes of was a brutal one! It was hard to keep the RPM >100 for the 30, 15, and 25 sets at the end and the 10 second rests seemed to get shorter each time.

Monday, April 27, 2009

SDHP & dips

5 rounds of:
21 95# SDHP
21 ring dips

time: 29:36

all dips were ring dips, but only the first set was unassisted. from then on I did unassisted and assisted with the wide or narrow band. I got a least 5 unassisted in each set and went until failure before changing methods.

No CFE today!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


2x today

CFE #1
sprint 10 seconds, rest 20 seconds
16 rounds
done at high school track...last few weren't quite a sprint, but I was giving it what I had.

Run 35 minutes. Ran to Washington Park, then 5 times up and down sledding hill, back towards home and time ran out just past Fear's house across from golf course.

Not sure 2 CFEs plus one main site WOD is a good idea, but half marathon is less than a week away and this was my last long workout until then.

snatch & pull ups21-15-9

95# snatch

time: 9:15

as Rxd was a squat snatch, mine were more of a power snatch...since I can OHS. Great workout.

2 CFEs to go today...should be a good day!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Michael & CrossFit Endurance

CFE at lunch - sprint 100m - rest 2 minutes...10x

Michael - after work

run 800m
50 back ext (good mornings 45# bar)
50 situps

time 26:22

Thursday, April 23, 2009


time 29:33

new PR!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009



warmups 135x5 225x4


total weight 2280

CF endurance

20:10 x 8 rounds, 20 seconds on 10 seconds off. Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed!

Set grade at 12, speed at 8mph (7:30/mile pace). Didn't change speed at all. Nice, short workout! Deadlifts tonight!!

Monday, April 20, 2009



235 (not sure I got deep enough...did reps)

cfwu x1 before
cfwu x1 (no dips) after

Sunday, April 19, 2009


100 pullups
100 pushups
100 situps
100 squats

all done in order. situps done with feet anchored under couch in living room...time about 33 minutes (last time was a lot quicker, but I didn't finish one exercise before starting the next, I went to failure on each exercise and kept rotating).

Saturday, April 18, 2009


  • WOD done Thursday 4/16/09:

maximum number of rounds in 20 minutes of:

30 box jumps (26")
20 115# push press
30 pullups

3 rounds

did jumps onto the school desk...a couple of pauses to fix the rings for Brenda and set a timer. 3 rounds was all I wanted!


50 of each for time:
24" box jumps
jumping pullups
35# swings
knees to elbows
45# push press
45# back extensions
12# wallball
tuck jumps

time: 30:53
new PR

Thursday, April 16, 2009


3 rounds for time:

run 400m
21 35# plate swings
12 pullups

time: 12:53

Not sure how to compare times to prior Helens since I've done them a little different each time. A great workout everytime I've done it! This time, I ran 100m down the street and back 2x to get 400m then to the basement for the pullups & swings. Felt good, but lower back got tight on last set of swings.

Did sets of strict pullups earlier in the day, resting about 60 seconds b/t sets: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8 - 44 total

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jason Sutfin

DL, cleans, & push jerk

5 rounds for time (scaled WOD):

12 155# deadlift
9 115# cleans
6 115# push jerk

time: 17:44

started with 125 on the cleans, but after 3 realized it was too much. 10# made a world of difference. Hard on the forearms and a great metcon workout.

Started Recon Ron with strict pullup sets of 8,6,5,5,4

Monday, April 13, 2009

Sunday & Monday WOD

Sunday - WOD as RX 30 muscle ups

practiced technique a few times, then did some L pullups, strict pullups, and ring dips until failure.

Monday - main site rest day...crossfitendurance run on treadmill 6-12 degree incline. did one mile in 11:04 (much harder than I thought it would be) then 1.5 miles on bike and about another 1/2 on treadmill.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


100 day challenge eded's WOD includes burpees!!

3 rounds for time:
50 45# SDHP
21 burpees
400m run

time 17:15

same WOD as 2/15/09 except I subbed SDHP for plate swings this time

Friday, April 10, 2009


today ended the 100 day challenge...100 burpees today...time of 7:53! Oh yeah!!!

In addition, the WOD is the CrossFit total...done at the depot about an hour and a half after the burpees:

Squat 265 (PR)
Press 135
Deadlift 350 (PR)
CFT - 750 (PR)

did I mention BOOYAH?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

rest day...getting ready for tomorrow!

did burpees over lunch in sets of 10 or 20. rested as needed b/t sets and just wanted to see how fast I could do 10 or 20, then set a challenging but realistic time for tomorrow's finale. Sets done as follows:

10 warmup not timed
10 24.9
10 24.9
10 24.3
10 23.8
20 54.9
10 28.8
10 27.8
9 20.9

Goal for tomorrow is 7:30 for 100 burpees

YTD Total after day 99 = 5079

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


wanted to work my burpees in the 5k, so I ran the 3.1 around our 1/3 mi. circle, doing 11 burpees after each of the first 8 laps and 10 after the 9th lap, then finished the .1 mile.

Time 33:38

YTD burpees 4980

shoulder work

press 1-1-1-1-1
push press 3-3-3-3-3
push jerk 5-5-5-5-5

press 125,135,140f,135,130,135
push press 135,145,135,140,140
push jerk 105,125,145f,95

ended up with more weight than last time...rushed workout and tried to get burpees done b/t sets, probably hurt totals. overall, happy with workout. I think the HSPU I've been doing recently helped a lot with this one.

100 day challenge - day 97 - 4882 YTD

Monday, April 6, 2009


Kinda hard to believe it's day 96...4 to go!

did tonights 30 seconds on, 20 seconds off...95 burpees in 7:48. Ended up with sets of 10,11,10,10,10,10,10,10,9,5....mis added and did my 96th a couple hours after.

YTD burpees = 4785
WOD as Rx today is repeating cycle of 100ft walking lunges with sets of pullups & situps, back to lunges, then pullups and situps, etc. The number of pullups and situps go 21,18,15,12,9, & 6.

WOD in my basement going 25 feet, turning around, and repeating for 100ft per set.

Time 16.33.

All pullup sets were done unbroken (kipping). Totals 600 ft lunges, 81 pullups, 81 situps

Sunday, April 5, 2009

rest day

100 day challenge - Day 95 ytd = 4689

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Hang Power Clean & jerk

1-1-1-1-1-1-1... this thing is mostly about technique...and confidence!


I struggled big time with the 145...could get the shrug to get the bar going upward and didn't have the confidence to drop beneath the bar and catch it. The 135# seem fairly light, but the 145# was soooo heavy.

warmup was 12 pullups, 12 dips, 10 ghsd situps, 10 back ext. then hpc&j 5xbar, 4x95, 3x115.

after WOD, i did burpees in sets of 13,12,11,10,9,8,7,7,6,6,5. after each set I rotated between sets of ghd situps, hspu (max reps), and back extensions

finished up with some weighted pullups, tried to go non-stop, but I did drop of the bar to record reps and move dumbbells a little so I could pick them up:


100 Day challenge - Day 94 YTD 4594- 6 days to go!

Friday, April 3, 2009

400m + burpees

WOD today 5 rounds of 400m and burpees (scaled from main site...subbed burpees for OHS)

400, 19, 400, 19, 400, 19, 400, 19, 400, 17

time: 18:44minutes

100 Day challenge - ytd burpees 4500

Thursday, April 2, 2009


3 rounds for time:
21 L pullups
25 towel pullups

did 5 burpees each time I let go of the bar until I got my 92 for the day.

Time 30.22

did pretty good on the L pullups for the first 2 sets. When I started number three, the tank was empty. Ended up doing 21 strict pullups, then some L sits at the end to make up...probably not the same as the L pullups, but I had no choice.

Towel pullups were tough...last set were done sliding the towel back and forth to simulate climbing.

Ended up doing 42 L pullups, 21 strict pullups, 75 towel/modified towel pullups.

Did 2 sets of L sits and 6 HSPU after I stopped the clock

100 day challenge - Day 92 - YTD = 4407 burpees

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 91

100 day challenge - YTD burpees 4315

We're on the homestretch!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

GHD situps & back extensions

For time, do 5 rounds of:
30 GHD situps
25 back extensions

I knew I couldn't get thru the sets unbroken, so I decided to work my burpees in to this WOD. Every time I stopped, either to change from situps to back extensions or because I needed a break, I did 6 burpees. I figured that would be a total of 15 breaks...I was close. I actually to 18 breaks and ended up doing 108 burpees.

Time - 31:04 (stopped the watch for 30-45 seconds to help a guy adjust the seat on the leg press machine).

Workout totals - 150 GHD situps, 125 back extensions, 108 burpees

100 Day Challenge - YTD burpees 4224

Monday, March 30, 2009


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups

6 rounds - pullups 24,16,14,14,15,11
94 pullups

Best Nicole peformance yet...there may be something to this idea of eating right!!

100 Day challenge - 89 burpees done, broken down into 9 sets (10,10,10,10,9,8,10,15,7) - YTD 4116...I am SO ready for these things to be over! Yesterday's burpees on the rest day were the hardest one's to get done.

6 HSPU when done

Sunday, March 29, 2009

finished burpees

100 Day Challenge - 88 done - 4027

Fight Gone Bad

75# SDHP
Box Jumps
75# push press
15# wall ball

score 284

Brenda did WOD today...3 in a row!!! She scored a 253 (25# SDHP, box jumps,25#PP, 8# wall ball, & burpees...NICE JOB, BABE!

100 day challenge (30 burpees done in FGB - 58 to go)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

rest day

CrossFit rest day

100 Day challenge - day 87 - YTD 3939

10 rounds for time

WOD done on 3/27/09 - posted 3/28/09

10 pullups & 10 ring dips

all 10 pullup sets unbroken
first set of dips unbroken ring dips, got 2 in set 2, the used bands or did regular dips for remaining sets.

time 23:08...most of the time spent on dips

after WOD I did some weighted pullups (40#,35#,&25#) and two sets of HSPU (10 & 5)

100 day challenge - Day 86 burpees done alternating with GHD situps...YTD 3852

Thursday, March 26, 2009


run 4 800m for as needed b/t sets:


100 day challenge - 85 today YTD 3766

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

front squats


a couple samson stretches, OHS with bar, 2 sets of 10 pullups & 10 ring dips

front squat warmup 4x115
3-195 (got 2, failed 3rd)

noticeably easier when I kept my back straight and looked up!

100 day challenge - alternated sets of 6 burpees with 6 GHD situps or back extensions. ended up with 84 burpees, 54 GHD situps, 18 back extensions - YTD total 3681

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

rest day - CFE

main site rest day

CFE Run for 30 minutes with and RPE of 15. Do Not Exceed 15 RPE for the first half of this effort. If you feel good, increase RPE as to how you see fit... Just never go below 15 RPE. I misread the WOD and did 15 minutes, not 30. I added burpees to the workout and did as follows:

21 burpees
1/3 mile run
21 burpees
1/3 mile run
21 burpees
1/3 mile run
21 burpees
60 yard run (approximately)

100 day challenge YTD burpees 3597

Monday, March 23, 2009


Run: 3x( 200m + 400m+ 600m)

Rest the exact time it takes you to do each interval in each set.

EX. 200m run in 35 sec. rest 35 sec then 400m run, rest 400m time, run 600m, rest 600m time, run 200m, etc.

200s: 38-40
600: 2:35-2:40

running isn't easy!

done around the circle after work.


today ended up being a great metcon workout. WOD was Karen:

150 wallball shots for time

I used my 12# ball...time 7:53.

After a few minutes rest, I got my burpees done in sets broken down into 40 second increments. I only rested if I had time left over (no rest b/t sets) 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,6,9,5,6,7. Total just under 10 full sets just under 8 minutes.

YTD total 3513.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


well I found out today that 180# bowflex weight is nowhere near 165# of real weight. Today's WOD was max rep body weight bench press and max reps pullups. Numbers as follows:

Bench press 165# 9,9,10,10,5 (the 3rd & 4th sets were done using 60# db since I had no spotter)
Pullups 33,21,20,17,15

total bench press = 43
total pullups = 106

100 day challenge - Day 81 YTD 3431

Saturday, March 21, 2009

deadlift & running

Main site WOD as Rx, for time:

21 225# deadlift
run 800m
15 225# deadlift
run 800m
9 225# deadlift
run 800m

time: 18:55
probably could've done faster, was mentally beat during the runs on the treadmill. My thought was to keep at or above 7.5mph (8 minute mile pace) but I slowed it down a couple times to 6.2mph. Deadlifts were all broken sets, I tried to get all 9 last set but my grip gave up after 8.

100 day challenge - did 42 burpees prior to WOD to warmup & 38 after. YTD burpees 3350

Friday, March 20, 2009

rest day

79 burpees - YTD 3270

Thursday, March 19, 2009

pullups & more pullups

10 sets:
3 weighted pullups 45#
5 dead hand
7 kipping

Time & number of rounds (how many times you dropped off the bar)

I got the first set unbroken with 35#, then dropped to 25# for a couple rounds and 15# for the last one. I did five sets in 14:49 in 18 rounds...and was toast. I did my daily burpees then one more set unbroken (oooh my grip). Finished with 8 kipping pullups.

Just a little FYI...pullup totals for today were 18 weighted, 30 dead hang, 50 kipping.

100 Day challenge - day 78 (not sure why, but I did 79 burpees) YTD total 3191

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Split Jerk

First time doing this one for a least first record of it. WOD, as Rx'd, is 1-1-1-1-1-1-1.

Warmed up with stretching and 20 burpees. Did 5 reps with the bar and 3 reps at 95#. Not sure where to start so I went as follows:

135 - weak, not enough dip and didn't get my arms locked
135 - strong
145 - strong
155 - weak, took a couple of steps to balance
135 - strong
145 - strong
150 - strong

Did some burpees b/t each set to stay loose.

100 Day Challenge - did 78 today (miscounted) 3112 YTD

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


A hero workout. I scaled the WOD as Rx to include my 76 burpees...main site WOD was for time:

1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

Since my 76 burpees include a squat and a pushup, I reduced the pushups and squats by 76 and added 76 burpees:

1 mile Run
76 Burpees
100 Pull-ups
124 Push-ups
224 Squats
1 mile Run

Time 49:27...very tough workout. Sweat was pouring and I was pretty well able to keep working at something. I took a few breathers between exercises and walked some of second mile run.

100 day challenge YTD burpees 3034

Monday, March 16, 2009

rest day

decided to do burpees tabata style today, with a twist. Instead of straight burpees, I alternated a round of burpees with a round of situps, continuing until I had done at least 75 burpees.

Ended up going 10 rounds (9:50 time, not counting rest after last set of situps) completing 77 burpees and 88 situps (feet anchored under loveseat).

100 day challenge YTD burpees 2958

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It never fails...

yesterday after the workout, I had a little extra energy, so I did some HSPUs. Got a great burn in the arms and shoulders. Last night, I checked the WOD....BINGO....HSPUs were Rxd. AAAGH!

WOD as follows - 21-15-9 HSPU, ring dips, & pushups. Had to break up all sets (except final set of 9 pushups. I did find the HSPUs were easier the more vertical I was, or more like a shoulder press, than if my hands were farther from the wall. I did do 6 HSPUs off the wooden box (I slacked) in the second round. I struggled more on the dips and did 5 in the second set and 9 in the final set off the dip bar.

Time 20:30 (included 16 original plan was to do the 74 burpees along with this workout...bad idea!)

100 day challenge - YTD burpees 2881

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Grip Buster!

Holy cow this was tough! From the posts I read on the main site, it sounded like it would be hard on the forearms and grip, but I had no idea. There's an awesome video of Dave Castro doing the WOD, check it out. I scaled the WOD (since I didn't have a rope) to:

Five rounds for time of:
9 reps of 115# hang cleans (155# squat cleans Rx)
15 towel pullups (3 ascents on a 15 ft rope Rx...I don't have a rope, but I'll order one soon)

Since I had 73 burpees to do today and they include some squatting, I subbed power cleans for squat cleans. I got the towel pullups done the first round and felt a HUGE difference in my grip on the 2nd round of the cleans. From rounds 2-5, I did as many towel pullups as possible, then dead hang pullups from the bar to failure, then towel pullups, etc., and tried to alternate my grip throughout. Felt pretty good everywhere except the grip! Every set of the cleans were broken.

3 sets of 5 HSPU as a cash out and to get my forearms stretched out...believe it or not, I think it helped them.

During the WOD, I got my 73 burpees in during breaks.

Time 34:12

100 Day challenge - YTD 2807 burpees...getting closer. I think I've realize when I'm doing the burpees, there isn't really much of a difference doing 50, than 60, or 70. I've only got 27 days to go and they won't be any harder than yesterday's, will they?

Friday, March 13, 2009

Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3

WOD as Rx: 225, 245, 205, 215, 225

warmed up with 5x135. Wasn't sure the 245 was deep enough squat, pretty deep, but not sure I got below parallel, so I dropped weight and worked my way back up.

100 Day challenge - burpees done tabata style (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, repeat until done) and busted it as hard as I could with rounds of 7,7,7,7,7,7,6,5,7,6,6=72 burpees in 5:21. Legs were burning!

burpees YTD = 2734

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Rest Day

100 Day challenge - Day 71 done! - YTD 2662

PS - I was right in yesterday's comments...I do have a bellyache! Dang GHD situps!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A new one...30 minutes of heaven!

WOD as Rx:

Do the maximum number of rounds in 30 minutes as you can of:

5 pullups
5 ring dips
15 situps

Total - 12 rounds (I may have done 13...after a set of pullups I couldn't remember if I had written the prior round down). All situps were GHD situps..not really sure if that's the way the should've been done, but I didn't feel like having my tailbone rubbed raw on the floor.

Actually, this was a pretty cool workout. All pullup sets unbroken. A had to break quite a few of the dip sets apart (mostly 3/2, but the last couple were 3/1/1). Situps took most of the time from the 5th or 6th set on. I'm guessing I'll have a pretty sore midsection tomorrow and Friday. 180 GHD situps is the most I've ever done!

20 burpees after workout...50 to go tonight!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

CrossFit Total

Second time doing Crossift Total...had a better plan this time, I think! It helped quite a bit that I had a heavy deadlift day between last time and this time, so I had a much better idea what I was capable of. Warmups included, a set of pullups, some stretching, dips, GHD situps, and back extensions. Did some 135# squats and a few light deadlifts.

CFT lifts done as follows:
Back Squat - 225,255,275F
Shoulder Press - 115, 145F, 140
Deadlift - 275,315,335

Total 730 new PR - (last time 685)

100 Day challenge - 69 burpees done tabata style - YTD 2521

Monday, March 9, 2009

HSPU, L pullups, burpees, & lunges

10 L pullups
15 steps walking lunges

I subbed 15 burpees for the lunges and finished 5 full rounds. Had a little over a minute and finished out the 20 minutes with 29 walking lunges. The HSPU were all done on the floor, feet against the wall, forehead to floor - all sets unbroken. Pullups done as close to L as possible, sometimes my legs bent a little, but I tried to stay strict...first set unbroken. Burpees all done slowly and methodically, trying to get a good squat on the way down. Last set done quickly so I could get some lunges in.

100 Day challenge - YTD 2452 (75 done today as part of WOD)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A little run today

I took yesterday off (exept burpees)...the WOD was a 5k run, but I just felt worn down, I think Friday's WOD was harder than I realized.

Today, instead of the 5k I should've done yesterday, I ran to the high school, did 10 tire flips, then ran back home. The distance was about 2.8 miles (I estimated the distance b/t the road and the tire). Along the way, I snuck in my 67 burpees - 10 in my driveway, 10 by the football field, 20 near the tire, 10 at the road, 10 by the football field and 7 in my driveway.

Time 29:07.

It was very windy, fortunately the wind was against me on the way, and at my back on the way home.

100 day challenge - YTD burpees 2377

Friday, March 6, 2009

Fat Jackie

WOD done as Rx (subbed for SDHP for rowing):
100 45# SDHP
50 45# thrusters
30 pullups
65 burpees* (not part of WOD)

WOD alone = 8:30
WOD plus burpees = 15:55

Tried to get 8 burpees per minute and was able to keep a pretty methodical pace. This was a mentally challenging WOD because there were so many reps of each exercise, it was tempting at times to stop.

100 Day challenge - YTD 2244 burpees

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Clean & Jerk

Rx 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

warm up with samson stretch, 10 ring dips, 10 pullups, 15 GHD situps, more stretching& 5 burpees...did 5 c&j reps with the bar, the 3 x 95#. WOD as follows:

135,155,165f, 135,145,145,145

The 165 seemed a ton heavier than the 155...may be a confidence thing, but I didn't have it in me!

10 ring dips and 10 pullups to cooldown...before burpees. Decided to tabata my final 59 burpees (20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, repeat, etc.) in sets of 8,7,7,6,5,6,5,5,5=59 plus 5 as warmup = 64.

100 day challenge YTD 2179 burpees - Day 64

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rest day...except for these friggin burpees


sets of 10-10-10-11-11-11...per set, 2 minutes rest b/t sets...63 today YTD 2115

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


YTD 2052


Today's WOD really wasn't too fun. Not too fun at all. Here it is:

"Barbara" - Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.

Did an AM WOD today since RHS plays in the sectional final tonight. First 2 rounds as Rx. Pullups and pushups unbroken in first round. In the 3rd round, I alternated situps and squats to keep the metcon going, then alternated all exercises in the 4th and 5th rounds. I'd do pullups until failure, then pushups until failure, then situps, then squats. That definitely helped my times in the final 2 rounds and kept my heartrate up, so everybody wins, right?

Times were 4:31, 5:21, 7:13, 6:59, 6:16. Just over 30 minutes of work with 12 minutes of time including rest was 42:20 for 100 pullups, 150 pushups, 200 situps, and 250 squats.

Got home and was ready to do some burpees before I showered and got 9 done...then my body said, "What the heck do you think you're doing?" It didn't want to cooperate with my mind. I'll do the rest later...

Monday, March 2, 2009


WOD 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Warmed up with some stretching and deadlifts 135x6, 225x3,225x3

pulled 295,315,335,315,325,315,315

very happy with weights. Total for the 7 reps was 2215# vs. 2110 last time. I think learning the lift and getting some heavy weights helps confidence a lot. The 335 was my max and it was a very slow pull but I felt pretty strong. Since I'm not using bumpers, I'm also lowering the weight slowly, as opposed to dropping it, so that has to make 'em a little harder.

Did some weighted pullups 25#, 35# & 50# and almost got a muscle up on the bar...I've got to get my rings somewhere and see how that works!

100 day challenge - 40 when I woke up, 21 after deadlifts. YTD burpees 1989

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Saturday (yesterday) was a rest day. I thought about not doing burpees, then making them up today, but came up with a better plan...

so, at 12:00am, Saturday morning, I did 20 burpees, rested all day, then at 11:56pm I started again, knocking out the 39 needed before the clock struck midnight...this insanity has to stop!

Today's WOD was Helen, 3 rounds for time of 400m run, 21 reps 55# dumbbell swing, 12 pullups. I couldn't find the 55# so I subbed a 50#.

Time 12:34

The treadmills were full when it was time for the last run, so I did 1:45 on the stair climber - had be have been close to running a 400.

100 day challenge - Day 60 YTD burpees 1928

Friday, February 27, 2009

Holy Lower Back, Batman!

WOD as Rx
21 back extension
400m run
18 back ext
400m run
15 b.e.
400m run
12 b.e
400m run
9 b.e.
400m run
6 b.e.
400m run
3 b.e
400m run

Not sure what's up with the 400m runs alternating with other exercises, but it is providing some awesome metcon workouts!

Time 23:53. Lower back got very tight during runs, mostly during the middle sets. Hoped to keep a 2:00 pace for each 400m, but back tightness made me do some intermittent walking. Legs are very tired and my quads are still feeling yesterday's 700m worth of lunges.

100 day challenge - 20 burpees done AM, 38 after WOD. YTD burpees = 1809

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Lunges, lunges, & more lunges

WOD as Rx today is repeating cycle of 100ft walking lunges with sets of pullups & situps, back to lunges, then pullups and situps, etc. The number of pullups and situps go 21,18,15,12,9,6,&3. The actual WOD doesn't include the set of 3, but I wrote it down wrong.

Did WOD in my basement going 25 feet, turning around, and repeating for 100ft per set.

Time 18:34. very hard on the legs, especially the last 50 feet of the last 3 or 4 sets. All pullup sets were done unbroken (kipping).

100 day challenge - 57 burpees done this AM BC(before coffee) - YTD 1751. I am so ready for April 10 to get here!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

more of the same

today's WOD was push jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1. Went to Indy with Brenda, can't do push jerk very well, and needed some rest, so I did burpees and called it a day.

100 day challenge 1694 YTD

Rest Day

Tuesday was a much needed rest day. Did 55 burpees in the evening and felt the tightness and soreness in my back from Monday's SDHPs. I'm really hoping Wednesday's WOD is an easy one. Wait a minute...this is CrossFit, nothing is easy!

100 day challenge burpees YTD 1638

Monday, February 23, 2009

SDHP & push press

21 115#push press
18 push press
15 push press
12 push press

time 20:37

did 54 burpees when I got home - 6 burpees rest 10 seconds, repeat 9x - time 4:30 Burpees YTD 1583

Sunday, February 22, 2009

squats & burpees

did todays burpees...added days wrong and did 54 instead of 53...1529 YTD

WOD front squats 3-3-3-3-3
warmups included pullups, ghd situps, stretching. & light weight front squats
205 (2 sets 2 then 1)
185 (only one rep, shoulders were sore from the weight)

did some weighted pullups (25, 30, & 40#) or ghd situps b/t each set. Did one pullups with 50# when done.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

WOD - scaled from Thursday

As Rx the 2/19 WOD was one round of 50, I altered it to 2 rounds of 21:
  • 21 ring dips
  • 400M
  • 21 pushups
  • 400M
  • 21 HSPU
  • 400M

time: 33:59

Ring Dips - first set plus first 8 of second set unassisted, final 13 band assisted

Pushups - first set unbroken, second set 15, then 6

HSPU - all band assisted with parallettes

Rest Day

Yesterday, Friday, was a rest day...only 51 burpees. Today, Saturday, I pulled an early AM burpee round, doing my 52 in 4:04 at a little after 1AM.

100 day challenge ytd = 1475

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 50!!

50 burpees today...all done before work. I'm thinking about taking another rest day from WOD. The burpees are a workout in themselves and I've felt a little over-worked the past few days. Hit the wall quick on yesterday's pullup ladder, but that could be as much my diet as anything (too many crappy carbs?).

So, do I re-think the 100 Day Challenge or alter the WODs. Heck, I can't quit after I've come this far, so it looks like I'll alter the WODs, if needed, and focus more an flexibility and endurance than strength...the mini-marathon is ONLY 72 days away!!

Maybe I'll go for a run later and do some tire flips

100 Day challenge YTD burpees 1372

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

pullup ladder

felt a little sluggish today.

15 full rounds + 14 in round 16. 134 pullups in 16 minutes

100 day challenge - burpees broken up throughout the day - YTD 1322

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

a little time off

today's WOD is squat cleans...I can't do them!

did 2x 15 pullups (first set strict palms up, 2nd set kipping palms down) & 15 dips on sawhorses.
Did some light stretching to work on hip flexors.

100 day challenge - 25 burpees this AM, 23 at lunch for time - 1:18. YTD burpees 1273

Monday, February 16, 2009

rest day?

100 day challenge - YTD burpees 1225

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Metcon special

altered WOD as Rx since I don't have a rower, mine was 3 rounds for time of:
  • 50 35# plate swings
  • 21 burpees
  • 400m run

time 19:52...last 400m was painful. Back was tight...jog, walk, jog, walk. Did workout at high school track. Temperature about 40F.

100 day challenge - YTD burpees was nice to have burpees as part of the WOD!

Rest day tomorrow!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

SDHP & ring dips

7 rounds for time:

95# SDHP, 10 ring dips, 7 or 6 burpees

first 2 rounds of ring dips were strict, round 3 was jumping, rounds 4-7 were band assisted.

time 17:19

100 day challenge - 1115 burpees YTD

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fran lite

Fran 21-15-9
75# thrusters

time 5:55 new PR

first set unbroken...awesome workout!

44 burpees this morning - YTD 1070

Thursday, February 12, 2009

rest day

43 burpees - ytd 1026

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

burpees, cleans & dips

Altered WOD as Rx to include burpees instead of double unders...

  • 22 burpees
  • 45 115# cleans (mostly hang power cleans, some were from the floor)
  • 45 ring dips (39 ring dips, 2 bench dips (3:1), 4 were bar dips (2:1)
  • 21 burpees

time 22:31

Arms still tired from yesterday's weighted dips & pullups after the WOD...that's what I get for not sticking to the plan. Pushups on final 21 burpees were hard. I noticed, too, my legs are feeling the effects of yesterday's deadlifts when I'd pull the bar from the floor. I'm welcoming tomorrows and dinner at the Porch!

100 Day challenge - Day 43 983 burpees YTD

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

Workout at Depot. Warmup = stretching, 15 GHD situps, afew pullups, & some dips. Deadlift 7x135 & 2x225

WOD as Rx 275, 295, 305, 315, 305, 320, 295

Beat total from CFT last month by 45#, so at least I know I can get more than 275! I had a hard time with grip, the bar felt a little slick and wanted to roll out of my hand. Probably could've done more on the last set, but was afraid of dropping the bar.

Did some ghd situps, weighted pullups, and weighted dips after WOD. Tried to do a muscleup on pullup bar, got pretty high up, but need to work on form to get over the hump!

100 day challenge - 22 burpees before, 20 after WOD - 950 burpees YTD

Monday, February 9, 2009

Cindy on 'roids

Did WOD as Rx + burpees...max number of rounds in 20 minutes of the following"

5 burpees (until I've done 41 - 100 day challenge)
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats

13 rounds complete 20:06

5 burpees in first 8 rounds, 1 burpee in round 9. totals for workout = 41 burpees, 65 pullups, 130 pushups, 195 squats

100 day challenge burpees YTD = 908

rest day

100 day challenge - YTD burpees 867

broken sets, did 10, 10, then 2 sets of 10 slow and methodically (full squat & slow controlled pushups)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

20 minutes

complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
  • 10 burpees
  • 21 95# SDHP
  • 15 pullups

4 rounds in 19:42...time estimated, I accidentally stopped my watch after the 2nd round

100 day challenge - burpees YTD 827

Friday, February 6, 2009

shoulder work

Today's WOD with weights from last 2 times I did it (4/8/08 & 7/1/08)
Shoulder press 1,1,1,1,1
Push Press 3,3,3,3,3
Push Jerk 5,5,5,5,5

Total weight (weight x reps) = 5640
last time 5635
4/8/08 = 4940

Burpees done this morning 38 for time 2:32 YTD=787

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Rotten to the Core!

Hit the core pretty hard today. Took yesterday as a rest I gotta make 'em up today. Took WOD as Rx and scaled so I could add rounds of burpees. Here's what I did:

3 rounds for time
15 50# db swings
15 GHD situps
15 back extensions
15 KTE
15 burpees - not part of WOD as Rx

TIME: 18:55

Took a couple minute rest - then did burpees 30 seconds on/30 seconds off until I did remaining 24 needed to catch up for 100 day challenge...did rounds of 9,8,7...HR after was 171

Rested a couple minutes, then 2 rounds for time:
15 50# db swings
15 GHD situps
15 back extensions
15 KTE

TIME 11:51

The back extensions are tough; my back gets very tight. I had to rest/stretch after final 15 before doing the KTE. Very painful driving home...Hopefully, as I continue doing these on the GHD machine, my muscles will adapt

100 day challenge - caught up - YTD burpees = 749

*oops, just realized I shorted myself 2 burpees...will be made up as soon as I get home, unless I get the nerve to do them in the lobby of the bank....probably not gonna happen!

Oh, and by the way, I'm still sore from the back squats two days ago. I'm interested to see how doing lifts at the Depot that I wasn't able to do in my basement will affect the other WODs.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

back squats


stretching, 10 pullups, 10 dips, 15 GHD situps, 15 back extensions, stretching 10 pullups, 10 dips, 15 GHD situps

WOD As Rx: sets of 5 back squats
135 warmup

probably could've done a little more weight. first time doing reps on squats for quite some time...wanted to make sure I got deep enough on the squats.

CFWU cooldown - 10 pullups, 15 GHD situps, 15 back extensions

100 day challenge - 678 burpees YTD

Monday, February 2, 2009

2 for 1...kinda

Rested Sunday , again, so I put Sunday's and Monday's WOD together (scaled for lunch)...did the following in the pattern below:
A 10 basement stairs
B 30 3 step stair jumps
C 30 thrusters w/ 25# barbell
D 4 pullups, 4 ring dips
E 5 pullups, 5 ring dips

ABCABCDAEBECE - time 22:32

the burpees seem to be taking a lot out of me. May need to use burpess as WOD one of these days and "rest up" a little

100 Day Challenge - 644 burpees YTD

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Rest Day

1oo day challenge - 11 burpees done just after midnight, remaining done for time at 9:45am - 20 burpees in 55 seconds YTD = 579 burpees

Friday, January 30, 2009


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups


2400m & 75 pullups

100 Day Challenge - 30 today - 548 burpees YTD

Thursday, January 29, 2009


ring dips

got through 21, 15 cleans and 10 dips then had to quit to play with my girls!
time was about 15:30.

100 Day challenge - 29 burpees done for time in 1:45 - YTD 518 burpees

Wednesday, January 28, 2009



2 x 95# warmup
5 x 115#

100 day challenge - 489 burpees ytd

Snow Burpees

rest day
100 challenge - 27 burpees done in the snow! - YTD 461

Monday, January 26, 2009


did 3 rounds instead of 5:
20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 squats
rest 3 minutes b/t rounds

5:48, 6:45, 7:55

100 day challenge ytd 434

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Crossfit total

took last 2 days off...trip to Springfield for Mallory's dance contest.

Today is the first time doing CFT, so I kind of guessed on my weights.

Back squat 225, 275, 275F
Shoulder press 115, 135, 140F
Deadlift 225, 275, 325F

CFT= 275+135+275=685
(the first 275 attempt was successful, but I'm not sure I got deep enough in the I tried again, got real deep, and couldn't get up)
100 day challenge - caught up YTD 408

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What's for lunch today?

Hmmm....I think I'll do 105 burpees and do lunges for 250 feet with a 45# bar over my about you?

Today's WOD as Rx -
five rounds for time
hold 45# bar over head do lunges, alternating legs for 50 ft
21 burpees
time: 17:36

shoulders got very tired holding bar overhead. I think I'm feeling the effects of yesterday's HSPUs!

day 22 complete - burpees YTD 336 (105 in today's WOD)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Upside down!

Had a cold today...stuffy nose and slight headache, not the best condition to be upside down, oh well!

Today's WOD for time:
15 Handstand push-ups 1 L Pull-up
13 Handstand push-ups 3 L Pull-ups
11 Handstand push-ups 5 L Pull-ups
9 Handstand push-ups 7 L Pull-ups
7 Handstand push-ups 9 L Pull-ups
5 Handstand push-ups 11 L Pull-ups
3 Handstand push-ups 13 L Pull-ups
1 Handstand push-up 15 L Pull-ups

All pushups were done as as HSPU using bands for assistance. I used parallettes for first 3 sets (39 pushups) and got greater range of motion. I did L pullups through the round of 7 pull-ups, strict pullups the next round, then used the bands for assistance for the last 3 sets. No kipping pullups done.

Very good shoulder workout. It felt good to be able to do the HSPU with the correct form, as opposed to doing a decline push-up like I would have done before using the bands. Nice investment!

Day 21 - YTD burpees 231

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mr Joshua

First time to do this one...5 rounds for time:

  • run 400m
  • 30 situps (1 & 2 round on GHD, 3, 4, & 5 on floor with feet anchored)
  • 15 205# deadlifts
    time: 35:14

I ran each of the the 400m in about 2 minutes (I walked a little bit of the final one, time was about 2:15). Situps were killers and ate most of the time. The last 3 sets were with feet anchored under the pop machine at the Depot and I did the 30 in broken sets of 10,5,5,5,5. Probably could've pushed it harder but didn't. Felt surprising strong on the 205# deadlifts. I finished the last round 8-7 and gave myself a little headache. Could've pushed the time a little harder, but even so, I needed about 5 minutes of dead time after to recover. Nice workout!

100 day challenge - Day 20 caught up.. YTD total 210 burpees

Sunday, January 18, 2009

2 for 1

didn't run the 10k yesterday. Today's WOD was hang power cleans 1-1-1-1-1-1-1. I went to the depot and warmed up, then did :

115, 135f, 135 from the floor, 115, 115, 135 from the floow 3x, 135, 115, 115

in lieu of 10k, I did about 10 minutes on the treadmill running the walking a 15 degree incline, ran .5 mile, then 20 minutes on the bike (cardio level 8, switched down to level 6 after about 16 minutes), then did some box jumps and box steps.

100 day challenge - caught up = ytd 171